If there was ever a Fluther ”lovefest” where the rules were suspended and you could well wish Jellies by name, would the same old grudges, bitterness, and animosities take it down like the Hindenburg?
To elaborate just a touch, if there was ever an event where goodwill and such was available between Flutheronians directly, with the rules relaxed so you could name other Flutheronians, would it be destine to implode because of the backbiting, animosity, grudges, etc.?
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40 Answers
^ That would make it more of a private party and not an open well-wishing event.
Another answer – the milestone parties are “open well wishing events” and seem to be “lovefests” that don’t implode like the “Hindenberg”. (That was the Zagats answer.)
@janbb Another answer – the milestone parties are “open well wishing events” and seem to be “lovefests” that don’t implode like the “Hindenberg”
It is a once in many years event (unless you are insanely popular in the right clique) acknowledging a milestone, as you say. No one cares to really be anal because they want civility when they reach their milestone. It should not take a milestone every 2–4 years for Jellies to put the shanks away, hide the tire irons, and put the bats down to be totally nice to each other and not the fake civil nice because the mods are watching.
@whitenoise Well @Hypocrisy_Central… I wish you well.
As I you, how can you not for a plushy with kids, a wife, and a MBA (massive bank account) :-)
I don’t hold grudges, especially not on the internet, waste of energy and doesn’t come naturally to my personality. I do avoid those that have been asshats and I reserve the right to dislike you. Of course that is a 2 way street, I don’t expect everyone will like me either.
If I dislike you I will usually avoid you but may, on occasion, if you blatantly say something asshatty, remind you that I think you’re an asshat. lol
I am always willing to let bygones be bygones but not without acknowledgment and appropriate ownership of said asshatty behaviors.
Notice I did not say ” apology” required, it could be as simple, for those that need to save face above all else, to simply say something like ” I can see your POV” or ” maybe I was out of line ” or, ” Maybe I misunderstood you.” Pretty simple.
Out of this entire pod there are only a couple that I am not at all fond of and a couple I strongly dislike. Soooo..the short answer is “yes”, extend the Olive branch and I will consider it a fresh start, refuse and I will just continue to avoid you and chalk it up to your, overall, crappy personality. haha
I am VERY easy to get along with, here and in real life, so if I dislike you there is a damn good reason for it.
“_same old grudges, bitterness, and animosities _”
You assume too much in your question. I suspect most of us can’t be bothered with these petty things.
If this has been your experience, I might suggest it’s you.
@cookieman C’mon a my house, I’m gonna give you cookies.
^^ I suspect most of us can’t be bothered with these petty things.
If this has been your experience, I might suggest it’s you.
Maybe you are in the right clique have not observed what I have around here in situations that had nothing to do with me, for I was not a part of it.
@whitenoise What’s a cuddly plushy and where can I buy one?
I’m very popular, hugely entertaining & one of the good guys, a view frequently endorsed by family & friends. I despise confrontation & avoid it at all costs, but if you show yourself to be a cunt, then i’m onto you like flies around shite.
This place has a few cunts…I guess XD
If I ever held grudge to anyone, you wouldn’t see me post anything in such a thread.
Sometimes silence is golden.
Unfortunately, I’m unique and not for sale. Sorry. :-)
@janbb I want some cookies to please.
@SQUEEKY2 Cookies for all Jellies will be provided forthwith!
I’d like chocolate chip with macadamia nuts please, or coconut macaroons.
@janbb cookies should be made with fish meal. :-)
If the fest was fueled by hydrogen, then a few pricks might bring it down like the Hindenburg.
That’s why my fests are enhanced with nitrous oxide and helium instead. ;-)
I’m with @Mimishu1995 on this one. Even if flaming and crap was allowed on here, I would post nothing about someone I didn’t like. No use feeding the fire, plus people I don’t like, I often feel that they’re not worth me spending energy on, anyway.
Speaking for self, can’t do so for anyone else.
I once tried a lovefest on Flurher and it turned out rather badly. I’ll stick to Likefests and Ignorefests.
Could we host a Passive-Aggressive Fest?
@Pachy I once tried a lovefest on Flurher and it turned out rather badly. I’ll stick to Likefests and Ignorefests.
That happened to you too, huh? I guess as educated and enlightened as people are supposedly to be here, we are really just a throng of frenemies, and wolves in sheep’s clothing.
@HC, I can’t blame anybody but myself. I was dumb. But I learned a valuable lesson.
@Pachy I was dumb. But I learned a valuable lesson
I was not dumb, I was genuinely optimistic that the behavior would match the scuttlebutt that is always thrown around here, sadly they lived up to the reality I figured to see. :-(
^^ It’s so hard to tell what you’re talking about a lot of the time @Hypo.
^ Not to sound disrespectful but how simple should I make it, 6th grade level, 8th grade level, 12th grade level, there is supposedly PhD and MENSA card members here so I did not feel I had to (for lack of a better word, so everyone chill) “dumb it down” that much.
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
For anyone who is confused about the question: @Hypocrisy_Central is annoyed that a question he wanted to ask wasn’t allowed and decided to misrepresent the reason he was given for why it was not allowed in asking this question. That or he didn’t actually understand the reason and chose to ask this question instead of looking for clarification.
@Hypocrisy_Central “There is supposedly PhD and MENSA card members here so I did not feel I had to (for lack of a better word, so everyone chill) “dumb it down” that much.”
No one is asking you to dumb it down. They are asking you to smarten it up. The affected way in which you typically write on Fluther is confusing not because others are too dumb to understand it, but because you try so hard to sound smart that what comes out barely counts as English.
You are not stupid. I’ve seen you write in a perfectly cogent manner. But your attempts to impress and the supercilious tone that tends to accompany them nearly always falls flat precisely because most of the people here are smart enough to see through it. Just be yourself. It’s good enough.
@SavoirFaire That or he didn’t actually understand the reason and chose to ask this question instead of looking for clarification.
Since we are speaking mod matters in open court, let’s at least get it right. This question was to add validity to what was said. I heard the reason for the other question being cockblocked, this was to see how true it was. A few questions posted after that, that I see seemed to tip toe the same issue, and survived the cutting room floor.
No one is asking you to dumb it down. They are asking you to smarten it up. The affected way in which you typically write on Fluther is confusing..]
If anyone want to smarten things up, we can start with the quality of questions asked. I can’t seem where the confusion is, the question has a clear path, the answer to it just the same, it is either left or right; up or down; hot or cold; soft or hard; black or white; on or off, etc. If one really cares about the motivation of why a person asked what they asked, if it keeps them form answering the question, maybe they should PM the asker to gain some enlightenment to answer the question if they cannot see the boundaries of the question.
[…but because you try so hard to sound smart that what comes out barely counts as English.
I do not try to sound like anyone, OK, I avoid trying to sound like a gangsta, would not know how anyway. I can say the same myself of others, but that is the thing about opinions…….
But your attempts to impress and the supercilious tone that tends to accompany them nearly always falls flat precisely because most of the people here are smart enough to see through it. Just be yourself. It’s good enough.
I speak to people here the same way I speak to people I meet in the real world, OK, if they are hood rats I use simpler words. I have no need to impress anyone here, not a single member signs my checks. If they understand the question but do not like the tone, like cable, switch the channel, it would be crazy to curse at the TV because the show on it you don’t like. It seems to me people get lost more when I use the local jargon, (for lack of a better word), and that is me. If I can’t in pleasant conversation say ”Those zip zappers in their hoopties won’t give a dude any play unless he is gripped like a T-Rex with a fat pocket” and not have people scratching their heads because they don’t know what is said, then I can’t talk to them like that, can I?
I got over trying to be friends with everyone. I figure if certain people dislike me or my comments piss them off, I’m doing something right.
@cazzie: But I do like you and your comments don’t piss me off. So, are you doing something wrong?
@cookieman spell check on my phone…. knows something I don’t, I guess.
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