Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

How can we stop this spamming madness?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23810points) May 4th, 2015

Recently I’ve noticed a new kind of spammers. They spam by answering questions, many of which date back to around 2008. The answers are always in Chinese or Japanese. And they spam with the speed of 5 responses per second! (My main frustration)

I’ve seen two of this kind and I am unable to flag all of their spams since they spam so fast. Right now a spammer like that is roaming, and I get too exhausted chasing and flagging them.

Is that a bot? How can a human spam that fast? Is there any way we can stop this kind of spam?

Sorry for the venting :p

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8 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

More mods?

Add new mods just for the purpose of controlling spam? I think the perfect people for this would be the ones who are most bothered by spam. I nominate you @Mimishu1995 :)

jerv's avatar

Now you know why I’m a fan of timers; ones long enough that any human might never even notice, but long enough to make robo-spammers jam up.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Most of the spam posts crop up at a certain time of the day. If it is one spammer posting several responses and/or questions, the moderators have asked that their account and not the individual posts, be flagged.

@jonsblond has a valid point: Why not become a moderator? I’m not sure who is now responsible for the training since Augustlan is no longer active, but it is worth investigating. I second the vote that you would make a good one, even if it is just for controlling spam.

jca's avatar

Here’s a great title for you, @Mimishu1995: Manager of Spam Removal. (MSR)

ucme's avatar

I don’t have a single fuck to give, ignore it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Well everyone, it will take the mod team some time to consider, given how new I am :p

Anyway, thanks for appreciating my effort :)

Pachy's avatar

You call the occasional silly spam on this site madness? Rather pales in comparison to earthquakes, terrorist attacks, police brutality, and Ted Cruz’s rantings, doesn’t it?

Dog's avatar

Just letting you know that that type of spam is not new at all. The archives have always been a favorite target of spammers here. The fact that you are only noticing it now is a great compliment to the mods diligence until you noticed.

What would really be helpful for Mods (or would have been helpful when I was a mod) was to require email verification prior to any posting. This would greatly reduce but not eliminate the spam.

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