Is there a single, solitary item that we might say meets a national consensus?
Asked by
rojo (
April 24th, 2015
Or does every single item have a sizable portion of the population against it?
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16 Answers
Not in this country. If a Democrat says humans need to breathe, the news will be full of stories of Conservatives asphyxiating. If a scientist says Earth is billions of years old, someone will whip out a Bible to “prove” them wrong.
There are a few things that are universally accepted (_as in 90% or more of the US populace believe it—), but I can’t say, I can, I just don’t feel like dealing with the knee jerk reaction of it.
@Hypocrisy_Central I used to think there were until I saw an increase in people changing their minds simply to be contrarian.
I still feel – hope? – that most of us believe in basic human rights as they’re worded in the UN declaration in Paris, after the Second World War.
Spatulas are multi tools.
The sky is blue? I think even color blind people believe it, even if they don’t see it.
@whitenoise I wish! We have a major political party that seems pretty much opposed to them.
After a little re-thinking, I may have found one thing most people would agree on;
Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
@jerv, I think I am just little more optimistic than you.
@jerv I think you’ve just stumbled upon a brilliant election strategy.
With over 300 million people there will always be some small faction against any issue even if the overwhelming majority is for it. That aside, there are many things that will get almost universal agreement. We all want freedom but we’ll disagree on how to achieve it. We all want opportunity but we’ll disagree on what that looks like. We tend to focus on our differences and ignore that which we have in common. Ignore the goal in order to berate the other guy.
We have a lot in common if we were to take off the blinders.
We are all in agreement that the rich get richer NO MATTER WHAT. The only disagreement is on whether or not this is the way it should be.
Here are 10 guys that might disagree with you.
Point taken. GA grudgingly given. But I didn’t mean that EVERY flash in the pan who wins the lottery gets richer.
@Jaxk Quite true, as the history between us proves.
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