Social Question

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

What is the best way to oppose "clicktivism"?

Asked by FireMadeFlesh (16613points) April 26th, 2015

From time to time I see petitions on websites like or Avaaz that are worth signing. I never know how much difference it makes, but it costs me nothing.

Other times though, I see petitions on those sites that I vehemently disagree with. Unfortunately, there is no option on the sites to vote down a petition. So the petition is submitted with many signatures, but those of us who disagree with the petition are silenced.

How can I oppose the petitions I disagree with, without becoming invested in campaigning?

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5 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Create a counter-petition.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh, I think @ragingloli is right. Your only options are to not sign the petition or if you want to more proactively oppose the position being presented, post your disagreement to the petition through social media channels and/or create a counter-petition.

Kraigmo's avatar

Except for left-right political divide issues… most crazy petitions fail. So in the long run, there’s no need to work against them, since that time can be used to push a positive issue forward.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

You could just stop paying attention to those online petitions. I’ve read they are truly nothing. I don’t know. I don’t go around the internet clicking randomly, which I consider an online petition to be.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Life has been my biggest teacher!!! I was 13 when JFK was murdered. I moved to DC to work during the height of the civil rights movement. The Vietnam War was a huge portion of my young adult life. I never joined in; but I had friends who were part of the Haight Ashbury movement. The LGBTQ rights has waxed & waned over my lifetime. I put one petition up on & then realized that all they were interested in was the email addresses that they could gather. Joining sites like Fluther helps to give us all a platform from which we can be heard. I do a lot of link hopping during my days just to see where it takes me. Otherwise, I don’t do a lot of “clicktivism”.

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