Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What does it take to be cool now?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) April 23rd, 2015

Is it not caring? Or something else?

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11 Answers

ucme's avatar

Depending on where you live, young kids think it’s “cool” to be openly ignorant/stupid/dumb.
On matters of basic general knowledge & such, worst thing is, it’s all an act.

janbb's avatar

As Bart and Lisa said to Marge, and as my kids frequently quoted to me, “if you have to ask if something is cool, you’re not cool.”

flutherother's avatar

A far as I know you have to be about 13 ½ years old and very fashion conscious but I could be wrong.

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

Being moderately extroverted, with an almost… genetic charisma.

Esedess's avatar

A good air conditioner and sarcastic apathy.

Coloma's avatar

Hey, I’m moderately extroverted and have lots of charisma, I guess I’m still cool for an old chick, haha

Inspired_2write's avatar

To express ones individuallity in however way as long as it is reasonable.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

The trendiest gadgets, pursable ratdog, Smartphone, having had more than one sexual partner, something like that I guess?

junglegirl's avatar

Same smell, different shirt.

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