Social Question

XOIIO's avatar

What would you do in this situation, or what would you possibly want me to do? (I guess somewhat relationship oriented)

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) April 20th, 2015

Alright so I’m asking because usually I can think about these things in a logical manner, and sort of play things out ahead of time, and I usually wouldn’t even consider this kind of thing, but it seems my logical thought process has been overridden a bit.

Now yes this is another dreaded relationship oriented thing, but it’s not about dreams or anything like that so hopefully it’s not too unbearable.

There is one person in my class (trade school so not highschool drama stuff) that seems to have gotten under my skin a bit, and no matter how hard I try I can’t shut down emotionally like I normally do and go back to just existing, going to class, and nothing more.

Part of it is because of my tendency to over analyze things, and the problem I guess is that from the first couple times that I saw her part of me was interested. We ended up talking somehow and now are what most people would consider friends.

The problem is since I have an unbiased part in it, being interested in her, I’m not sure that I can interpret her behavior properly. A lot of the time there are interactions that would seem like she is flirting with me, she tends to laugh at sexual jokes, though that could just be her sense of humor, I’m not really sure. I believe she also said something that would have meant she didn’t think I was completely unattractive, though that was nearer to the start of the year, and I can’t recall much about it.

I can’t really read anything body language wise, but I’m probably not great at that anyways. She seems fairly comfortable around me, though I think that she is a very open person, she seems to talk about sexuality or joke about sex fairly easily, I offered her a ride a few times so in private company she acted the same.

Anyways, someone else in the group we were working with was talking about how he “scored” recently, and she spoke about how she hadn’t “scored” in four months, and to shut up because he’s making everyone else feel bad (jokingly).

At the end of the day I brought it up casually, saying “So you haven’t done anything in four months even though you are in a relationship?” and she confirmed that.

Now, I did steer this a little bit, previously we talked about pets, cats vs dogs, etc, and she was talking about how relationships with cats are just going to eachother if they want attention and if not saying “fuck off”, I said it sounds like most marriages jokingly, and she said “it sounds like mine” and paused a bit (she is essentially common law with her S/O)

So I asked her if he had been away on trips or if she hadn’t seen him for much of that period or something like that, and she said no, again seeming somewhat glum about it, we exchanged a couple more comments on it and I said that “It doesn’t make sense to me, you are obviously a very attractive person physically”, I can’t quite recall exactly what she said after that, it wasn’t a negative reaction, and I went on it so “I mean if he did get into a relationship with you he knows you as a person and would be interested in you along those lines, so that would leave physical appearance as the reason, that doesn’t make sense.

After that she said “you know that’s the first time you’ve complimented me, event though it was a bit backhanded, she seemed a bit cheerier, and I corrected saying no, you are attractive (I believe she thought I said that she seemed physically attractive but that was when I was talking about personality and knowing her as a person.) Her bus arrived and She said “Well it must be me, and I said “No, it definitely isn’t”. She seemed a bit happier after the conversation.

Anyways, I’m not really sure how to read this situation, or sure what I should do next, it seems she has trouble with her current relationship, though she did come back with flowers on valentines day (but she hasn’t been touched in four months? That makes no sense), I guess she enjoyed the compliment, meaning she didn’t find me complimenting her appearance entirely disgusting.

If she is having a crappy relationship, hearing some nice things would probably make her feel a lot better, and there is a lot I would like to say, if I didn’t remember at the time that she is way out of my league (usually when talking with her I pretty much forget that sort of thing for a while)

That being said I don’t think I want to start fucking with their relationship in whatever state it is, though part of me could be thinking along those lines and I don’t really know it yet, but it could actually make her happier which would be a nice thing to do for her.

I also don’t really know much relationship wise but it sounds like he is overprotective/jumps the gun a bit, they have been together years and there was one incident where she was dosed with rufilin, and you can imagine what happened next, and I guess when he first found out he assumed that she had cheated, and wanted to kill the guy (not sure if he knew what actually happened at that point). I am not sure if he is abusive at all, I suppose I could ask but that could be a really touchy subject, anyways that’s another thing to factor in.

So I’m wondering what I should do, tomorrow I’m thinking of asking if he enjoyed the compliment or if it was weird, and if she enjoyed it say that there is a lot more I could say if it could make her feel better, or something along those lines. I have no clue what response she would give.

Anyways I’m stuck. I’m also looking for the opinion of someone of the female gender, of course there is very little information on her situation, but does it sound like she would possibly want more compliments or have some vague interest, even though she stated that she things dating people in the same class would be “weird” (not that it would ever get to that point)

I don’t really want to start fucking with someone’s relationship, but if it’s turned into something crappy, she deserves better, and maybe someone else complimenting her would set wheels in motion and she could maybe realize that there are plenty of people who would be interested her and find someone who treats her better (essentially with me being the catalyst)

Sorry for the massive wall of text over this really quite unimportant matter but I can’t get it out of my brain and it’s driving me a bit nuts.

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10 Answers

Uasal's avatar

I don’t know how much help I can be.

I am a Certified Girl™, and a married one even. But I’m not well versed in interpersonal relations and how they’re supposed to work.

I do know that my sense of humor sounds much like hers: Casually flirtatious, sort of vulgar, side effects of having mostly male friends but still being somewhat feminine. I would say joking about sex or complaining about a dry spell in the relationship (which could have so many causes, only one of which is malcontent) wouldn’t be enough to constitute a demonstration of interest on its own.

There’s something to be said for being forward. Declare your interest and see what happens. Worst case for you, her answer is “no” and you can move on, which isn’t a bad thing.

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah that’s the main issue, I’m sure sure if that is purely her sense of humor or if she is actually flirting at all. She is more of the tom-boy type.

There is also the fact that if they have been together for years maybe the occasional bit of a rough patch isn’t out of the norm, but four months including valentines day seems a bit odd to me.

Uasal's avatar

Medical issues, psychiatric issues, depression, any number of reasons (none of which are really your business) for a couple to have a dry spell.

My standard advice is to avoid getting involved in other peoples’ relationships. Happy, sad, or indifferent, she is currently not available. It may be a bit prudish, but it is the respectful way to go about it.

XOIIO's avatar

@Uasal That’s my main like of thought too, and when I am thinking about things properly, I know it’s not my place to intrude in this sort of thing.

janbb's avatar

I agree with @Uasal. Whether she is interested in you or it is just her nature to be open about sex, don’t get involved with her while she is in a relationship. It’s not really your business whether they are or aren’t in a dry spell. Mess and pain can only ensue. I would cool it a bit for the sake of both of you.

zenvelo's avatar

There really is only one way to find out about this: ask her out.

Asking her out doesn’t mean you expect to hop in the sack with her, it means you want to get to know her. At the very least, you will improve your friendship with her. And, it is how you can find out what is going on with her. You don’t know what the state of her relationship is; the only one who can tell you is her.

So ask her out in a non threatening way, such as “Are you free to join me at dinner/movie/theater/go to a concert/ etc., what ever you would have in mind. And then you can use your words and ask her about herself.

She may say, “no, I am in a relationship” or she may say, “sure”; and then you may just find out where she is and she will know for sure you are interested in her.

XOIIO's avatar

You guys are right, it’s not my place to intrude, and putting that day behind me with some sleep got me back to a more normal state of mind, it seems kind of ridiculous I was considering any of that now. Hopefully it stays that way.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I hope your mindset stays the way it was in your last post here.

There is only heartache here. If you pursue something with her while she’s in a relationship, you’re only going to make things harder on her – especially if she’s been with the person long enough for common law marriage to apply. If she’s unhappy to the point that she wants out of the relationship because she isn’t getting what she wants/needs from it, she’ll get out. Until then? Moving forward is not wise or the suggested course of action. Besides, even if she seems interested in your compliments, you can’t know how real or far her interest in you actually goes – because if she’s not satisfied or if she’s feeling neglected, of course she’ll latch on to your compliments, because they make her feel like she’s not invisible.

Wanting to be her friend – a real friend (not someone who just sticks around because you’re hopeful she’ll see you as more than that someday) – is one thing, but if you’re looking for more than that while she’s involved, things won’t go how you want them to.

jca's avatar

It seems like a potentially messy situation. I would just be her friend, if I were you, and let any next move be hers to make. Unless she tells you she’s done with the other relationship, in which case, for a while she’ll be on the rebound, I would steer clear and just enjoy her friendship in a platonic way.

XOIIO's avatar

I really hate being right about things sometimes.

She was off this morning so I asked if she was doing alright, turns out that she is trying to figure out how to break up with her partner and where she would go, he is in fact abusive, not sure if it’s physical but it is mental. He’s actually conditioned responses like pavlovs dogs.

I don’t know why I’m good at picking up on stuff like that, hopefully she can find somewhere to go nobody should have to deal with that crap, I just wish it wasn’t the case.

And no, I’m not going to try and take advantage of things, ill have to be very careful with how I offer support.

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