Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

Is there a movie that you dislike, but can't help watching whenever you come across it on TV?

Asked by Kardamom (33637points) April 18th, 2015

This Q was based on Symbeline’s Question about learning to appreciate a movie that you previously disliked. This Q has a bit of a different take. You think this movie is crap, but you still watch it and you don’t know why.

Of if you do know why, please let me know and maybe it will give me some insight into why I can’t pass by on the original Dirty Dancing (it’s so bad) or It’s a Wonderful Life (probably even worse).

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10 Answers

ucme's avatar

I watch The Sound of Music so I can figure out more sadistic ways to massacre the fucking Von Trapp family & to imagine what Maria’s cum face looks like…you have to hit pause a lot.

AshlynM's avatar

The Glass House. I think I only like it because LeeLee Sobieski is in it.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Any of the three new star wars movies

filmfann's avatar

I don’t see it on television very often, but a movie that tried really hard for me to like it was “Mad Dog Time”. It really wants to be a Quentin Tarantino movie, but it is just maddening crap.

ibstubro's avatar

When I was younger I would watch “A Clockwork Orange” at every given opportunity (which wasn’t all that much, really) even though it repulsed me. Part of it was amazement that the movie was ever made.
Now I realize that disturbing movies tend to disturb your psyche, and I avoid them.

I’ve not had broadcast TV in over a decade so I’m seldom exposed to random movie viewing, but I have 1000’s of DVD’s pass through my hands that I have to resist.

talljasperman's avatar

Jeopardy and wheel of fortune . .. not a movie

ibstubro's avatar

“Jeapardy, the Movie”? Stache or no stache on Alex?

livelaughlove21's avatar

No. If I can’t pass up a movie when it comes on TV, it’s because I clearly like the movie. I’d never pass up Dirty Dancing, Grease, or The Breakfast Club because I enjoy watching them. Yeah, they’re corny films, but I still like them, hence watching them when they’re on TV.

Uasal's avatar

There are films I like because they are bad. But they never just air on TV. Which doesn’t really matter since I don’t have Cable.

I watch way more than my fair share of gumshoe mysteries.

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