Who cares to play TJBM (The Jelly Below Me) #63?
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me wants more chocolate.”
The response might be:
“False! Chocolate is my enemy.”
“True! I can’t live without chocolate.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me has golden teeth.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Tradition now suggests that a jelly re-start the question when we reach about 300 responses (though 500 is still OK I think). Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
515 Answers
I care.
TJBM knows in what country the OP lives.
Yes I do. I also found a story about Annam. Interested? TJBM loves Hue.
Very true. Life there is slower than my city.
TJBM would like to hear @Adirondackwannabe‘s story.
Running out of gas lady. Let me do it tomorrow. It’s a translation of the original written in Vietnamese.
TJBM is an expert at ironing clothes.
Uh I’m not bad but no freaking expert.
TJBM has never driven a semi truck.
Being behind the wheel of a semi truck is one of the worst nightmares I can imagine. I don’t even like driving normal cars.
TJBM had a fun weekend!
Yeah, really fun weekend drowning in a pile of textbooks.
TJBM had a hunch which is true.
sorry but not for cap locks.
You must be psychic (or psychotic, I get them mixed up.).
TJBM knows the difference, because at least one applies to them.
And I worked, in college a a psychiatric hospital!!!!!
TJBM is planning a big weekend, coming up.
Uh, you bet. Some of it I am looking forward to, some I could gladly skip.
TJBM is a happy jelly. :-)
I am happy, Here 24. I’m waiting to watch the Avengers and Mad Max.
TJBM has a pretty tough work week ahead.
I do, Weds. through Sunday is going to be a lot of work for me here.
TJBM just had a cat take a dump in the litter box. Oh man, I was getting ready for bed but now the smell is hitting my room. lol
I think this jelly would dump the cat.
@Mimishu1995 I always wondered how the French and Catholicism ended up in your country. The ruling emperor was deposed and he sent his son to Paris to get help. So a bunch of French missionaries headed off to Annam. Right before the French Revolution. I’m still working on the book.
TJBM loves history.
I do love history.
TJBM is sick of filling out job aps.
Yes I have teeth. And work hard to keep ‘em.
TJBM knows someone who is battling cancer.
Yes and no. My friend is getting a few weeks of radiation foe some abnormal breast cells she had removed but not really cancer, the radiation is a preventive for hopefully retarding any new abnormal cell growth. @Adirondackwannabe Hush you mouth, my pussy stays, poop and all. lol
TJBM is going to be home alone the rest of the week.
Nah. Not this week, anyway.
TJBM played “Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the door and see all the people!” with his or her hands for a toddler recently.
Haha..no, but I hadn’t thought of that inyears. My grandma used to play that with me.
TJBM didn’t sleep well last night.
Very true night pain due to my shoulder injury still very much bothers me from time to time.
TJBM is thinking of firing up the BBQ for dinner tonight.
Naw. Probably just going to open that can of smoked oysters and put them on crackers for dinner.
TJBM didn’t have the toddler they thought they were going to have today and now they’re sad all day.
No, I had a full grown meal ;)
TJBM has apologized to someone today.
I actually did, farted while waiting in line at the bank, sounded like ripping cardboard.
TJBM has played darts & hit the bullseye on purpose.
Well sure.
TJBM wonders what kind of snake this is.
Indeed I do :o
TJBM has a headache
Hey @MilkyWay! Long time no see!
No, no headache.
TJBM likes chocolate Malt O Meal.
Never tried it, I like Cocoa Puffs. haha
TJBM buys a sugary kid cereal once in awhile for a treat.
TJBM wants to take a nap.
I do, but it’s 6:45 so a little late.
TJBM just ate a tin of smoked oysters on crackers.
No, had Shrimp Scampi.
TJBM has an allergy to shellfish or sea food.
No. I love all seafood except oysters and clams.
TJBM is HOT right now. Holy shit…85 today and going for 90’s this weekend, I am not ready for summer.
I’m not dead yet.
TJBM has returned.
Okay, sure. @Dutchess_III , it looks like it might be a water moccasin, but there are several varieties.
TJBM has change in their pocket, and will put it in a jar at home, later.
You been looking, I have to wrap all the loose coins. Think it might be more than $200.
TJBM owns a copy of the Yardbirds’ album Five Live Yardbirds.
No, I do not.
TJBM places their forefinger on each word as they read & sometimes sticks their tongue out too.
No. I got over that in first grade.
TJBM never learned how to read.
Hardly, I have always been a voracious reader with a strong vocabulary and good grammar and spelling skills.
TJBM has their house all opened up this afternoon.
Yes..at last! Spring is here! Even if the pollen counts are wicked high it was SO worth it to have the windows open.
TJBM reads several books at a time (concurrently).
My life story.
TJBM would like to share one sentence that describe their life story.
Freaked out!
TJBM is on medicines that are causing them to be freaked out.
Vice versa. I’m on medications that make me less freaked out.
TJBM is in the best health of their life.
No. That was in my early to mid-40’s now I am having some issues. Adrenal issues, high BP lately, ugh…getting older sucks.
TJBM has a lot to do today.
No, that was yesterday.
Traveled 105 miles round trip; to order a new rototiller replacing a 50 year old one, picked up dome drain cover at industrial parts place for use over a storm drain, used a gift certificate for a free 12 ounces of Tanzanian coffee beans and bought my wife some fancy English teas.
TJBM is happy with the new TJBM thread because the old one was taking so looong to load.
TJBM forgot they had a major delivery thing going on this morning and had to run outside in a state of indecency to greet truck drivers 10 minutes after they woke up. OMG..the freaking gate intercom is dinging away and I couldn’t find the opener. Gah!
Delivery people are use to that. LOL
Gaaaaaaaaahhh, no.
TJBM is currently indecent for their own reasons.
can’t answer.
TJBM is excited for windows 10.
Not really Microscrap launches a new operating system so often whats to get excited about?
TJBM thinks the next president will be a woman.
Until a decent one comes along, not really.
TJBM avoids twitter.
Don’t even know what it is.
TJBM goes on a road less traveled.
Almost always. haha
TJBM had a heated exchange with another fluther other today.
No yet. I have just asked a question that I am worried might cause heated debate but I hope it will stay civil if that is the case!
TJBM is still in bed.
TJBM is a former Grooveshark user.
I have never heard of Grooveshark.
TJBM has a boss who is having more and more Senior moments.
Boss? I’m not that old.
TJBM is their own boss.
True dat.
TJBM is looking forward to breakfast.
Soon, having my last cup of coffee now at 8:57 am. haha
TJBM likes Pop tarts
Not really. I’d have to be starving to death, and no other food around to eat them.
TJBM is horrified by dead bodies.
In real life probably, but being a sciencey minded type I can handle gruesome images.
TJBM is starving!
waiting for lunch.
TJBM is doing nude gardening today.
No new no!
TJBM is getting ready to field about 5 kids!
My brother is enough for me! No more!
TJBM wants to clone something.
M, well. I would like to say I’d like to clone my grandkids, but I’m pretty sure it would drive me insane, in the end, to have two of each of them.
TJBM wants something to respond to!
TJBM has something they want to get off their chest.
Sure. Hey y’all, my son is transgender. We’re so proud of him and soon he’ll have his legal gender changed from female to male…hopefully in time for his first year at college.
TJBM is an LGBTQ ally.
TJBM likes toasted tomato sandwiches.
Oh, I do! With Swiss cheese! Nom nom.
TJBM wishes they had smaller boobs.
Nope- I’m already an A cup.
TJBM lives in a state or country that has marriage equality.
You know, I’m not sure at this point. Scampering to Google… I’ll be damned! This is Kansas, home of the homophobes, and we do have marriage equality!
TJBM is pleasantly surprised at something their bible-belt, homophobic, creationist state has done.
TJBM wants those people removed from office.
For the most part, yes I do. Brownback has decimated the education system in Kansas.
TJBM hopes tomorrow will be a better day.
of course
TJBM misses ZDTV/ TechTV.
Yah with Leo Laporte.
TJBM remembers 300 baud audio coupling.
300 what?
TJBM is conservative.
Uh Hell NO!!!!!!!
TJBM likes sun tanning in the buff.
Not anymore, I’m in the skin cancer age zone now. lol
TJbm likes coconut. Coconut cream pie, macaroons, ice cream, etc.
TJBM has family in Spain.
Not at the moment.
TJBM could use a massage.
OMG YES,that sounds great, can Mrs Squeaky get one to?
TJBM likes to sing in the shower.
Lalalala! I’m bathing… Hey! What are you looking at?
TJBM is looking at me.
Um, no.
TJBM chugs mouthwash.
Gross uh no!
TJBM Has been caught with their pants down more than once.
LOL…mmmm, I’ll have to ponder this for awhile. haha
TJBM can’t stand overly emotional women that shriek and scream over the littlest things. Blood curdling scream…oh, it was just a spider on the wall. Gah!
True dat! I’ve faced death without making a sound.
TJBM Finds a way to Do Stuff.
I Can Do a lot of Stuff.
TJBM wants to invent something.
I have invented new recipes.
TJBM Is too darn busy for this today.
Medium busy, it is 9 0’ clock at night now and I am fluthering and watching a weird documentary.
TJBM is too damn tired to say much tonight.
Well big day tomorrow we have company coming and we are all going golfing.
TJBM is way to tired to think of anything sexy tonight.
TJBM is getting ready for a huge life change that they don’t particularly want.
Been there the last 26 months, still don’t want it, but it is what it is.
TJBM has tripped, fallen or injured themselves in some way recently. I dropped a can of cat food on my toe , OMG..it hurts so bad, lol
Um…no. Surprisingly, the answer is no!
TJBM doesn’t bruise like they used to.
False, I bruise worse as I get older. This ding on my toe has turned the whole top of my foot black and blue.
TJBM is tired today but has sheet to do.
I didn’t mean more or less. I meant differently.
TJBM thinks that if this weather is any indication, the gay people in my town must have really pissed God off again and TJBM wonders what they must have done this time. :/
False. If they had pissed of God wouldn’t it have been easier to just order some lightning and strike whoever the hell pissed God off instead of venting on every single person down there?
TJBM is still reading.
About to…finally winding down for the day and will read for the evening. Ah, bliss.
TJBM is soooo full.
On the contrary, I’m hungry but nothing sounds good.
TJBM is watching Dolphin’s Tale.
TJBM is trying to take it easy this weekend.
Trying, semi-succeeding, always something going on around here.
One of the horses wasn’t eating this morning, highly suspect, trying to figure out what was going on with her when I realized her automatic waterer was dry as a bone! Shit…how long had she been without water?
She ate her dinner the night before and then I realized that the lever on the PVC pipe above the waterer was turned off! She must have been playing with or rubbing her face on the toggle switch and shut off her water supply!
She was mildly dehydrated but after drinking gallons of water went straight to her hay and stared eating. Whew, catastrophe averted. NOW, have to move the lever higher but in the meanwhile have to check to make sure she doesn’t do it again. Put a giant tub in her paddock just in case. freaking life with animals. lol
TJBM has had a weird situation happen recently.
A very weird situation, we had a massive flash flood in our town yesterday several homes wrecked and lots of damage but nothing to our house.
TJBM is thinking about having a stiff drink right now.
What’s this thinking? ?
TJBM cooked one and half inch thick steaks on the BBQ tonight. Oh yea ! !
I want my grill table back!
TJBM is missing something.
My mind. Any idea where it might be?
TJBM has the clap.
TJBM has tried looking behind city hall.
@ SQUEEKY2 Wow, thatsa crazy!
No, I’d probably get a parking ticket.
TJBM likes kettle corn
Sure. I always get some at the fair along with a bunch of other really good crap!
TJBM will share with us their Favorite Fair Foods.
Oh man, corn doggies and lemonade slushies and fried zucchini with ranch dressing and funnel cake and, and, snow cones!
TJBM has had to do a 24 hour urine test and save all their pee in a jug
What a PITA! Have to go in the pee hat and then transfer it to the jug and put it in the fridge again, so fun at 3 a.m.
Yes! Mine was 48 hours! Agreed on PITA.
TJBM uses public transportation on a regular basis.
False, I’m out in the country, gotta have a vehicle or you’ll be walking a long ways to Tipperary. lol
TJBM has been to Tipperary.
TJBM has been sword fish fishing.
No, but I have gone deep sea fishing, caught Bonita.
TJBM is hungry!
I just ate 3 chicken wings so I’m good.
TJBM wants to tell us all about their colonoscopy.
TJBM wants to show the video of their colonoscopy.
Double NOPE !
TJBM wants to thank the veterans.
Thank you veterans.
TJBM wants to show the video of their lasik surgery, where they sliced the cornea.
I’m glad I don’t have one.
TJBM hates doctors.
Most certainly not! I owe my life to doctors.
TJBM loves spring best of the seasons.
Toss up between spring and fall.
TJBM had to get a stuck lizard out from under their door today.
No- I think that happened to you, not me.
TJBM knows who posted the first TJBM thread.
Oh gosh….Spatzie? Who was it??
TJBM has posted on every single TJBM threa.
True, and I think it was @JanB ???
TJBM is absolutely, positively FRAZZLED right now because they have a gazillion things to do that all require special planning to get through their day. Fuck…my day is a tornado, make it stop! lol
Something like that. My daughter is getting married on Sunday, so we will have a guest staying at our house and our waterbed is broken we we’re sleeping on the couch and in the recliner and my other daughter is in the process of moving here so she and her kids have been staying with us and it’s a whirlwind. Plus I have this one picture I want to get developed.
TJBM is about to pull their hair out.
Yay! It was AmWiser who posted the first few TJBM thread. Good job @Brian1946!
TJBM misses many Jellies.
I miss some Jellies, but there are many whose departures I’m quite curious about.
I’ll sneak this in here, since it’s relatively low profile: I’d like to know why seek, Will Work 4choc, JilltheTooth, ratboy, Anef is enuf, TexasDude, Barnacle Bill, KatawaGrey, etc.
TJBM lives in a red state.
Yes and it is embarrassing.
TJBM is cooking dinner for the first time in years.
Go back to January…
TJBM is getting nostalgic.
I am. I wish my mom was here to give me owl stuff.
TJBM is losing interest in food.
Never! When that happens I will know I am dying for sure. lol
TJBM likes Razzeritas.
Wow, have never had one, but it sounds fantastic & bubbly!
TJBM is regretting having Key Lime pie as their breakfast.
never made that move.
TJBM gets pissed when a place has Fox ‘news’ on their tvs.
Meh..I just ignore most news, the slow fear drip, not good for the mind.
TJBM is slightly hungover today. Oh those razzeritas haha
True. This hot weather is getting to me…
TJBM is being boiled to death.
False. It’s a pleasant, cool evening here!
TJBM hates licorice.
Oh, I do. Especially black licorice.
TJBM has to get busy cleaning, but can’t find the energy to start.
TJBM has memorized the Starbucks menu board.
Uh no but when I do go there it is always whitechocolate moca.
TJBM wants another coffee right now!
TJBM is a macho man/mama who lives at the YMCA in the village.
Well…I am kinda a macho female, within reason, I am bold, outspoken but have zero interest in controlling others.
TJBM has considered leaving the country.
I wish!
TJBM busted butt getting their house company clean.
Clean by my butt? No way!
TJBM is considering taking up something wierd.
Not that I can think of at this time.
TJBM has a really nice piece of sculpture.
Several, both indoor and outdoor pieces.
TJBM is going on a trip of more than 300 miles / 480 kilometers.
Not that I know of, anytime soon.
TJBM is about half dead.
Haha…I have been so freaking busy lately, yes, slept 10 hours last night, still not feeling that rested.
TJBM needs to wash their filthy car.
it rained
TJBM is ready for a ‘do-nothing’ weekend.
I am, but it ain’t happenin! I have the twins from 12 hours tomorrow and Sunday, and a wedding tomorrow. And my dad’s wife is in town for it so I have company. (My daughter brings them over at 5:30 a.m.)
TJBM is ready for a do-nothing weekend.
Only Saturday, mount up the Roadrunner Van on Sunday @ 6:45 AM for a trip to the hospital with a 10 year old patient.
TJBM volunteers at least 20 hours a month.
If you call my translation work volunteer, then yes.
TJBM is up to some shady thing.
No shady dealings, but it is overcast here.
TJBM has a special treat waiting in the refrigerator!
I’ll have to go look . . . . Nope ;>)
TJBM is the one with something special in the refrigerator.
I had something special in the fridge, but now it’s in a state of post-assimilation.
TJBM can link to the post of TJAT.
False. I have used TJAT but no longer remember how.
TJBM has implanted a false memory in someone.
True, some of my relatives. Right now they still think I am a silly, gullible dumbass of a 5-year-old.
TJBM knows what TJAT is.
False- TJAM planted a false mammary in my head! ;-p
TJBM can name TJAT.
I’m confused, but that’s easy when you’re a left handed, right brained blonde.
TJBM watches “Chopped.”
False- I chop watches.
TJBM knows what the acronym for The Jelly Above Them is.
TJAT Got it now…lol
TJBM thinks that @Brian1946 and my avatars complement each other with their wild colors.
Yes. I also think there’s a story behind it.
TJBM knows what it is.
Coinkydink, me thinks.
TJBM loves to wrestle something/someone.
Not any more.
TJBM is almost broke.
true, still need a new printer.
TJBM is ready for Windows 10.
I don’t know.
TJBM just got some good news!
No, but I am having a good dinner. haha
TJBM is having a good dinner.
I made a summer picnic fest here, chicken salad sandwiches, potato salad and a big fruit salad with fresh watermelon, strawberries, blackberries and mandarin oranges, so good!
Yesterday. I was invited to a restaurant.
TJBM is running.
We’re you the main course? And no, I walked to work Friday. Six and a half miles.
My nose is. TJAM did not post for TJBT so I am answering to the post above TJAM.
TJBM is spinning now, trying to keep up with the back and forth of this.
not really
TJBM wants to be president of FIFA.
Not actively, but if called (to the money trough), I will serve. lol
TJBM wants to be Hillery’s VP.
No. I just wanna watch.
TJBM is getting ready to eat pancakes with REAL maple syrup!
You like the syrup! awesome.
TJBM got their veggies in the garden.
If only my garden was that big :’(
TJBM is a keen gradener.
Never gradened. But I like to garden.
TJBM likes typos.
Sorry don’t even know what a gradener is.
TJBM would like a chocolate milkshake.
It would be gratifyingly cold, and delightfully chocolate, but I minimize my intake of dairy during hot weather, lest it disturb my stomach. I am more likely to go for a slushy cold Hawaiian Punch or lemonade during this kind of heat.
TJBM has the air blasting away.
Nope, don’t need air out here. But I do need to contact the TJAM.
TJBM has tasted funky sea salt.
The last time I had that was some years ago…
TJBM is waiting waiting waiting.
Well excuse me lady. There is a refractory period.
TJBM doesn’t know what that means.
TJBM is “Waiting for Godot” or least Samuel Beckett
No, but I finished a re-read of “To Kill a Mockingbird” a few minutes ago, if that counts.
TJBM has chewed Clark’s Teaberry Gum.
True, but then Clark chewed my ass because I chewed his gum! ;-o
TJBM is a member of the Mile Below Club (had sex in a mine or a deep sea vessel).
No, I don’t want to orgasm in a shark’s mouth.
TJBM thinks dirty.
I have to behave to rise to the level of just dirty. Although oral from a shark might be interesting.
TJBM is a bit wild today.
True, but I just started my first coffee and haven’t jumped in the shower yet.
TJBM is having impure thoughts,heh-heh-heh.
of course
TJBM can’t afford bail.
True. Thank goodness I don’t need to.
TJBM needs to get the damn bills paid.
TJBM wishes that she can smell the history.
I do. If only I could smell who Jack the Ripper is.
TJBM wants to change history.
I’m guessing Jack didn’t smell that good, and I don’t want to change history. That might rip open the time/history continuum.
TJBM wants some popcorn.
False I just had candy!
TJBM wants some candy.
No, maybe some salty almonds.
TJBM has a selection of nuts like almonds and peanuts.
I am a nut, but a good nut. :-p
TJBM is shaped like what kind of nut?
TJBM is shaped like what kind of fruit?
Err… pear?
@Here2_4 Happy to serve you :)
TJBM wants to be eaten as a nut.
False, guys are sensitive about anyone eating our nuts.
TJBM is a bit bad tonight.
I am. I am eating Milk Duds. lol
TJBM knows what Milk Duds are.
I sure do! I love chocolate-covered bits of failed lactate! ;-p
TJBM has Skyped with an inmate.
Ooo. That sounds dangerous. That is something which has never occurred to me. I sense a new question about to be born. May I, or do you want to, @Brian1946?
TJBM would like to see lots of jellies answer that question.
@Here2_4 Go ahead and ask it, if you still want to.
What question, when, where…OH…you mean a new version of this Q. duh only on my 1st cup of coffee brain not fully revved up yet. lol
TJBM will be waiting, waiting, waiting waiting, wait….
JAM I was referring to what @Brian1946 said above about inmates. I posted a question related to that, because having seen it mentioned made me curious to know more.
I always feel like I am waiting.
TJBM has more than three mirrors in their home.
True but so what!?
TJBM would love a Pina coloda right now.
Mmmmm….yes, just came in from the sweat zone here at 4 pm and 90 something degrees. Cold shower on the horizon.
TJBM has a headache.
The worst of my life.
TJBM wishes the house would fall on them.
I wish that the government would recognize that I am a transfinancial, a billionaire trapped in the body of an impoverished middle aged women and pay for my transition to wealth. lol
TJBM is loopy from the heat.
No, I’m moldy from the rain.
TJBM is going to have a hard time sleeping tonight.
Guess so. I will be to busy chatting with my grandparents to sleep then.
TJBM is on a train.
Only taken the train once, and it was BORrrring.
TJBM bought some rice today.
False, but I made brown rice with shishkebabs the other night.
TJBM is making burgers for din din.
No, made some spaghetti last night, and will be leftovers tonight.
TJBM regularly plans leftovers on their menu.
Yep, or take out to go with leftovers.lol
TJBM hates to be sweaty.
I don’t mind. Means I did something.
TJBM really likes taking a shower after they’ve been sweaty .
TJBM is taking a break but needs to go sweat some more soon. haha
Yep. Ha-ha! Sweatin’ with the oldies!
I’m just about to go out and move some firewood from winter readiness to summer storage.
TJBM is doing summer things now.
Well, hanging out with the windows open is about all. Need to get back to work on the fence.
TJBM has done something they don’t think they can ever be forgiven for.
Nope, infact never, unless you count my ex husband who will never forgive me for divorcing him, because, after all, he was such a great guy. Not. lol
TJBM knows someone who is insufferably arrogant.
Yeah, and he’s running for President.
There are some foods, especially Asian foods, that the TJBM ill not try!
That will take days to list.
TJBM can’t eat food that looks horrible.
I don’t care what it looks like, as long as it smells and tastes good.
TJBM has food issues.
You mean will I bite you if you put your face near my bowl? Yes, I will. lol
TJBM has bitten someone.
Yes, and it drove her wild!
TJBM likes things that drive them wild!
Maybe. I’m not really very wildish.
TJBM likes to sit under an apricot tree and wait for them to fall. (Preferably within reach)
I used to sit under my peach tree until the squirrel started throwing them at me! Now my peach trees have all gone to that great smokehouse in the sky!
TJBM laments the passing of a beloved tree (or trees).
When I was a child, we had a very old pear tree. It was small, wouldn’t grow bigger, but produced tons of pears. It seemed like a little miracle tree to me. I was very small, and the tree inspired me to believe I could do as much as bigger kids.
TJBM remembers knowing at least one great grandparent.
Unfortunately, no. My parents’ positions in their respective families precluded that. I feel as if I do know my great-grandfather (mom’s mom’s dad), because I’ve heard so many stories.
TJBM is knowledgeable about their ancestry.
Yeah, and it will take some time to tell their stories.
TJBM doesn’t mind reading long responses.
Reading long passages on the internet is a chore for me. Reading hardcopy books if a chief form of entertainment.
TJBM has something that gets better, the older it gets.
I have three kids, several recently planted seedlings, and a few clever ideas.
TJBM can do magic tricks.
No but I can play drums and sing a little and I’m pretty good at handling crazy horses too. lol
TJBM has to go…as in go to the bathroom.
TJBM has lots of unfinished projects.
Haha…you have no idea. lets see, new ponds and enclosures for our ducks and geese sit with pond dug out and liners and fencing all over. Horse arena fence torn down, widening by 20 feet, tons of fill dirt, sand and decomposed granite in mountainous piles all over, front deck needs painting and sealing, back grape arbor falling down, but….we just re-did the garage with all new cabinets and it is beautiful.
TJBM is having one of “those” days. My car is acting strange, think the starter is going out, broke my coffee maker this morning, what’s next to round up to the trifuckta? lol
Maybe. It’s the beginning of the day anyway.
TJBM is hopeful.
Sure, that maybe just maybe the middle class wont totally die out before I do.
TJBM is think golf.
I think a lot, but golf is usually not one of the first things on my mind.
TJBM has felt deep dark depression.
I don’t think so, but I believe I’m living with a medium gray one.
TJBM lacks adequate healthcare.
I’d say that’s a fair description.
TJBM loves jellybeans. do jellybeans give gas to jellyfish?
Not so much, I like a few now and then, mostly shows up at Easter.
TJBM thinks Keurig coffee makers are the most over priced and crappy hyped item ever to be manufactured.
Uh like totally,don’t know what the attraction to them is anyways,look at how much crap they add to landfills.
TJBM thinks most truck drivers are not appreciated for what they do.
Yes. In my younger days, I put over 1,000,000 paid OTR miles in various vehicles (trucks, buses, autos).
TJBM knows another underappreciated group of people
Yep, stay at home moms and husewives. Unpopular chice these days and never did get much value assigned even though running a house and taking care of children IS hard work.
TJBM believes in the tooth fairy.
No, but how about the stay-at-home dad?
TJBM believes in the “stay-at-home-dad”
Sure, especially if the Tooth Fairy and he stay at home dad are both Dwayne Johnson. Him I could come home to every day.
TJBM would come home early most days if The Rock was there waiting.
Mmmm…he’s good looking but meh…he’s still a man that would need attention and I am selfish. haha
TJBM is selfish and proud of it.
Sometimes I’m proud that I did something selfish because the person deserve it.
TJBM needs some gas.
No, I gassy enough as it is.
TJBM has some physical ailments.
Is baldness an ailment ? ? ?
TJBM has at least one uncle or male cousin that is bald.
No, but my ex husband has a crop circle that I used to throw little pebbles at from the balcony of our old master bedroom. Bulls eye! lol
TJBM is growing old gracefully.
No. I’m fighting it like a heinous bitch.
TJBM did something heinous once.
Only Once? You asked the wrong person.
TJBM is all dark and tries to hide it.
I am a light hearted optimist who has seen the darkness of this recession, my glass is half empty now. lol
TJBM is strong and resilient.
that remains to be seen.
TJBM wants a new drug.
Me and Huey do.
TJBM saw their first newborn fawn tonight.
Awww…no, but about 2 weeks ago I did, tiny baby with its mama on the ranch here.
TJBM gave an animal a bath today. Bathed the dog and both horses, clean and happy critters here.
I would, but my fish are so slippery. Beside aren’t they in the water all day?
TJBM is an animal lover.
When I was a newly wed. Now I’m a more normal lover.
TJBM barely comprehends normalcy.
Correct. I can barely wrap my brain around the concept.
TJBM can answer the question, “Why be normal?”
Because ‘abnormal’ has a disturbing connotation.
TJBM has a disturbing abnormality.
No. I don’t. I do have a new profile picture.
TJBM will tell me whether they like my new photo or not, and whether it is better than my old one.
Your new avatar suits your personality better :) and I wonder what happened to your pet carmel.
TJBM is worried for someone.
Not for someone but worried about wild fires as CA. begins another chapter of up in smoke. I will be home alone here at the ranch next week and have a lot of animals that would need to be evacuated in the event of a major fire incident. Hoping for the best, so far it hasn’t happened yet but a few close calls.
TJBM has been in a wild fire situaion.
Well not in, but have seen a few fairly close, there is one about fifty miles down the road that has been going for a couple of weeks now.
TJBM need another coffee!!
Just had my 2nd cup, won’t need another ‘til this evening.
TJBM usually checks out the TJBM thread daily.
Usually yes.
TJBM is in the middle of a heat wave and wishes they were a fish.
Probably not a fish.
A fish won’t do anything but swim in a brook
He can’t write his name or read a book
To fool all the people is his only thought
Though he’s slippery, he still gets caught
But then if that sort of life is what you wish
You may grow up to be a fish
Or, TJBM would like to Swing on a Star
Just give me a rocket.
TJBM thinks old songs are great.
I think so, but how old is old? And be gentle.
TJBM grew up with BOC, Wild Cherry, and K C and the Sunshine Band.
KC started looking rough, rotten teeth, his hair got scrappy and stringy, but he got to looking much better again later. I guess drugs and then recovery. I liked KC a lot, BOC I still like. I haven’t heard Wild Cherry in a while, but yes on them too.
TJBM gets drowsy when the weather gets hot.
I get drowsy in cool weather, hot weather makes me horny.
TJBM Is certifiable.
certifiable what?
TJBM wants a deep-fried Big Mac.
Not right now, too full.
TJBM is too full too.
Yup and really should be watching my weight,
TJBM wants to know is there really such a thing, as a deep fried Big Mac?
I don’t know, but I’ll bet I could come up with it!
TJBM is doing something concerning food and fire.
TJBM wants to come up with a special food.
Do you have access to vidahlia onions? They grill up amazingly well.
TJBM Had a nice family day today.
My toes? I think so!
@Here2_4 That’s something like what thought I could come up with.
TJBM also had a nice family day today. (I did yesterday!)
nope, just a lame me day.
TJBM wants to watch the last Top Gear Episode.
TJBM went to a wedding this week.
No but I went to a Luau last night. lol
TJBM loves pineapple on their pizza
Bleh, spit. Kraut’s good.
TJBM can name at least 5 styles of pizza.
Vegetarian, hawaiian, pesto, chicken with alfredo sauce.
TJBM can name at least 5 breeds of horses
Dead actor
TJBM can identify which of the above is not really a breed of horse.
Yes, but you missed; rocking and saw.
Hobby * Clothes * Dead actor
Missed the fifth maybe a Morgan or Quarter.
TJBM saw what @Brian1946 did.
Haha Yes. and..Palomino is a color not a breed, so only 3 count. lol
TJBM will name 5 dead relatives.
My great grandfather.
My great grandmother.
My dad’s stepbrother.
My mom’s brother.
My grandfather.
TJBM will name 5 random things.
Rolling Stones
Grateful Dead
Walking Dead
Quick and the Dead
(The last one is for a dead one guys hate)
TJBM Loves a good breakfast food they’ll describe.
Tiki Masala
Walking Liberty
Mourning wood
TJBM can name 5 types of hardwood tree.
Uh uh…
TJBM will name 5 species of shellfish
@Coloma Hey, I had my five, including me after a porno.
Lobster, crab, softshelled crab, shrimp, prawns.
The TJBM has had crabs.
Many times, and I still want more!
TJBM has a taste for seafood.
I love it, bring it on.
TJBM isn’t really talking seafood.
True. I’m talkin’ frogs now.
TJBM likes frogs.
Frogs are fun. We were catching them this weekend for my nephew.
TJBM Loves frogs legs.
Had them Friday night.
TJBM would like to eat something different like barnacles.
If only I had access to those things…
TJBM is curious but is hindered by something that prevents them from satisfying themselves.
Well I would like to know what’s holding you back. Let me know.
TJBM has seen a Bald Eagle.
Not today. Sometimes though.
TJBM has one arm or leg longer than the other.
My left hand is about a half inch longer than my right
TJBM has boobs that aren’t symetrical
@Adirondackwannabe I live in a place where access to things I want to buy isn’t available. The only way to get them is either the internet or online markets (which are too expensive for me). Maybe it’s just me being curious about strange things.
TJBM has an unbalanced body.
No, pretty balanced I think.
TJBM has fired a machine gun.
Where did you find a machine gun?
From @Mimishu1995 ‘s avatar, I’ve never fired one.
Back to the game…TJBM is easily distracted.
False, my concen…wow, that’s cutest house fly I’ve ever seen. ;-o
TJBM has been to a same-sex wedding.
False but maybe someday.
TJBM has a sweet tooth.
I do.
TJBM has done something tout suite.
All what?
TJBM wishes they knew French.
Oui but I’d also like to learn Vietnamese.
TJBM would like @Mimishu1995 to tell us the english pronunciation of a few words in Vietnamese. How about Cat, dog and goose. lol
TJBM likes to take a nap after lunch.
The best time for napping!
TJBM is up way too early.
@Coloma @Here2_4
Cat: mèo.
Dog: chó.
Goose: ngỗng.
Chocolate: sô-cô-la.
Mods please don’t kill me for this.
How about way too late?
TJBM is still in bed.
I wish…major heat wave here, going for 104–5 today and 106 tomorrow. Trying to get all the watering done and animals set up. Ugh…misery.
@Mimishu1995 How do you pronounce those words in english?
Is goose pronounced “gong”?
TJBM is expecting a heat wave this week.
Not expecting, got it!
Also expecting rain on Thursday.
TJBM is expecting weather.
Having weather.
TJBM wonders where all the toads went. when I was little, there were toads to be found in the yard most every evening. Now I don’t remember the last time I saw one.
@Coloma well, it would take me a lot of time to explain to you.
They are in my stomach.
TJBM can eat anything.
You eat toads? Eww, You probably have a warty tongue.
@Here2_4 Yes! I grew up in Sacramento and the yard was full of toads on summer nights, where have they all gone?
@Adirondackwannabe and…...
TJBM has a bad memory.
TJBM is currently thinking of launching fireworks during a rainstorm.
I think that would be more frustrating than exciting. Watching the dancers on America’s Got Talent, the ones with the special light effects and interpreters, gave me an idea for safe fireworks. It would be cool to have a performance like that, with it appearing that I have fireworks blasting off from my hands, and rockets shoot from my eyes.
TJBM will have a banana split now, with LOTS of sprinkles, and a whole ridge of cherries across the top.
Mmmmm…reminds me of my first job. As a soda jerk (that was really the job title!) I also made such ice cream concoctions.
TJBM remembers their first job fondly.
Yeah. First grade student.
TJBM wishes they had an ice-cream making friend.
I do, a hawaiian shaved ice machine. I have been making snow cones in a bowl during this heat wave.
TJBM has a sore body part.
Laughs, my legs are killing me. I was hauling gravel all afternoon for a path I’m building. And I also make awesome ice cream.
TJBM Hates going to the doctor.
Well not as much as I hate going to the Dentist.
TJBM would do something obscene right now for a Klondike bar.
Uh, how obscene, and how public/private?
TJBM would like to have their own genie so they could give the command to…
Make me wish I lived in Aladin’s time.
TJBM wishes they had the power to jump to any time period.
Only if I can come back when I want to.
TJBM is away from home for the week end.
No, I’m home with all my children for the first time in several years. The only one missing is my year-old grandson, but he’s probably on a beach with all his cousins.
TJBM is enjoying family this weekend.
enjoy might not be the word
TJBM suffers from chronic writer’s block.
Nope- my imagination is an overflowing toilet of ideas!
TJBM suffers from no blockage that would prevent them from starting a new TJBM.
Not at all. It’s just we can get to the 500th response right?
TJBM wants to be the 500th responder.
Makes no dif to me
TJBM did something significant for their community this week.
Yep- I kept my car off the road.
TJBM knows the approximate length of the Mekong river.
TJBM wants to swim in the Mekong.
I don’t think so.
TJBM sucks their thumb sometimes when nobody is around.
No, especially after a swim in the Mekong.
TJBM went swimming today.
I’m in the Watering Hole right now. Does that count? I am all alone with nobody to chat with.
TJBM forgot there was a watering hole here.
How can I forget something that is always the first thing I see here?
TJBM thinks there is a watering hole in Mekong.
Certain to be, but I’d hope for one close to the Lasagongma Spring if I was going to water or waller in it.
TJBM is an accomplished wallerer.
Ha ha! You made me think of a silly song we had to learn for music class in middle school. The Hippopotamus Love Song. ”...so follow me follow, down to the hollow, where we can wallow in glooooorious mud!”
TJBM bought a selfie stick, so they can beat people with it when they try to take a selfie.
Nah, not too big on selfies.
TJBM considers themselves to be trendy.
Uh F—K no! Couldn’t give a shit on whats trendy and whats not.
TJBM wonders if common sense is being bread out of the human race.
More like “fed”...Especially if you’re talking about the sterile white spongy stuff that’s marketed as white “bread”!
TJBM now dislikes something they liked as a child.
Yeah, being ordered around.
TJBM just can’t get how trends are formed.
No. I was a fairly tasteful child.
TJBM has done unarmed combat with a wild animal. (Sticks or rocks don’t count as arms, only gun, car, crossbow or other mechanical device.)
Yeah. During my last holiday we were attacked by a swamp of jungle ants. While everyone struggled to get them out of their bodies, I figured out that the best way was to move my leg so often that they didn’t have time to claw onto me. So I walked soldier-stype. The result: no ants could touch me, and a bonus: the aftermath looked like this.
TJBM has done something cruel.
When I was about 8 I secretly spanked the neighbors 3 year old that wouldn’t leave me alone, his mom just thought he fell down. haha
I didn’t really hurt him, but I couldn’t control my urge to spank him.
TJBM is getting to “that age” where they can’t indulge in a lot of their favorite things because they pay for it.
Having my 1st Gout attack, it so sucks, must have been the beer and shrimp on the 4th, my poor foot I am so pissed off. No more beer and shrimp for me.
I was there. I lost it again.
TJBM has no moral code.
Oh God @Coloma! Did you go see the doctor? Gout is terrible and it can kill. Hope you can get over it.
I have. It’s just my moral code is different from others so I come across as having none.
TJBM is taken aback by something.
Haha yes, my gout. Bah! It’s getting better.
TJBM is pissed off they are getting old.
Not when I think of the alternative.
TJBM has aches and pains in places that a few years ago, they didn’t even know they had places!
Uh huh.
TJBM is surprisingly pleased that the furious, hard, outdoor work he or she has been doing the last week has toned some of them old muscles back up!
Oh, yeah!
TJBM will briefly share their philosophy concerning age.
Blessed to have gotten this far.
TJBM needs to load their new printer to their computer.
No, but it does need a new cartridge does that count?
TJBM wonders why the religious right gets so concerned about the 7 commandment while pretty much ignoring the other 9 commandments?
This Jelly says, “What?”
TJBM can’t believe he or she is back in sweatshirts and socks in July.
I’m not, but it is finally cooler with maybe some T-storms this week after a week of hell.
TJBM is hungry but doesn’t know what to eat.
Well, I am, but I’m waiting until I get absolutely ravenous to eat.
TJBM is worried about the bees.
In general, yes; but the pollinators are back in force here! It might be because we have several local beekeepers within a 10-mile radius.
TJBM is wondering about the birds.
Sex sex sex. Must everything be about sex with you people?!
TJBM is wondering why everything must be about sex with those people.
Noticing, but not wondering.
TJBM has had sex in a nest… or a bed of flowers.
Um, well. On a trail in the woods near my home, as a teenager. In a bed of chiggers. :(
TJBM is still watching the video.
TJBM is pondering a tough life choice.
No, living one. It was a bad choice too.
TJBM finds BBC America refreshing, compared to ABC. NBC, MSN, etc
No. I don’t watch much tv though. When I want to escape today’s featherbrained programming, I go to the retro channels.
TJBM has hijacked a thread and squirmed with delight over it.
TJBM sleeps upside-down.
Something I may try on heaven.
TJBM thinks heaven exists.
I have a prehensile tail and I hang from the branches. @Mimishu1995 Evil woman.
The TJBM has seen heaven.
Yes. It is inside my eyelids. When I roll back my eyes, I am there.
TJBM isn’t quite there, yet.
You have no idea, I am not even close to being “there” yet. Total exhaustion from the last 12 days of major activity and work. I slept 11 hours last night, unheard of!
TJBM has arrived.
At the fact I need to shower and get some things done ,uh yeah.
TJBM wants a BPJ sandwich right now.
Ew no. Won’t sit well with the shrimp and chocolate ice cream I just ate.
TJBM wants to go swimming in the lake. Right now.
Just took a cold shower. Watch out for that shrimp, it is what triggered my 1st gout attack, bah humbug!
TJBM is relaxing on this Sat. afternoon.
Yes, Wishing @Dutchess_III would have extended an invite with that chocolate ice cream. Maybe I should take the walk for some soft serve.
TJBM might take a nice walk to a walk up window for some soft serve.
Well I might but it would take me 2 hours to get to town on foot from the farm zone here, but, I just had a bowl of fresh picked blackberries from our property.
TJBM has blackberry bushes nearby.
TJBM is enjoying a yellow snocone.
You mean this?
TJBM wants to get some snow outside and eat.
Yes, the sorority of hippie farm chicks. haha
TJBM has pink cowboy boots.
No.. I have four pairs of cowboy boots but none of them are pink!
TJBM likes Bette Midler
I do!
TJBM would like to see Bette Midler and Cyndi Lauper do a movie together about two wonderful crazy chicks who get old and widowed, and make life havoc aboard a senior citizen cruise ship.
Haha…sure, why not. I love Bette Midler too. I bought one of her first albums when I was 13.
TJBM is still wakin’ up with Folgers in their cup.
Folgers is non-existence here.
TJBM wants something and is working hard to get it.
TJBM is so hot ,and is thinking of skinny dipping.
Thinking of it, but never get away with it here like I might have in other places I’ve lived.
TJBM will share their fantasies with us
Aaaah…a peaceful place where the temps. never get over 80 degrees.
TJBM is hungry!
Yep. Got the munchies, and it’s lunchtime. What a combination!
TJBM would like to live in an area where cannabis is legal for recreational use.
True. Nothing wrong with a wee bit o’ the herb now and then. Some of my most creative projects have unfolded with the green. haha
TJBM likes creative projects like painting and designing home improvements.
Well…does privacy fence repairing count?
TJBM worked outside, really hard today for several hours, but escaped before it actually hit 100 degrees and they threw up.
No, but if it was you I don’t know if I should be happy or sorry :(
TJBM is jealous that I’m the 400th responder.
No, what little jealousy is within these bones is reserved for greener things!
TJBM doesn’t have a jealous bone in their body.
True, I am lucky to be pretty free of jealousy and envy, now, if I can only overcome my annoyance with some others I’ll be home free.
TJBM is having a lovely glass of wine right now before dinner.
No, I’m having a can of Fanta (apple and sour cherry)
TJBM is having chilli con carne for dinner?
False, a good old fashioned 1950’s dinner of meatloaf, peas and mashed potatoes with baked cabbage.
TJBM is already tried and they have only been up for 3 hours.
Nope. No court cases for me. I am a law abiding citizen. ha ha
TJBM is trying a case today before the Supreme Court.
I wish! I wouldn’t be spending my time here talking about poops and farts!
TJBM rather enjoys working outside in 100 degree weather…but in the shade.
100° is a bit warm for me to work, even in the shade.
TJBM is trying a case of brew.
No, dammit, I have to give up beer because of the gluten and high purines that cause gout and inflamation, so I am just going to have to be satisfied with white wine on occasion. getting old sucks, having to give up some of your favorite things because of age related weirdness. haha
TJBM has had to give up some of their favorite things.
Yep. Gluten Free here, too thanks to my multiple gastro-disatro issues. I miss Oreos more than words can express.
TJBM can eat anything they like. Iron stomach anyone?
Call me in! I can eat without getting fat, something many girl envy.
TJBM has something others wish to have.
Same as you, but I can’t eat what I want. I used to, but as I aged I had to train myself over the years to stay away from sugar and fat as much as I can.
TJBM can list, in order, from the most fattening to least fattening meats.
Uh..Bacon, spare ribs, other fatty cuts of beef, no, I guess not. lol
TJBM needs a shower.
sniff sniff Ew, guess so.
TJBM refuses to switch away from soap on a rope.
Soap-on-a-rope? Haven’t used that in many years!
TJBM can recall when something now in common use was new and novel.
Yes, about 15 years ago even a black-and-white phone was a luxury.
TJBM is sastified with where they live.
Most fattening: Pork
Then: Beef
Then: Chicken
Least fattening: fish.
I am satisfied. Although when I travel to more exotic states I really want to live there. But my kids are here and that trumps all.
TJBM finally has health insurance again!
@Dutchess_III I knew that chicken and fish were best but I thought you meant like beef only, never mind, haha
TJBM needs to do something they don’t want to do today.
Lots of stuff, so I better get to it.
TJBM is trying to figure out how to get this damn boat out of the yard and to the dump!
No. look on craigslist under services. Somebody there will be waiting for a call from a Dutchess in distress, so they can ride in to the rescue with their truck.
TJBM likes to rescue people with their truck.
Oh, we have a truck. We have a trailer. Just trying to figure out how to get the boat onto the trailer. We almost pulled a utility pole over umpteen years ago when we tied a rope to the pole, then to the boat, then drove the trailer out from under the boat. The pole was like, “Whee, whoa, whee, whoa!”
TJBM likes dealing with macho shit.
Meh…but I can handle it.
TJBM is already sweating at not even 10 a.m. yet. It’s gonna be a hot one here again.
Well, yes. I’ve been working outside.
TJBM also remembers this Geraldine.
No, I don’t. No clue.
TJBM is remembering hot, hot summers when he or she was out in the sun, up in the middle of all that heat, playing, soaking themselves in a hose to cool off, then back to playing.
Oh yes, to be 8 again, leaping out of bed and into action in one minute, impervious to the heat, no need to stretch out old muscles and drink 4 cups of coffee to get goin’, a quickie bowl of Frosted Flakes were all you needed to put that Tiger in your tank. lol
TJBM just did a massive grocery shopping trip in the heat and is now recovering.
No, but I did a massive weed-pulling! (The recent rains made everything grow!)
TJBM is comfortable with their weather today.
I am. It’s hotter than hell, but it’s nice to sit outside in the warmth…then come back inside to the AC.
TJBM has slept in 100 plus degree weather with no AC.
Many years ago. Trying to nap in a hammock at a music festival after an all-night campfire party.
TJBM has pulled an all-nighter recently.
No, just a lot of all dayers. lol
TJBM likes mint chocolate chip ice cream.
TJBM has a word that can make them goes crazy.
I do but it’s x-rated.
TJBM has a clean word that makes them crazy.
TJBM knows the above word has a number of unpleasant meanings.
A GREAT number of unpleasant meanings.
TJBM is procrastinating.
Yeah,true, got to jump in the shower and get going.
TJBM is in a fowl mood right now.
M. No. It was raining and thundering when I woke up so I went back to sleep. However, I needed the extra sleep due to waking up at 4:30 a.m. and sliding into boat loads of diarrhea dog shit in the kitchen, which I had to clean up before I went back to bed.
TJBM has stepped into some gross shit in the middle of the night.
Haha..many times, not actually shit but cat barf and dead gophers on the floor.
@SQUEEKY2 A “fowl” mood, have you turned into a Turkey? lol
TJBM is making an exquisite dinner tonight.
Nah. Maybe some peel and eat shrimp again. Maybe with a piece of toast. And a beer. OK,maybe it is exquisite, by some standards!
TJBM is ready to eat ANY DAY NOW!!!
I am, starving right now, going for a bagel and cream cheese and some fresh blackberries with yogurt in a minute or three here. haha
TJBM loves roasted veggies.
M. Grilled veggies.
TJBM liked the heat, while it lasted.
Only Monday during school year. And it isn’t school year yet.
TJBM can multitask.
I can chew gum and walk.
TJBM has a really hairy back.
I do not. Ewwww. lol
TJBM is afraid of hairy backs.
I am not afraid, but I like green backs better.
TJBM wants some slow cooked roast beef.
M. With the taters and carrots and onions!
TJBM is tired.
TJBM wants to be quick.
They call me the breeze….
TJBM uses Febreeze air freshener.
I don’t. If there is a smell, I attack the source of the smell….WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SMELL??
TJBM wonders how some folks can be so hateful.
Not really, because I know it only a symptom of their ignorance and emotional health issues.
TJBM just poured a big, tall glass of ice water.
Nope just made a huge glass of Peach ice tea.
TJBM likes Vodka better than beer.
Well, vodka is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
TJBM likes sauerkraut.
With apples and caraway seeds. Maybe a few sweet onions too.
TJBM cooked a meal today with leftovers.
TJBM has a personal flag.
TJBM has a garden full of goodies right now.
I have tomatoes out the wazzou. Potatos and peppers coming well. But my radishes were woody.
TJBM knows why radishes would be woody?
I’m afraid not. I also have difficulty imagining tomatoes flying out of your wazzou. Some sort of after effect of being bat bit?
TJBM has heard what Morgan Freeman is growing now, instead of cannabis.
What Freeman?
TJBM is getting indifferent.
No, I am different, and ever shall be.
TJBM is so different, they dare not elaborate.
You get bit by a bat, you get superpowers. I’d tell you the rest but he pledged me to silence.
TJBM has never been bitten by an animal.
Grew up visiting cousins on their farms. I’ve been bitten by mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians. (Frogs don’t hurt, but they try.) Oh, what about flowers? I’ve been bitten by a snapdragon, and once got too close to a morning glory to smell it, and it sucked in around my nose like an attack. Got bit by a venus flytrap once, on purpose, to see if it would hurt. It didn’t hurt me, but the plant died three days later.
TJBM has been attacked by a plant.
Cholla (pronounced choy-a) cactus, nettles, Pyracantha, roses and Hawthorn trees.
TJBM has made rose hip tea or rose hip jelly.
I’ve had rose hip tea, never made it. @Here2_4 You got bit by a snapdragon and a morning glory? That’s talent.
TJBM has been attacked by wildlife.
Can mosquitoes count?
TJBM has been attacked by domestic life.
@Mimishu1995 Well the mosquitos are probably horrid in your country, so I guess that would count. Yeah domestic life has lashed out at me, but not how you think.
TJBM Had a really nice weekend. Trying to lighten it up a bit.
It was okay, but not spectacular.
TJBM has some schmutz on their mouth. Get that, it’s bugging me.
That’s chapstick schmutz. It keeps my lips kissably soft.
TJBM loves kissably soft lips.
Only on Mrs Squeeky.
TJBM is BBQing up a storm right now.
No, but I’ve just seen someone BBQ a storm. They drove everyone away.
TJBM wants to eat everything.
Not right now! I just made a tofu stir-fry, but used too much fresh pasilla pepper and amped up the scovilles!
TJBM knows how to amp up the scovilles
I try to keep it mild. I went wild and had a chili cheese dog tonight. Now I feel burpy.
TJBM knows if Schrodinger’s cat is still alive.
Yes, I know. Probably. Or probably not.
It must be! it keeps turning up in the most unexpected places!
TJBM has experienced probability wave collapse.
Nope, but can you send me a photo when it happens.
TJBM has more than one musical instrument in their home.
Many many more than one!
TJBM has more than once played a musical instrument
A guitar and a organ.
TJBM plays more than one musical instrument.
I dabble with piano and drums.
TJBM is out of it this morning.
Um, not bad.
TJBM wonders they they ever even bother to vacuum, what with two dogs, and sometimes hordes of chilluns tromping in and out.
Amen to that…and add into that equation two black cats and light colored carpet.
TJBM has a new tattoo.
I do, several, but no needles. I bought a bunch of temporary tattoos. Reliving my childhood, I guess. Tomorrow I might wear a scorpion.
TJBM eats bugs, and likes it.
Sure I will!
TJBM has clicked the link from TJAM’s post, and is wondering if they are crunchy or chewy, sweet or savory.
Not so much that, as wondering how they are served; soup, fried, in a bowl with milk poured over them?
TJBM has an answer for that.
I don’t, but I’ll bet Andrew Zimmern would have.
TJBM can be adventurous with their food.
M, no, not really. I don’t eat until I’m super, duper hungry and it would be too disappointing to have to wind up choking down food I don’t even like, but am willing to eat because I am SO hungry.
However, I probably eat less than half of the nasty food, compared to what I normally eat, so that’s good.
TJBM eats even when they aren’t hungry.
I do, I am trying to watch it but I love food, who doesn’t?
TJBM has a tattoo.
Uh NO!!
TJBM loves peanut butter ice cream.
I loved that new Ben & Jerry’s ice cream with Jimmy Fallon’s picture on it. It is YUM, and some of the money from sales goes to charity.
TJBM likes using products which pay it forward.
Like if you buy the products you will help support someone? Well OK.
TJBM wishes they had a tatoo.
Why do you want a tattoo. They look gross on older peeps.
TJBM has no tattoos.
I have 2 actually, a cute little kitty on my right hip and a prurple morning glory with a half anklet vine on my right ankle. They are very well done.
TJBM has a wildfire burning nearby. Just had a fire with potential to be a major incident break out behind our property here by about a mile, burned 30 acres already and heading into the woods. We are anxiously monitoring the situation, hoping the winds don’t shift and watching the air tankers go over.
No, not this time. The El Niño monsoon has been very good us here.
@Coloma My thoughts are with you!
TJBM is familiar with the weather phenomenon known as El Niño.
Spank poquito nino! He causes too much problems.
TJBM can tell me how to get the ~ on top of my n.
Fraid not. haha
All’s good, fire contained, winds blowing Northwest away from us. Whew!
TJBM has had snowstorm/fire watch parties with their neighbors, everyone hanging out watching the chaos.
I have none of those. But I guess people would be crazy at a snowstorm party. Most of us have never seen snow anyway.
TJBM wants to trace their weather with another place.
I will assume TJAM means “trade”; no, I’m fine with my weather here
@Here2_4 If I’m using my Android phone, I will just hold my finger on the “n” and wait for the ”ñ” option to pop up. On a PC I will cut/paste.
TJBM will share a Fluther trick with us.
can you do that?
TJBM can disappear.
I can disappear even more than that. Stay tuned.
TJBM is looking forward to camping this weekend.
If only I had a tent.
TJBM likes to stay at home all day at weekends.
No. Hubs and I usually go road trippin’. Go see the kids and grandkids and discover stuff.
TJBM is having to vacuum every day.
No, but I sweep every day, just call me Cinderella. lol
TJBM has used a panty liner to blow their nose.
No, but one night at a serious beer party my friend got a bloody nose, I don’t remember how. I got a panty line for him. He used it for about 3 minutes until he realized what it was
TJBM has used power tools for unusual purposes.
Hand sanders without the sandpaper vibrate very nicely. lol
TJBM has had sex with a power tool.
No, I wasn’t thinking along those lines, but that’s an interesting use of them.
TJBM has cut up a pizza with a chain saw. Extra points if it was in the kitchen
I am not that ridiculous. Hack saw, maybe. Maybe.
TJBM isn’t that ridiculous. Why do I think @Adirondackwannabe will not be TJBM?!
I guess you thought wrong. And I’m not ridiculous, just wild and insane at times.
TJBM lies letting their freak out from time to time.
I think TJAM means “likes”.
I do! I especially like to freak my kids out by doing something completely unexpected. It encourages them to refrain from conforming for the sake of conforming.
TJBM is a nonconformist.
Occasionally. Nonconformist shit tends to get me fired, though.
TJMB gets frustrated with people who don’t “get” them.
I know a few jellies who I would compare; I never thought of TJAM as one. I guess appearances can be deceiving!
TJBM’s appearances are deceiving
Is there a #64? If there is, could someone send it to me? I don’t see one, but we are in the 5-teens.
Go ahead and start it. All it takes is asking the question.
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