Do you have any photos, drawings, or scribbles you'd like to share?
Asked by
hominid (
April 22nd, 2015
It was great to see @Mariah’s art this morning. It’s inspiring. Do you have any art (scribble on a napkin, a sculpted apple, or even a link to a song) that you would be willing to share? We all have something.
Note: I’m no art critic. Not looking for “fine art”. Here is a quick drawing I did on my phone this morning and sent it to my son to say hi. Stick figures welcome.
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57 Answers
I like the coloration.
Have thought about rotating the image 90º clockwise?
@Brian1946 It’s a two part painting. I don’t know how to post the other half. I’ll change my avatar to the other half for a moment.
I created my avatar years ago in Paint. I have some charcoal drawings I’ll link you later tonight.
They are individuality framed. The first on top of the other… it’s called “fallen apart”
I made this several ages ago.
Thx. Though I do not draw things as often as I would like.
<——- In my avatar, one of my funky “ransom note” cards I make out of photos with magazine captions/word cut outs.
This is me holding my darling “Marwyn” my now, 17 yr. old chinese goose that I rescued as a wee, 10 day old gosling. He was about 4 months old in this photo. Hatchin’ my baby.” lol
Our love story is still going strong. :-)
<————Here over the next 48 hours you will see some of my handiwork.
(Oh, all you see is a censor button? Well…...guess you got here too late, sorry)
Great stuff everyone! Thanks. Keep them coming. More!
Not sure how I would post a photo.
My avatar is a photo I took.
Can some funny comics count?
Good to know. I thought we were restricted to deadly serious photographs! ;-0
@hominid That drawing is so cute, Moth on a string. haha
@hominid Thank you! I’m genuinely blushing a little. lol :) I just know that there’s a lot of room for improvement.
@Brian1946 Dude,,,that radioactive firefly makes you look like John Wayne Gacy, haha
OK. Here are some shots from my hand-drawn comic (sorry for the quality :p)
P.S: this is a fan fiction.
@Mimishu1995 I like the slingshot best! Or maybe the shark, I can’t decide.
In case you get to the party late, you can see it here a while longer or look up the MOG-KAG gallery on
I agree with the above.
I’d love to see that opulently-colored octopus in a stained-glass window!
Here’s something I painted! Hehe
And here is a pretty picture I took a couple of years ago
This is a picture of me in stroke position (first seat in NANU 38) in outrigger canoe practice 4–21-15. Paddling on the Kikaha Canoe Club in Puget Sound. Those guys and gals are animals! They train harder than any group of athletes that I’ve known.
I created this facebook page for my amateur photography. I’ve had a camera in my hand since the age of three. I dedicated my page to my Mother because she is the reason for my passion of landscape and wildlife photography.
I only have an S4 to take photos right now. I haven’t had a good camera since digital became popular.
I’ve stuck a link to my poor neglected personal site at the top of my profile.
@jonsblond – Great photography! You seem to have an eye for light and composition, so the S4 shouldn’t hold you back. This is great. Have you ever checked out the tons of miniature people photography?
@Esedess – Glad you have the photobucket account now. Thanks. Good stuff. This is some serious long-exposure. What do you use for a camera?
@fundevogel Lots of great stuff! You should update, so we can see more. :)
@hominid – Thank you! Yea, I think that one was somewhere between 20–30 seconds. I used a Canon Rebel T3i, but I can’t remember what lens. Funny enough, I actually took that picture simply to remember/storyboard the location for a video I was shooting. When it came out like that, I re-framed and took a few more. =] Happy accidents~!
I ended up blending that picture and the day-time footage of the same location into a quick transition from night to day.
1:11–1:12 here if you’re curious:
It was part of my first video… Riddled with mistakes and bad decisions. I wish I had left that scene longer than ONE SECOND! *shakes head in discust
...sigh~, the great shots I’ve muddled up with quick seizure paced editing.
Lol, the things you think are cool when you’re stupid. xD
Here <—— is photo shopped Marwyn, taking a dapper stroll around the ranch. lol
Thank you @hominid. I underestimate my abilities at times. Thanks for sharing the miniature people photos. I’ve seen something similar but not these exact photos. You can have a lot of fun with old toys.
I do have stuff and now I’m inspired to create the Imgur or Photobucket account so I can share stuff with you guys.
@DrasticDreamer: Love the owl and the octopus. Great detail on the apple!
I’ve really enjoyed seeing everyone’s art and creativity!
@fluthernutter & @Coloma Thanks! Lately I’ve been been working on pattern drafting and experimenting with hand-dyeing (like the little purple cyclops on my site). I’m hoping to get some pattens to a polished state so I could put them up on etsy or something. The amount of labor makes it too costly to reasonably sell the softies themselves, but I like the idea of making the patterns available so people can make something I think has the potential to be much cooler than off the shelf softies. Especially when making something yourself means you can indulge your taste in interesting materials rather than just being stuck with the usual plushes and synthetics.
<——Here are a couple of one eyed creations my daughter sculpted recently, she has since painted them a funky flesh color. They crack me up. She used glass doll eyes from the craft store she worked in for awhile.
You can also find some of my porn on furaffinity
@ragingloli I looked really hard at your other drawing. I was certain I must be missing something lewd.
<—-Here is my big hairy pussy “Myles” that I shaved with the horse clippers last month. Enough fur there to make a whole new cat.
I should invent the Craft a cat kit. lol
<—- This is new, the shaved pussy man has left the building. haha
@dxs Those are great! I love the birds of paradise plants.
I had a craigslist artist do a graphite portrait of my pet goose, it is amazing but too big to fit here and I have no time to download it right now.
<——Here is my goose having a cocktail with me. lol
<——It’s a girl! Our new neigh-bor! A bouncing little filly, born at 5:15 am yesterday and weighing in at a sturdy 92 lbs. Her first day out in green pastures today.
Is the adult horse in your avatar panting?
No, she is smacking her lips after a treat. More cookies! haha
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