Now that your children are grown, what is it you are most proud of in the way you parented?
Asked by
janbb (
April 19th, 2015
Sparked by Zephera’s question and deciding to put a positive spin on it so I don’t start beating myself up.
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8 Answers
I’ll start. I’m proud that I always tried to be honest with my kids about things in an age appropriate way and that I did my best to acknowledge and own my mistakes.
I’m proud that I gave my daughter a passion for art and science, nature, wildlife and animals. She paints beautifully and is a knowledge seeking personality like myself.
I think she enjoyed a pretty interesting upbringing with her zany and creative mom. Yes, I too think I have done a good job of sharing my regrets and mistakes as well as letting her know I am proud of her and how she is managing her life now.
I also stressed honesty and integrity and I think she is a really good person at age 27 now.
They are still alive, healthy, and not incarcerated in any federal/state run facilities.
We had fun. So much fun. We had love. So much love! They have all become my friends, people who I have the utmost respect for.
One time I went to my son’s to visit. As I got out of the car an older gentlemen was walking by. He stopped me and asked if I was Chris’ mom. I said, “Yes.”
He told me the Chris is one of the best men he’s ever known, and he told me that I did a fantastic job! Oh, boy, that made me feel good! But honestly, how wrong can you go with a kid who puts themselves in time out before you even found that he’d done something wrong? Smh.
I have no children and, if I could do it all over again, would still have no children!
I am proud that my son can approach me with any question at all with no fear of my freaking out. This is something I recently learned about as he prepares to graduate from college next month. Now, whether he follows my advice is a crapshoot, but he still asks my opinion.
My children are all independent, funny, wise people who feel able to be themselves and be totally honest about who they are and what they think when they are around me. I’m proud that something I did helped them to grow into these amazing people.
I’m with @Blondesjon and add that they are well educated and working hard and are financially independent and have learned to manage their money well enough where they don’t have to hit us up for money. Amen! Done!
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