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Strauss's avatar

Well, what's the verdict (see details)

Asked by Strauss (23924points) April 29th, 2015

Early in 2014, one of our more interesting (IMHO) flutheronians posted this question about a “kinder, gentler Fluther”. Now that we’ve had a few months to reflect, what’s your verdict?

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26 Answers

Uasal's avatar

Seems mostly the same as when I left about a year ago. Fewer people, but the ones remaining are the same as ever. No new standouts yet that I’ve seen.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Depends on each invididual. Sone think it’s more hostile, other think it’s the same. My totally personal verdict: the same, which is why I’m still here.

dxs's avatar

It’s Bob Seger to me.

Strauss's avatar

@dxs Bob Seeger Runnin’ on Empty? Or Turn the Page? Against the Wind? Like a Rock? Or maybe Night Moves?

Coloma's avatar

I think it’s been pretty well mannered around fluthertown this year, there are a few, regulars that can be abrasive but as long as the Marwyn imposter doesn’t come back to steal his identity again it’s all good.
I’m pretty well behaved 99.9% of the time. Mess with my goose and I’ll let you have it with both barrels.

ucme's avatar

Ignoring the question regarding last year, coz Fluther has always been hostile.
It’s way better since the “much missed” pretentious whining fuckers left, despite what their mates would have you believe.

jca's avatar

I just scrolled through and read a few responses on the link provided by @Yetanotheruser. The bitches were bitches back then, so I don’t see any changes in that regard.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have been here since early 2009 and, apart from the drop in new people coming onboard and sticking around, I haven’t noticed any really difference. I have never found Fluther to be a hostile place on the whole. There will always be disagreements and people taking things a bit to seriously/personally but I don’t think that is happening any more or any less nowadays.

syz's avatar

Same, just quieter and less populated.

janbb's avatar

Well, we haven’t taken out any new members lately but I think that may be because we haven’t had any! Actually I’m not sure I’d use the words “kinder” or “gentler” but I think Fluther is tamer lately.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I don’t think there are many left with thin skin so what would cause some to blow up normally is just not happening. So yes, a little kinder and gentler.

Blondesjon's avatar

It is except for all the black, white, straight, gay, liberal, conservative, theist, atheist, old, young, and sober members.

rojo's avatar

There are several abrasive people who answered that last question that I miss. Seems pretty tame now.

My view was that all the none-religious got tired of all the christian whining about being persecuted and left and once they left the religious got bored because no one was oppressing them so then had nothing to talk about so they left too. Then the vampires moved in, were soundly trounced because everything for them revolved around darkness blood and sucking and so they got bored and moved on as well.

whitenoise's avatar

Don’t forget about the drunks. :)

Coloma's avatar

I made the mistake of engaging in a police violence Q. last night…oh man, well, sometimes one must revisit something to remember WHY they should avoid certain others like the plague. The spin assigned to my easy to understand sentiments was like a top of the line Maytag cycling at warp speed. yep, maximum extraction from a few drops. lol

stanleybmanly's avatar

It isn’t kind and gentle that I’m hoping for. I’ll take mean and tough anyday over dull and vapid.

flutherother's avatar

It is red in tooth and claw. If it seems quieter it is because the dead outnumber the living.

Berserker's avatar

Right now would have been the perfect time for SomeGhost to pop in here and say something lol.

cookieman's avatar

Fuck you!
I-I mean…yes! We are definitely both kinder and gentler.

SmashTheState's avatar

Fluther has always been a den of priggish hypocrisy. Not much has changed except that there are fewer people here now. I suspect this is because Fluther has a pretty high literacy rate, and even the stupidest people here tend to be considerably above average. As our culture continues to turn Idiocracy into a documentary, Fluther is dying a slow death from the dearth of intelligent people with enough time on their hands to spend a few hours asking and answering either pretty abstruse questions about philosophy and ethics which require some high analytical and literacy skills or practical questions about science theoretical and/or applied which require a good deal of education and/or reading.

janbb's avatar

^^ I’m thinking that may have been complimentary!

Strauss's avatar

@janbb I’m thinking that too, stated in a most abstruse manner!

janbb's avatar

@Yetanotheruser There you go with your priggish hypocrisy again!

trailsillustrated's avatar

I miss some of the hella funny people like suannetremendous, and a few others

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