Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

When you've watched a movie or TV program, what landmarks or structures have you seen that indicate the filming location?

Asked by Brian1946 (32750points) April 20th, 2015

For examples:

If I see a scene with this, I know the scene is set in Toronto.

If I see a scene with this, I would guess the scene is set in or near Lone Pine, CA.

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28 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

The Hunted had various shots of downtown Portland.

zenvelo's avatar

The buildings in San Francisco, plus the hills and the buildings on them, are distinct and look different from hills in Seattle or Vancouver.

dxs's avatar

I know every major hotel on the Vegas strip, so it’s an instant giveaway when I see the logos.

Brian1946's avatar


Any particular buildings?

The Trans America tower is a primary indicator of San Francisco for me. Also, shots looking up at the Bay or Golden Gate bridges.

ibstubro's avatar

Not a landmark, but as this is Social, I’ll mention that there was a TV show (maybe Buffy) where a character regularly wore a T-shirt from the ice cream shop in a local Midwestern town of under 20,000.

talljasperman's avatar

Leonard from big bang the toy had a Fluther shirt.

Uasal's avatar

Day of the Dead was filmed in Fort Myers, fl. I recognized a bar I’m fond of in the opening scenes.

The reimagined Ocean’s Eleven has a scene at the Tampa greyhound track.

The colorful houses in Edward Scissorhands are in a neighborhood not far from my house.

talljasperman's avatar

Edit Leonard from the Big Bang Theory had a Fluther shirt.

syz's avatar

My favorite example of this was when I was vacationing in Chimney Rock, NC and hiked the very trail trail that was used in Last of the Mohicans, which we watched that evening. In the first frames of this clip you can see the lateral trail that we traversed over the chief’s left shoulder.

syz's avatar

^ My dad was a safety engineer for a gravel mine when they filmed the movie, and he would often see actors in full costume/makeup eating in the local restaurants. I sure would’ve liked to run into Eric Schweig. Yum.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Little Rascals, the original, was filmed in Ithaca NY, as were the early Tarzan movies and the Muensters. It’s kind of fun to watch the sites.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oops that’s Munsters, not the cheese.

janbb's avatar

We watched the premier of the movie “Where the Rivers Flow North” in an old movie theater in Vermont that was the setting for a scene in that movie.

The NYC skyline is very distinctive, particularly pre-9/11, and it is often shown in movies set there. Central Park is another dead give-away.

jaytkay's avatar

The Santa Monica pier is in EVERYTHING!

Seriously. From this moment on, you shall notice it in commercials and TV and movies every day of your life!

Update: I fixed my broken link.

janbb's avatar

@jaytkay that link just goes back to this question. (Don’t make me take off my glasses again!)

Brian1946's avatar


There are 149 movies and TV episodes that used SM pier.

That could be the most frequent occurrence of a single structure.

Sunset Blvd has 2,308 appearances, but it’s a much larger area than a single pier.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

My mother-in-laws curtains! There was a crime drama set in my home town and while I was watching it, my ex said ‘that’s my house!’. His parents had sold the house and the new owners and allowed it to be used to used as a location in this series.

RocketGuy's avatar

Mel Brooks’ Silent Movie had some scenes filmed at UC Irvine.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I love watching Grey’s Anatomy and seeing the scenes of Seattle (one of my favourite cities).

I have seen Monument Valley many times in films.

As for landmarks over on my side of the pond, Buckingham Palace and other iconic London scenes Re used regularly.

I live very close to Stonehenge and drive past it on the A303 every time I visit my grandmother. It’s weird when it pops up in films or on TV.

junglegirl's avatar

Many of films are made were I live. In one scene… a shot from all angles can be shot from all parts of the island… odd to watch. One moment actors on one side and the next shot they are 40mins away.

RocketGuy's avatar

@junglegirl – where do you live?

junglegirl's avatar

Rocketguy – Somewhere in Hawaii.

dxs's avatar

@talljasperman Seriously? That’s awesome! Do you remember what episode? Does he have a Fluther account?

talljasperman's avatar

I think it is in the first season. . Maybe even the pilot. I don’t know if he has an account with Fluther. I wonder what celebrities have Fluther accounts? That would be cool.

Uasal's avatar

It’s a jellyfish but not a Dr. J

dxs's avatar

@Uasal Wait a sec…that last pic isn’t you, is it?

Uasal's avatar

Of course it is. :-)


dxs's avatar

@Uasal I just joyfully emitted some scary noise that did not sound like it came from a human being! Welcome back!

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