Is he that much in love or does she possess wealth beyond imagining?
There is a term ”young and dumb”, but he has to take the cake (in her case 16 cakes). What is the attraction? Would you have a spouse that large (tell the truth)? Does she have more money than Bubba Gump Shrimp, that can make her still look like ”wow” to him? I could say more, but it might sound cruel.
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13 Answers
We’re all unique @HC. We all have different schemas that determine what we find attractive. I don’t know what this man finds attractive about this woman, but obviously there’s something.
Perhaps she’s intelligent or funny or warm and compassionate. Perhaps his desires are driven by his need to take care of people. She’s meeting some need within him.
Would I want to date her? No. However, there are lots of people out there I wouldn’t want to date and some of them are very good looking. Equally, I’m certain I and you are not everyone’s cup of tea.
I saw that show and it does not appear that this guy works. My thought was that he’s living off her dime – she gets money from the government because she can’t even get out of the house unless she’s taken in an ambulance.
On the show, they showed that she has open sores in the areas where the fat overlaps other skin, and the sores never heal because they are not exposed to the air, they’re hidden under the fat.
To me, he’s looking for an easy ride. If I had to guess, he stays home and plays video games all day. Just my opinion.
The relationship in question is between two consenting adults. As such I have no inclination to speculate as to the driving forces of their relationship, not to pass judgment.
The article states she is trying to lose weight and get healthier, and that he is encouraging her to do so. That sounds positive to me.
Some are able to look past physical standards that this horrid society has put in place. Love is blind. That’s why it bounces off of walls all the time, stumbles, but eventually develops a sixth sense.
She’s disabled by the weight and likely living off our taxes collecting social security disability. If he marries her he will likely collect part of her disability when, not if, her body gives out within a couple of years. Meanwhile he gets to enjoy the fame. I’ll bet he is getting marriage proposals every day while, as @jca suggested, he is home playing video games.
It pisses me off no end that we taxpayers pay (increase health expenses, increased life insurance, increased taxes, etc.) for someone who continuously fed themselves 10,000 calories per day for years. What kind of a family allows this without offering help? What kind of doctor allowed her to get that big? Was 400 pounds not big enough? 500? 600? Really?
Why are you using Seek’s old avatar?
I think he might be looking for confirmation without asking outright.
Having a relationship with such an obese person would be so difficult in so many ways, attraction aside. My daughter fell in love with a guy who was obese. She thought she could over look that. However, all he did was sit around. He couldn’t get down on the floor and play with the kids. He couldn’t keep up with them at the park. Their sex life ended up a big fat zero because they could only do one thing, only one way. His obesity was the biggest factor in causing their breakup.
On this show, this woman (the woman in the OP’s link) could not get up off the couch to use the shower and I think she had to use a special toilet because the toilet would not hold her. I cannot imagine living like that, and I think in that condition, sex would be impossible. I cannot imagine what she smells like. The open sores have to smell because they never heal.
@Dutchess_III Why are you using Seek’s old avatar?
Well…..she never possessed it, I created it and the reason I brought it out of mothballs for a 12–16 hour stint was this question here. here. In spite the fact she wanted to boil me in oil or bury me neck deep in a fire ant pit, she was one of my favs. Besides, it has changed again.
@jca On the show, they showed that she has open sores in the areas where the fat overlaps other skin, and the sores never heal because they are not exposed to the air, they’re hidden under the fat.
Oh, that has to be sexy. ~~ I am not even going to try to imagine what that looks like and must small like. If there is any sex jumping off it has to be oral with him solely in the receiving end, and a lot of imagination or serious drugs.
I typically have a good tolerance for disgusting things, and I am not usually squeamish, but when I saw the show and she lifted the fat and showed the sores, I felt nauseous.
The thing on her leg is a tumor and she was having it removed. You really have to see the show to comprehend how heavy she is and how badly her weight affects her life. She is virtually immobile and a prisoner. It’s sad but I agree with @LuckyGuy, she was being fed (and you see it on the show). Her daughter and her boyfriend were bringing her burgers and fries and stuff.
@Hypocrisy_Central – I have never wished violence upon you in any form. You do make my eyeballs roll out of my head occasionally, but that’s about it.
@@jca She is virtually immobile and a prisoner.
Like a reverse Jabba the Hutt …………
The thing on her leg is a tumor and she was having it removed.
She had at least one doctor (he/she must make house calls) and they said nothing or did not act to stop this train wreck? Ether she blew up like that like an auto airbag during a crash, or those doctors need to be horse whipped for watching it happen in slow motion and noting nothing.
@Uasal You do make my eyeballs roll out of my head occasionally, but that’s about it.
Spend time on my cactus question it will give you a calm brain dead experience. It won’t cause anyone’s eyes to want to roll to the back of their noggin, but it might make you wish your head would explode. ;-)
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