General Question

XCNuse's avatar

Anyone else having major issues when downloading an app through itunes and putting it on your iphone/ipod touch?

Asked by XCNuse (1197points) July 16th, 2008

This isn’t the first time it’s happened, twice now for me, whenever I download an app via itunes, my ipod freezes up, and it gets fairly hot and there’s nothing I can do but hold the home and sleep button, and after it shuts off, I plug it back in to turn it back on it freezes at the apple screen and gets even hotter.

Anyone else having this problem?

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6 Answers

waterskier2007's avatar

nah i havent had a problem, besides the fact that it takes forever to “back up” now

XCNuse's avatar

oh I should also mention, I deleted a game off itunes, then off my ipod, and it did it then too, that was the first time it did it a few days ago.

sndfreQ's avatar

Yes…except my iPhone 3G is now stuck on the startup apple screen, and is hopelessly “locked up.” I’m taking it in to the Apple Store today at noon and I’ll let you know what I find out!!!

Ahh…the ‘bleeding edge’ of technology ;)

XCNuse's avatar

I mean I fix it, I just shut down itunes and then plug it back in and about 5 minutes later it seems to work again, I was just making sure it wasn’t something wrong with my ipod!

sndfreQ's avatar

Not so for me; I have tried rebooting the iPhone and letting it do its thing for 3 hours or so, both plugged in to the computer, and by itself, to no avail. For being such a tech geek, I am completely at a loss for an answer, so that’s why I’m going in for a possible replacement unit?!

sndfreQ's avatar

There’s a helpful troubleshooting guide for iPhone users here:

Those instructions are for software resets, and for simple Restore of the OS when reboots don’t fix the iPhone, but your iPhone is recognizable when you plug it in to iTunes.

If that doesn’t work (as it didn’t in my case), then you’ll need to restore the OS (firmware), by first setting the phone into “recovery mode,” then connecting to iTunes and performing a Restore.

iPhone recovery mode and restore instructions:

1.) Reboot phone, hold down until the apple logo turns off;

2.) With power off, hold down the home button while plugging in to computer; computer automatically detects and launches iTunes in recovery mode.

3.) Restore software to reinstall OS

Here’s an article on recovery mode for iPhone:

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