Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

What is one inconsequential thing that irks you, almost to the point of madness, that shouldn't?

Asked by Kardamom (33584points) April 27th, 2015

This is a real question, but also a game, in that I challenge you to pick just one thing. For me, especially yesterday, I noticed a whole laundry list of minor, but annoying things, but there was this one thing that happened yesterday, that was simply the straw that almost broke this came’ls back.

I was in the grocery store and there was a man in front of me with a cart. He had already unloaded his cart and was standing in front of the cart, rather than in back of it where he should have been so that he could push it through the line.

His cart was between me and the conveyor belt. I had a large, heavy, basket full of items. This dude made no attempt to push his cart in front of him, where it needed to go to get it through the line. Instead, he just left this 5 feet of space in between him and me, so that I could not put my items on the conveyor belt.

There was plenty of room on the conveyor belt for me to put all of my items, as his items had mostly already been checked through, but I couldn’t reach it, because his cart was blocking me. When all of his items were checked through and being bagged up, he moved forward to pay and left the empty cart behind him. I had to put my basket on the ground and move his cart out of the aisle so that I could put my items on the belt and move through the line.

I was fuming, but said nothing. I was afraid that what I might say would have been profanity laced, so I just kept quiet.

A couple of questions, who the h*ll does sh*t like that? What would you have done if this dude was ahead of you in line? And lastly, why did this minor offense make me so boiling mad?

OK, now it’s your turn. Try to pick just one thing, I know it will be hard : )

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25 Answers

fluthernutter's avatar

I would have just asked him to move his cart. You know…without the profanity. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to ask. Do you hate any kind of confrontation?

I hate when waiters serve hot soup over my kids’ heads.

josie's avatar

In my opinion, it is not healthy to let something that is truly inconsequential irk you to the point of madness, especially since, in your case, you admitted it shouldn’t

In this case I would have asked the guy politely to move the cart, or perhaps gently moved it myself enough to get my basket on the belt.

talljasperman's avatar

Someone opening a microwave door without turning it off first. I don’t need the radiation.

Mariah's avatar

I just complained about this in another thread too lol but my roommate’s music taste. It wasn’t a big deal at the beginning of the year that I hate his music, but he has listened to the same terrible music over and over, loudly, all year, and now every time I hear it I kind of just want to die a little.

Blackberry's avatar

When you go to a restaurant and they give you one napkin.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Kardamom You held it better than I would. Last time some idiot did that to me I turned around and shook my head. He yelled “don’t shake your head at me.” I told him “well take your fucking cart with you.” loudly. It got real quiet in a hurry. Inconsiderate people drive me nuts.

dxs's avatar

Pictures of people doing random, irrelevant things on college advertisements.

ucme's avatar


chyna's avatar

Someone that clicks their pen. I have been known to rip it out of their hands.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The me first, me first syndrome that everyone seems to have these days ,you know they cut you off in traffic and just sit in front of you, they will dart in line in front of you then take their time that sort of thing makes me want a bazooka.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I know the feeling. I don’t need a bazooka, a .458 would do.

Buttonstc's avatar

I’ve had the same thing happen to me numerous times at the supermarket. I just politely say “Excuse me, but could you please put your cart in front of you so that I can get my items on the conveyor belt?” problem solved.

Some people just aren’t thinking. So, I’ll do their thinking for them ha ha :)

Something that constantly irks me is when someone talks about AXING a question.

It’s A-S-K . You arent chopping off heads so AXE is unnecessary ! !

What is so effing difficult about that?

It also irks me when Ebonics speakers get hired in media positions. Cheryl Underwood is a prime example.

Aisha Tyler managed to learn how to speak regular English. What’s your problem?

Or, more accurately, what’s the problem with those doing the hiring here. Shouldn’t there be some minimum standards for a job where language and communication is paramount?

End of rant…

Uasal's avatar

Obviously illogical actions by characters in films.

I’m like a permanent script editor after the fact. Drives my husband crazy because I just cannot let it go.
“Will you stop complaining? The movie has been on for ten minutes and you’re being negative.”
“Why are these people so stupid?”
“If they didn’t do something dumb they’re would be no story.”
“Well why can’t someone write a story that doesn’t depend on the protagonists being insufferable morons?”

Don’t get me started on documentaries that are filmed with an obvious bias, or with the goal of a “mystery” ending when there is no real mystery. “The Codex Gigas, one author or many? We’ll never know! Look! The author signed the back! It was one guy. Aren’t you glad you wasted two hours listening to us defend the multiple authors theory?”

Here2_4's avatar

In the market scenario, I would have bumped it, accidentally of course, so that it hit the man, then apologize profusely for being so clumsy in a crowded area. He gets thumped, but what can he say to an apologizing woman?
I hate people pronouncing “Our” as “Are”, 100% of the time. Sometimes I feel a welling inside because it irritates me so.

Berserker's avatar

@Buttonstc I chop off heads…

jca's avatar

This is a great question. I have to think about it to give my answer.

I had someone do the cart thing to me once, in the supermarket. I think I said to them, “Excuse me, but can you take your cart?” Selfish crap like that annoys the crap out of me.
As @SQUEEKY2 related, there are a bunch of things that people do when driving that are annoying as crap. When people pull out in front of you and then go slowly, that’s annoying. It’s like, you couldn’t wait 2 seconds for me to pass and then pull out? People that don’t signal, people that sit in the left lane going slowly, like fucking zombies. People that drive like idiots and then when you pass them, you see that they’re on the phone or looking at their phone. When it comes to driving, I drive a lot (about 100 mile per day round trip to work, more if I want to go shopping or something after work). I have a long list of annoyances when it comes to driving.

I also agree “Ax” is not how you pronounce “Ask.” I hear a lot of intelligent, educated professional people say “ax.” To me, it makes them sound extremely ignorant.

On Facebook, when people post something stupid, like that they just had a nap or they’re doing laundry, it’s like wtf? Do you need to tell people that?

I will think of other things that are annoying as shit to answer this question better.

dxs's avatar

@jca One thing! And this is why I hated and don’t miss driving. People are selfish jerks when they drive.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s just not driving it’s the me first type attitude of people today, I said this before I was heading for the checkout at the local food store I had 3 items , and this idiot with a cart full darted in line in front of me just to be first, and couldn’t have cared less because he was first.

I do not get the me first , me first attitude and yeah it drives me crazy.

jca's avatar

Last night, driving home I thought of another thing people do while driving which is annoying. People that are hesitant, indecisive drivers, stepping on the brake a lot (especially on the highway). It’s like, can you just fucking go? Go forth with confidence! LOL.

One time I was driving on my road (a rural road) and it was raining. Cars on this road go about 50 mph. I was behind a car and there was a pedestrian who wanted to cross. It’s not an area where there are usually people on foot so it is unusual to find people wanting to cross. The idiot in front of me slams on his brakes, I guess to be a wonderful person and let the guy cross. Meantime, I almost rear ended him because his move was totally unexpected. It was like this is wonderful you’re feeling so generous as to let the pedestrian cross, but you almost got yourself rear ended, idiot.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@jca That drives me crazy as well, want a good one saw this idiot drive down the on ramp to get on the free way,to burn a Uturn and drive back up the ON ramp,did these idiots even take a drivers test?????

fluthernutter's avatar

I’d rather get rear-ended than hit a pedestrian. :/

jca's avatar

@fluthernutter: You’re right but in the instance I was talking about, the pedestrian was not in the road. He was waiting to cross. He would not have gotten hit by the guy in front of me. That’s why the actions of the guy in front of me were so annoying. If he had to stop quickly to avoid hitting the pedestrian, then I could not be annoyed at him.

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