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Kardamom's avatar

Do you know of any movies that have good rain scenes?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) May 5th, 2015

As some of you know, I’m here in Southern California, where we’ve been experiencing a 4 year long drought. The last time it rained was last month, but it was really only a little bit of drizzle for about 15 minutes. They had predicted this big downpour, but it never came to fruition.

Right now, I’m sitting here listening to This recording of a rainstorm, partly because it relaxes me before I go to bed, and partly because I’m just jonesing for some real rain.

I saw The Sound of Music at an actual theater last month, for the 50th anniversary of the movie and there’s that lovely scene of Liesl and Rolfe dancing in the gazebo during the rainstorm. It’s one of my favorite movie scenes of all time.

What are some other good movie rain scenes? If you can link the scene, that would be great.

Thanks in advance : )

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