Looking to the immediate right from where you are now, what do you see?
Asked by
ucme (
April 17th, 2015
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38 Answers
I see my daughter, smiling back at me…which is nice.
Pavement, 23 cars, a brick building, clouds, grey, a person standing against a building just staring at the ground, a dumpster, and what appears to be the sole of a shoe.
Damn you. Why did you make me look right?
A wonderful oak cabinet with large glass doors. I “liberated” it 30 years ago from a high school undergoing demolition. There were 4 of them in a biology classroom, and I took em all. This one is crammed with circuit boards, tools and spare parts.
A blue wall in my office in a school that I painted about 13 years ago. I am amazed at how fast the time has gone by, and how significantly my life has changed while be almost exactly the same in other ways.
Laptop and two napping dogs on the floor.
My bedroom and a white German Shepherd sleeping and a rather messy carpet because it rained last night.
My “Queen Sheba” dog sitting on the couch looking cool!
My daughter and grand daughter singing Over the a rainbow.
The dining area in my office. We have a full espresso bar and all kinds of treats.
My fridge. I’m in the kitchen, just chillin’ yo. Also the hallway.
A blank wall, stucco texture, aged beige color. If I look down a little I see an electrical outlet with a charger plugged into it. And baseboard.
Wouldn’t it be great if the answer was my significant others left thigh.
But, that would probably raise some awkward questions about the location, and size, of the computer
Although, come to think of it, it could give new meaning to the term “laptop”!
The living room wall, on which are three hooks that hold cords for charging various electronic things, and a lovely painting done by my father-in-law.
A photo of the Empire State Building which my wife and I recently had framed. It was the place we met so it’s special to us. I bought the print at a street fair in Hoboken, New Jersey from the photographer and had him sign it. Very special. In the background of the picture is the World Trade Center prior to 9/11. I love that it is a place which is very special to me captured by a photographer who cared enough to find the right vantage point to do it justice, on a day when the sky was amazingly beautiful!
My Bronze Star on the wall next to my desk.
A mobile phone, with a web browser browsing Fluther under the account of @Mimishu1995.
The wall and door to the room I’m in.
My trusty 1975 Ashford Traditional spinning wheel and fiber basket, a hanging rug depicting Happy Noodle Boy I wove several years ago, an alcott with coats and hoodies, deep black country night out my south window, and the thing I’m really excited about: a new 164’ section of electric netting that arrived today, which will allow me to expand my goat pasture to 1/5 acre. They’ll love it!
A wall with two framed paintings and a table against the wall with about 15 framed photos of my husband’s family.
Two kids with tribal paint.
Okay, not really. Actually thought it would be a good idea to take my kids’ shirts off before giving them a Popsicle. Easier to clean off and no stain treating needed, right? Except I didn’t take into account that the blue part of the Popsicle would actually dye their skin! Crap.
A rosemary plant just outside the window. Looking very green and healthy this year, after two bad years in a row. It is the only herb I can grow in my garden that doesn’t get eaten by squirrels.
Same as before only sans the dog.
Oh man….it’s a beige wall…not what you’re looking for huh?
@David_Achilles I’m not looking for anything, you, the viewer, holds that privilege.
ucme the privilege to divine, eh? How wildly random, how divine….
It appears a beige wall suits your personality, let’s run with that.
I see bookshelves and a Watchmen poster. Two african masks and a carved wooden bar.
ucme sounds just a wee bit hostile, no?
No, it sounds like a justifiable reaction to typical Fluther bullshit, but there you go.
And, no matter where you go, there you are.
Like the eyes on a portrait that follow you acroos the room, or so it seems.
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