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filmfann's avatar

You are on a psychotic killing spree. What song is playing?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) April 30th, 2015

suggested by a pic I saw on Facebook

I am sure you recall “Singing In The Rain” from Clockwork Orange.
Have fun with this.

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32 Answers

janbb's avatar

As Some Day it May Happen by Gilbert and Sullivan, aka “I’ve Got a Little List.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

They’re coming to take me away….

ucme's avatar

^ That would be a blast.

ibstubro's avatar

A little obvious. but I particularly like the last verse.
Maybe something else will occur to me.

kritiper's avatar

“Iron Man” by Black Sabbath.

ragingloli's avatar

John Williams’ Superman Theme.

Darth_Algar's avatar

‘Iron Man’, by the Cardigans

Brian1946's avatar

It seems like it’s always Helter Skelter; well, at least since ‘69.

cazzie's avatar

Rita looked like Tony Perkins… asking ‘Do you want to take that shower now?’

Inara27's avatar

REM – “It’s the end of the world as we know it” – and I feel fine.

flutherother's avatar

“What a Wonderful World’ – Louis Armstrong

Berserker's avatar

Nothing is playing at all. The screams of my dying victims is all the music I need.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

WOVEN HAND. – The speaking hands.

talljasperman's avatar

My Kryptonite. Paralyzed. Or Mike Tysons super punch out for the NES. Or I am machine.

Blackberry's avatar

Gustav Holst – The Planets – Mars, the Bringer of War.

filmfann's avatar

I thought mine would be Hell by the Squirrel Nut Zippers, but it turned out to be Tainted Love by Soft Cell.

ucme's avatar

Oscar Pistorius during the shooting of Reeva while hobbling around on his stumps…Footloose.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Doors, “Riders on the Storm”

dxs's avatar


Mimishu1995's avatar

I would be constantly whistling the same song as this guy.

jerv's avatar

As I tend to be more upbeat and energetic, often to the point of manic, I would have to go with something so obvious you’ll facepalm. Hey, I like the fast and percussive, especially when I’m mowing down innocent people like wheat!

anniereborn's avatar

Wait, I was just getting warmed up with the first song. I forgot to Burn

cletrans2col's avatar

“White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane

PullMyFinger's avatar

Oh, it HAS to be ‘Atlantis’ by Donovan.

(it played as Pesci and DeNiro kicked the shit out of Billy Batts in ‘Goodfellas’)

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