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Kardamom's avatar

Do you know of any movies that have good rain scenes?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) May 5th, 2015

As some of you know, I’m here in Southern California, where we’ve been experiencing a 4 year long drought. The last time it rained was last month, but it was really only a little bit of drizzle for about 15 minutes. They had predicted this big downpour, but it never came to fruition.

Right now, I’m sitting here listening to This recording of a rainstorm, partly because it relaxes me before I go to bed, and partly because I’m just jonesing for some real rain.

I saw The Sound of Music at an actual theater last month, for the 50th anniversary of the movie and there’s that lovely scene of Liesl and Rolfe dancing in the gazebo during the rainstorm. It’s one of my favorite movie scenes of all time.

What are some other good movie rain scenes? If you can link the scene, that would be great.

Thanks in advance : )

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20 Answers

AshlynM's avatar

The Boy Who Could Fly. When Milly is outside she thinks she spots Eric on the roof, it’s raining hard. Then lightening flashes and he’s gone, maybe it was just her imagination with the rain. It’s a good movie.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Road to Perdition immediately came to my mind. The raining scene is actually the most famous scene of the movie. It is raining very hard. Mafia boss John Rooney comes out from a pub accompanied by his men. He is about to enter the car when he finds out his driver is dead. Then his men are killed one by one by his former man Michael Sullivan. Somehow Sullivan only leaves Rooney to be killed the last. There is almost no sound or voice throughout the whole scene, only a sad music playing. The scene is beautiful in a poetic way, partly thanks to the music and the fact that minor spoiler ahead Sullivan is Rooney’s adopted son.

Here, the rain scene. Don’t be put off by the Mafia, instead focus on the father-son relationship theme. It is truly thought-provoking.

janbb's avatar

The raindrops scene on the bike from “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.”

Blackberry's avatar

Basically any rom com, where the two fateful lovers have an argument. It’s always in the rain for a dramatic affect lol.

Judi's avatar

I couldn’t find a clip but my first react to the question was the rain scene in Rocky Horror Picture Show.

anniereborn's avatar

A great scene from my favorite movie The Notebook
kinda NSFW at the end.
A great one from Garden State
The rain isn’t until the end but this is a great scene from the start Pleasantville
Here’s one from What Dreams May Come
One of those couple fights in the rain About Last Night
Another couple fight in the rain Chasing Amy (lots of F-bombs)
A great one from The Shawshank Redemption

marinelife's avatar

Remember the jungle rain in movies from the 30s and 40s?

filmfann's avatar

Blade Runner
Shawshank Redemption
As Good As It Gets
Romancing the Stone
The Notebook
Miracle in the Rain

anniereborn's avatar

@marinelife Wow, I find that really calming.

Coloma's avatar

Here’s a good one. I love these movies, can’t wait for the new one this summer.

josie's avatar

Count me in with Road to Perdition

Zaku's avatar

Find a web cam of Seattle. It’s pouring here right now. ;-)

Kardamom's avatar

@Zaku Ha ha ha, I love that idea : )

janbb's avatar

@Zaku Better yet capture it in barrels and send it to California!

Kardamom's avatar

@janbb The last time it rained here, I ran outside in my pajamas and bare feet and grabbed all of our five gallon buckets and strategically placed them where the rain was streaming off the roof. I looked a fright.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

uh, excuse me. How come no one mentioned the lion king?

stanleybmanly's avatar

My favorite stormy weather scene. Too bad it’s only the first third of the entire thing.

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