What is a sheeple?
An American slang word. What does it mean?
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28 Answers
It’s a derogatory term to describe people who are behaving like sheep ir following what the majority are doing or saying without thinking for themselves.
I believe the origin of this comes from Christianity, as in God leading the lambs. Not that Christians made it up, but I mean the word being coined on that idea.
The word also mysteriously seems to exclude the person using the term.
It’s slang used by conspiracy buffs and preppers for people who don’t believe in end times prepping and alien overlord conspiracies.
It’s plural as in “We the sheeple….” – a portmanteau from people and sheep; followers of the herd.
@Adirondackwannabe I instantly thought of a temple or church with sheep impaled on it. LOL
@Pandora That’s kind of rough. I don’t want to hurt the poor sheep.
Hey it’s not called a sacrificial lamb for nothing. LOL
Laughs, yeah, true. And the chops are really good too.
Yeah, it may be hard to get the sheep down though.
It’s a tower like structure located on a church roof, erected by an all female team of constructors.
Sheep + People. It’s used to refer to people who blindly follow a certain philosophy without thinking it through for themselves. Like Republicans.
OOHhhhm goood one at @Dutchess_III that should ruffle a few feathers.^^^
@Dutchess_III It takes one to know one. The truth is we are all sheeple. If you disagree then you are a blind sheeple.
@gondwanalon I prefer not to blindly follow the heard, I am much happier striking out on my own path.
On a somewhat related note, my sister’s class in college was asked to raise their hand if they were a conformist.
She was the only one to raise her hand.
I don’t think so @gondwanalon. If that were true I’d still be identifying as a Christian.
@Dutchess_III Oh like sheeple aren’t found in ALL other religions. HA! You ARE a poor lost sheeple. May you someday see the light!
Any way Frank Zappa explained this best:
I am gross and perverted
Im obsessed n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you
I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think Im delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin out
From your tv set
You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don’t need you
Don’t got for help…no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold
That’s right, folks..
Don’t touch that dial
Not sure how you made that leap ”Oh like sheeple aren’t found in ALL other religions”
It is a mass of people behaving like sheep and not thinking for themselves. But on the other hand a sheep on its own won’t last long.
Well, needing each other isn’t the same thing as being mindless.
We do our own thing and think our own thoughts until the flock moves and then we follow blindly.
@hominid Haha indeed. I love how everyone thinks outside the box and marches to the beat of their own drum.
But how does one be a sheeple? Unless you were a fly on the wall in their home, how would you know they are a sheeple? Is it a voting thing?
My husband is a serious sheeple. I thought of this Q the other day. We were on a road that was under construction. A detour sign popped up at an intersection, instructing us to turn right. However, turning right would have led us away from our destination whereas turning left, which was an option, would take us closer to our destination. He turned right because that’s what the sign said to do. Pft. I would have turned left.
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