Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Who or what would you be lost without?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) April 26th, 2015

For me my AISH disability checks and my mom.

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13 Answers

janbb's avatar

Books and friends.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My loved ones and my imagination.

dxs's avatar

My map

Mariah's avatar

Creative outlet, health insurance, and companionship.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

With out a doubt, Mrs Squeeky.

Blackberry's avatar

My life experiences.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

My immediate family. I think I would find it very hard to learn how to cope with their loss.

Other than that, my sight, books and my mind.

johnpowell's avatar

My Sister.. Without a doubt.

When I was 15 my mom was spiraling out of control into Meth.

My sister got me a bus ticket from California to Oregon and provided a safe place to live. I lived with my sister until I was 17.

Got sick of my sister at 17 but I was screwed. No credit and 17 but I found a place to live. Random dude from the newspaper. It was creepy for a few months and then it all went horribly wrong. I came home one day and his son had stolen everything I owned. There was pretty much the bed and some clothes left. Video games, camera, everything was gone. The police didn’t seem to care even though we knew the guy I lived with son stole all my shit.

Luckily my GF parents let me move into their house until I got sorted.

So back to my sisters. She didn’t have a place for me but let me sleep on the living room floor. I did that for a few months.

So I broke up with the GF and pretty much had to get away. So I did the stupidest thing possible and put all my shit in a bag and got the Greyhound to San Diego with 600 dollars. I thought that would be enough to move.I am stupid.

So about a week later I call my sister and she sends me another bus ticket.

Then back on the floor.

But then I move in to a place we called “The Rathouse” with about 8 friends. That was horrible and then it got worse. I was walking up to the ATM to pay rent one night and was mugged and our rent was stolen. Eviction incoming..

Shocker.. Moved back in with my sister.

Got my own apartment. Saved up to go to Europe. Being the twat I am I didn’t plan for when I got back from Europe and just tossed my shit in my sisters garage. When I got back I lived on my sisters floor again.

Then I got my own place. Work went bad and I ended up trying to make fried potatoes over a candle. On my eviction day I scrounged some change and called my sister. She had moved to Bend, Oregon and that was about 120 minutes away. But once again she came to save my ass. At least this time they had a spare bedroom.

So I worked in Bend at a pretty good job. Saved around 4K over the summer. Figured I had enough to do San Diego right. Again, wrong. This time I had a stellar resume but still failed.

I was in a San Diego Library emailing my sister that I am scared. She said to just get home and she will make sure I am OKAY.

So back to Eugene. She had just had twins and she had a place for me to live on the floor in her garage.

I am tired of typing. But I ended up failing and living with her about five more times.

ragingloli's avatar

My eye-stalks.

gailcalled's avatar

@johnpowell: Jeez. You are a slow learner.

Devilishtreat's avatar

Great friends like Adiron!

Pachy's avatar

My Siamese cat, Sy.

Jewel10's avatar

I’d be lost without my best friend. My best friend is Always there when I need them.
Anytime, day or night I can call on him and he is there for me. He’s my brother and I love him more than I can say.

I don’t deserve him, because he really loves me unconditionally. He loves me more than my sister or more than my mother does! Anything I need and I ask him for it, he always does his best to give it to me, or help me with; especially problems.

That’s the best reason, is because he accepts me at my worst. He loves me for me and I love him so much for being there for me…Always. I wish you all could meet my brother, because he’s also the savior of the world. His name is Jesus Christ, and He’s here for anyone who calls on him, anywhere, anytime. He loves you and he lives today and works miracles today, just for us. Why? Because he loves us! :)

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