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talljasperman's avatar

If you could change one minor action of your past, what would you change?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) April 23rd, 2015

Something small that is possible. How would the change snowball to now?

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14 Answers

josie's avatar

Flirting with my ex wife in a bar.

longgone's avatar

I would spend more time with my middle sister right after our parents split up. I didn’t, due to miscommunication, and it led to our relationship becoming much more distant, for a while. She’s lived with me since, and we are back to normal…but I still regret leaving her hanging back then.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If it were that small of an incident, I doubt it would be worth changing. Something that small could be wearing a green shirt as oppose to a red one. However, if I could have changed one piece, which would not have had any effect on today, I would have locked my bike to the coat rack as a campus meeting in high school, and it would not have gotten stolen.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I would stop my 8-year-old self from befriending with my cousins. They have been dicks since that time and I was too foolish to realize that until now.

ibstubro's avatar

Sort of a “Where did the point of the knife that pierced your heart enter your body?” type of question. I thought about it long enough to realize I don’t want to KNOW.


jca's avatar

There are a lot I can think of. Things I should not have said, things I should have said. It goes from there.

gorillapaws's avatar

I would have been less of a gentleman back in college. It turns out you don’t actually get points for that, and it can hurt your chances if you take things too slowly.

Pandora's avatar

Every time I think of something, it makes me wonder what would’ve changed as a consequence. I believe a lot of things tie in. Drop a bad friend too early, and maybe it would’ve led to other friends and I might never have met my husband. I don’t know if we are born with our destiny or if we are constantly directing our destiny through cause and effect.

Even if everything could stay the same and it not affect anything, then I wish I had quit smoking permanently the first time I quit, when I was pregnant. I started back up after I gave birth. But who knows. Maybe I would’ve eaten myself to a heart attack. I was a nervous wreck when my son was born. I went practically 3 months without sleep, because he was colic.

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

I would have avoided the library wherein lay this new “invention” known as the internet.

It’s nice and everything – I love it. But I still feel like, holistically, I’m losing on this deal.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I can’t think of anything I’d change. Certainly I’ve had bad things happen in my life, but even the small things have a flow-on effect that might have turned out well or might have influenced a decision I made later.

I thought of one thing – I’d make sure I kept walking to the bus stop rather than driving to work in my 20s and onwards. That exercise kept me very slim and I only put weight on after I started getting a lift to and from work every day.

kritiper's avatar

I wouldn’t have spent 8 months in Las Vegas after leaving high school. I would now be working for or owning a lawn service company.

josie's avatar

Clarifying my original answer. That would be flirting with her BEFORE it evolved into me marrying her.
Some mistakes you only make once.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Not worry so much as in the end everything happened as it should.
Worrying does nothing for the soul but add to heartache.
Do the best one can with one has at the time and move on.

junglegirl's avatar

I wouldn’t change anything before I met my love 3 years ago. Everything lead to him. Recently, I wouldn’t have bought a new water heater before checking the circuit boards wires. Would of saved $800.

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