Can Brownback really tax my health insurance?
This is going around. It’s comparing it to liquor and cigarette taxes. I get luxury taxes, but surely this fool can’t tax us for having health insurance, can he?
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18 Answers
Ah Kansas, the conservative paradise of small government and Republican ideals!
I swear if my grandkids weren’t here I’d move.
Are you shitting us? He can’t be serious. I thought New York was screwed up, but I take my hat off to your moron of governor. I feel good to be in NYS.
This is so embarrassing.
But can he actually do that or is this some hoax?
They need money after giving the wealthy all the tax breaks, they need to claw some back and who better than the poor and the working class to get it from?
And you know the best part?? The Rep/cons still claim to be for the working class, yeah right.
Yeah what a joke. We’re supposed to make health care more affordable and available. Let’s tax it so we can give a break to the upper income peeps.
Things like that are an example of why, when people ask if I feel that voting is important, I tell them oh yes. Look at this shit.
It begs a question. Why should some forms of compensation be subject to taxation, and others not? If there is no governing principle that determines the relationship between compensation and taxation, how is any taxation of compensation justified?
The government can tax whatever it wants.
Are Kansas voters enjoying their smaller government? How’s that going?
It truly is baffling that one man could generate so endless a stream of obtuse, asinine measures and remain politically viable. The frightening unavoidable question hangs in the air. It’s been rather clear for awhile that there are places in his country where open blatant stupidity is no impediment to public office. Can there actually be jurisdictions where it is now required?
Hey Stan there just might be jurisdictions where it is required,where else can Rep/cons keep getting elected and still claim they are there for the working class,that hasn’t been true for many years but they still get enough people to believe it so they get elected time and time againGo figure??!!??
There is something REALLY creepy and more than a little frightening about conservative heartland politics. Brownback is a crackpot worth watching. He’s effectively the canary in the Kansas mine. The fact that he can spout sh&t like this over and over without fear of political obliteration is beyond puzzling. It’s an all but certain guarantee that the “fumes” have overwhelmed the majority of voters. The only question remaining is if those fumes induce galloping stupidity or straight up insanity.
Sad thing is I instantly know who the governor of Kansas is but I don’t know who the governor of the state I live in is.
Yes, BUT….
A Conservative promoting a new tax is either political suicide or the height of hypocrisy. Given what I’ve seen in the last few years, I lean rather heavily towards the latter as there are enough Republican voters like @josie for this to actually have some traction.
It also reaffirms that we are a two-tier society, and that sort of wide divide rarely ends well. It doesn’t even always end bloodlessly. At best, we will be the next India or Mexico. Possibly Afghanistan.
@josie ” If there is no governing principle…”
That particular phrase kind of sinks you. Those who have any sense of decency, compassion, or even fiscal sense would be guided by compassion, desire to adhere to internationally accepted standards of human rights, or just plain cost-cutting to leave health insurance untaxed. So, which of those is lacking amongst Conservatives? Are they opposed to human rights, inhumanly uncaring, or merely financially inept?
Of course conservatives resist any taxation with the exception of measures which impinge heavily on those at the bottom economically. And such measures are usually thinly disguised as fees. But taxing health care? There is NO demographic that I can envision which would approve of such a thing. In fact, I wonder how it came about that Brownback arrived at the single proposal guaranteed to piss EVERYBODY off.
@jerv Not to mention the fact that it’s the government’s job to “promote the general welfare” of the people.
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