If it is important to a woman to have a ”bikini body”, should it be important enough to work for?
A few days ago there was some Spam posing as a question (I am quite sure you will not find it now, it most likely lasted about as long as an ice cube on the hood of a black 1968 Chevelle Super Sport during a heatwave in the middle of July) that implied that one could get a ”bikini body” in some ridiculously short time without exercising or dieting. They must find enough customers to keep afloat hawking this stuff (as well as others in the same industry). It got me to thinking, if they can dupe perhaps millions of women into buying this stuff, many women must desire to have a bikini aka sexy body, but they do not want to put in the effort, be it gym, exercise, smart eating etc. to get it. Any woman wanting to have sexy physique, shouldn’t she be willing to put some effort behind it? People want to blast a man who would take steroids as a shortcut (since he still has to put work in at the gym to make it work) to hulking muscle. In a sense are these potions and stuff like a steroid or cheat for those who want a sexy body but don’t want to put the effort in to get there?
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10 Answers
Plenty of people diet and exercise and still remain unsatisfied with their appearance. Others are on medication that contributes to weight. Still others are unable to make extreme changes in diet or exercise regimes due to illness or disability. Some people are just lazy. Others already have a fabulous body but are unsatisfied with it for various reasons. These people, being human, still desire to be seen as attractive and desirable. Since audio visual media is not letting up on its ever changing unattainable beauty fads, there will always be a market for a way to flatten what is plumped, plump what is flat, harden what is soft, and soften what is hard.
Don’t act surprised.
It’s a matter of the body owners taste.
One should pursue what they feel best with.
This includes extremes such as rock hard body to plump squishy deliciousness and everything in between.
The best motivation is self motivation. When a person decides for themselves to get a healthy lifestyle suited to them then they will do what needs to be done.
Simplest way to start is walking daily (everywhere) and cutting back the portions that one eats at each meal. Also cut out some but not all sugar and sweets. just cutiing out pop cuts the calorie intake drastically, that it shows up quickly in your weight reduction.Good luck.
Snake oil has always been available for the gullible.
I don’t know if it is important. But it’s never a liability.
@Uasal Don’t act surprised.
I am not surprised by this, there is a bit of amazement that some women have seemed to not realize the stuff doesn’t work, or at least not on 97% of women. I can’t think of any one of these products that actually worked as they say, eat what you want, no exercise or gym, and look like Pamela Anderson in her Bay Watch days. Even if a woman had any of those conditions you mentioned as a reason for not being able to shed the pounds, they believe this schlock will overcome their issue and allow them to be tone and tight doing nothing but taking this stuff?
@Inspired_2write Simplest way to start is walking daily (everywhere) and cutting back the portions that one eats at each meal. Also cut out some but not all sugar and sweets. just cutiing out pop cuts the calorie intake drastically, that it shows up quickly in your weight reduction.Good luck.
That is the rub, there are some women who don’t want to do any of that, and the claims from these charlatans make it easy to avoid eating right, exercising, even simple walking; eat what you wish and how much you wish to eat, never step foot in a gym but have a sexy body anyway, just buy our stuff and use it.
@janbb Snake oil has always been available for the gullible.
A rare moment of agreement….. Good thing you said gullible, I thought that but if I said it I would have been castrated for it, same if I would have used the ”L” word.
I’m sure it is the same mentality in the male that buys penis Enhancement products. Neither gets my respect. Neither the hawkers of the stuff or the buyers. It’s all stupidity
In order to achieve impossible standards – some men & women want to believe in a impossible product.
“In everything, moderation” applies again for me.
You absolutely should exercise and attempt to be fit by whatever means you have available. You shouldn’t feel that you have to match anyone else.
No body wants to hear the reality of it and that is.. they can’t do a damn thing. It’s genetics. You were born with what you’ve got and what you’ve got has its limits. Be it penis size or the natural accumulation of unmovable body fat. Don’t let anyone tell you what sexy is. Sexy is loving what you’ve got and knowing how to use it!!! que strip-tease music!!!
^ You were born with what you’ve got and what you’ve got has its limits.
Which means it might actually help a small number of people but most others will have to work much harder, and the operative word is “work”. Those who spend all that cash to make their dumbstick larger are more gullible than lazy because there are no diets or exercise to achieve what they are after. But they should know better as there has been no real world incident where any of those methods or creams has actually worked, but they must have fooled a lot of men if they can take out full-page ads.
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