Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Has anyone else been on Fluther so long they forgot how nasty and rude other forums are?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) April 30th, 2015

I tried out this online Q&A forum and my avatar was a picture of my face. After a few weeks I’ve already been called a ‘coon’ ‘ape’ and ‘stupid ni***r’. They weren’t even questions about race lol.

Do you have any wacky online forum tales?

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18 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I was on Askville while it was alive and the blood would run thick over there every once and awhile.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I never found the other forums to be nasty or rude, I did not incur that until redacted

JLeslie's avatar

WTH?! I can’t believe it. What type of site was that?

I had never been on a Q&A site before Fluther. Since I’ve been coming here I’ve probably been on other Q&A sites a total of 40 hours. That’s covering about 5 years! Sometimes I think about trying another one again, but I haven’t done it. It would have to be full of fabulous people like Fluther. I think that’s probably hard to find.

Brian1946's avatar

@Blackberry What forum did you try out? Stormfront?

Blondesjon's avatar

Fluther has been my only one and there will never be another when it’s gone.

@Blackberry . . . so you’re black? what’s up with that?

josie's avatar

I only know AB and Fluther
Some folks are here because it gives meaning to their lives
Others are here because they need to know what the Millennials are thinking
I am sure other sites are nasty. But all they teach you is nasty and rude.
We already know all about that.

Blackberry's avatar

It’s called Girls Ask Guys, it’s interesting because you get into the minds of people more specifically about relationships between men and women, but it has a feature where you can go anonymous so the freaks come out lol.

@Blondesjon Lol….Yeah, I guess two black people did it and here I am. It’s not too bad. :)

Mimishu1995's avatar

I am a Y!A refugee. I could never get a right answer whenever I asked there. Not that I got no answer, but no one ever bothered to truly answer the questions. They asked me back like what the hell I was asking, or a plain “just google it”. Sometimes I was even questioned my race, my stupidity and some other offensive questions. That is the reason why I stay here on Fluther for so long.

Y!A and Fluther are the only forums that I have truly engaged in. I just stand outside and observe other forums. And the flame, the derailing and “just google it” are quite common in some forums. I have seen someone asking about something they couldn’t find on Google. And all they received were two kinds of answers: “where’s Google?” and “why the hell do you look for it? I don’t like it. Don’t look for it”. Truly helpful people.

Misspegasister28's avatar

That’s horrible! I can’t believe people called you those disgusting things! I’m sorry that happened to you!

And to answer your question, yes! On here we have civil and mature arguments. On other websites, usually the people arguing just attack each other using ad hominem or something stupid like that.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Not that I got no answer, but no one ever bothered to truly answer the questions.
How long have you been here? Not much different in that respect, if you look hard.

On here we have civil and mature arguments. On other websites, usually the people arguing just attack each other using ad hominem or something stupid like that.
<snich, snich> giggle……giggle…..bahahaha bahahahaha bahahahahahah! Sorry, tried to contain oit but it was funny enough to blow milk through my nose. :-D

Coloma's avatar

I never was really involved in any other forums, but Yahoo sure has a lot of cretins and mean, stupid commenters. haha
I like fluther, we can have our moments but overall pretty civil, most of the time. Things got a bit heated tonight in another question, oh well, it happens, move on.

rojo's avatar

My initial response was “Oh! Bite Me!” but I decided it did not really call for that virulent a response even in social.

@Hypocrisy_Central – What blather.

Misspegasister28's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Hahaha, we have our moments, but Fluther is a lot better than most places xD

AshlynM's avatar

I finally had to leave Yahoo Answers, I was so fed up with their immaturity and stupidity. My questions would constantly get reported and pulled from the site, even though I made sure I was following the guidelines. There were no active moderators as far as I could tell, not like here. I find there’s nice group on Fluther here, most of whom are nice and actually helpful. Fluther is refreshing after that mess of Y!A.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

My partner quit Fluther after a week for the same reasons so many do. He prefers Reddit. I, too, have joined that site, but it’s like comparing apples to oranges. For me, the worst thing about Fluther is losing contact with those that we care about.

jca's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer: When you say “the worst thing about Fluther is losing contact with those we care about” do you mean because you spend a lot of time on Fluther and so don’t see other people that you care about, or are you referring to what could happen if Fluther shuts down?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@jca For me, the worst thing about Fluther is having members we’ve come to know and appreciate suddenly disappear from the site, never to be heard from again.

Berserker's avatar

I find that most forums or other discussion sites I try to join are always much too grounded in their own “cultures” for me to ever be a part of. And such “cultures” usually require you to be proficient in the knowledge of memes and other internet related phenomena to be a part of it. If you don’t assimilate, you will be ignored for the most part.
Granted, I’m talking about video game forums…and frankly, gamers are the worst fucking lot on the net haha. I can never seem to care enough about a forum’s worth and its denizens to take the time to properly understand the community and be accepted. I know I can do it though, as I have done it before. I prefer horror movie forums, fans are usually much more laid back and friendly. Incidentally, I imagine a lot of new users join Fluther and find it intimidating because of the close knit community.

But it really depends on the place itself. Sort of generalizing above, but most places do have their own flavor, plus it also depends on how strictly, or not, rules are enforced. Again, look at Fluther with a newbie’s eyes. If I was new today, I would probably not stay here. I’m glad I joined back when we had four times as many people, therefore more variation.

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