General Question

talljasperman's avatar

When should I order CNN to watch the race for the president ?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) April 15th, 2015

I like the graphics and debates.

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6 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

President of what?
The USA?
If you like CNN graphics and debates of American political campaigns, what’s stopping you from ordering CNN now? The crawl race is (sorta, we hope not) on.

hominid's avatar

@talljasperman: “I like the graphics and debates.”

^ This is as substantive as anything you’ll get on CNN.

jaytkay's avatar

Things get rolling in January with the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries.

2016 Primary schedule

Darth_Algar's avatar

You could get a more substantive look at the presidential race from a chimpanzee than you could from CNN. CNN is absolute brainless garbage that caters to lower than the lowest common denominator.

kritiper's avatar

You have cable TV and you don’t have CNN?? Or you don’t have cable at all and will only get it to watch CNN?? Order cable now and you can watch CARTOON NETWORK while waiting for the election on CNN.

Afos22's avatar

Never. CNN is bad journalism, objectively.

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