This is exactly why I say it doesn’t matter why someone is gay, we should respect them as human beings period. People can live and be committed to whomever they want and it’s nobody else’s business!
One argument gay people have against the religious right us that they were born gay; God made them gay. Take God out of the equation and who gives a shit why someone is gay?
Ok, maybe science and even gay people themselves are curious why some people do know from an extremely young age they are gay, or the wrong gender, etc, etc., but no one should be sitting in judgement of another persons journey in life as long as it is not hurting anyone else.
About 15 years ago I was seeing a therapist and for a few minutes being bisexual and gay cane up. I don’t know why it came up, something to do with my sister I would guess? My sister is bisexual, would prefer to be in a lesbian relationship, but usually winds up in straight relationships. All of her long term, live together relationships, of which there has been 3, have been with men. Anyway, the shrink made a comment that she knows many women who chose to be gay later in life. It took me aback a little at the time. I asked, “really?” And, she said that she sees it for a variety if reasons. I already felt like people can “choose” to live whomever they want, and that just reinforced it.
We all do choose in the sense that we evaluate a potential SO, deciding if they are someone who will be a good partner. Who we are attracted to sexually is part of it. Then you have to add in things like interests, integrity, desire to have children or not, how they like to spend free time, and on and on. A rabbi once said to a group of us, we all discriminate when we choose a person to marry. His point was marry a Jew, but I agreed with him in the sense that we do rule people out and in. Even if we are open to races, ethnicities, and religions, we still evaluate if someone is a good match. We discriminate in the sense that we are choosing what qualities we want in a life partner. If a person feels comfortable having sex with either gender then the other factors might be more important. With age a lot of women might prefer not to deal with so much testosterone in the house. My sister has been bisexual since forever, but some people tap into it more as they get older.
So what?
Not only does parts of the gay community need to get a grip, the straight one does too. Everyone needs to work on being accepting, and not feeling the need to make everyone think like themselves. We all have our own experiences in life.
I think the gay make community was perceived as very sexual and promiscuous (a gay friend of mine once said to me gay couples are compared to lesbian couples, because just think about it, two men. Even in straight couples the men are typically more sexual and more likely to cheat). His words, not mine. Then they go and adopt the word gay to describe themselves, which in some circles way back in the day in the 18th and 19th century, had the connotation of being free sexually. Maybe that wasn’t the best choice? No pun intended.