Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

What does it take for people to realize that they have disgusting feet and that they should do something about it?

Asked by Kardamom (33570points) May 5th, 2015

My cousin’s husband, he’s probably in his mid forties, so not old by any standards, just posted a picture of his broken sandal on his foot, and we both talked about how it’s a good idea to keep an extra pair of shoes in your car just in case this happens.

Anyway, his feet, especially his toenails, look atrocious! They look all fungus-riddled and flaky and his nails are all scraggly and full of dirt. I had to walk away from my keyboard so that I didn’t mention any of this to him. I just suggested keeping a pair of extra tennies in the trunk.

I can’t imagine in a thousand years posting a picture of my feet if they looked like that. My cousin never chimed in, at least not online, but then again, she’s always posting pictures of herself with those icky Jamberry nails applied over nails with scraggly, dried cuticles and un-filed fingernails. Maybe she doesn’t notice or care that her hubby has claw-like feet. Maybe she finds it sexy.

Why would anyone, maybe you, allow their feet to get so disgusting, and why would anyone post pictures of said tootsies? Do they not notice that the sight of their feet causes small children and pets to recoil in horror?

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27 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

Just read an article called ” worst thing you’ve seen posted” and a woman wrote about some one posting a pic of their nasty prehensile beaten up toes. Horrible and if I saw this in my feed I’d for sure say something. I’ve posted my broken toe but my feet are clean and neat.

ragingloli's avatar

I think that is only relevant for people who have the desire to lick feet.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’ve noticed people are very weird about feet for some inexplicable reason. Some guys have weird fetishes where they get off on feet. Other people are repulsed by feet to an extreme level.

I almost never think about feet, unless mine are sore or I stub a toe or something. I’ll clip my toenails when they get obnoxious, but I never study the dryness level of my cuticles or anything like that. The fungus thing is nasty, but generally speaking, feet get dirty, they walk on the ground.

jonsblond's avatar

Maybe they work on their feet all day and don’t have the time and money to polish them to appease everyone else. Maybe they don’t care what other people think of their feet.

marinelife's avatar

Does your cousin’s husband have a good heart? Are there good things about him? Perhaps you could focus on those and not his unfortunate feet. After all, we all have flaws.

josie's avatar

Why should people conceal their feet in order to spare you a sense of disgust?
What if the same principle applied to people whose faces were burned off? I know somebody like that.

canidmajor's avatar

Am I missing something here? Is this one of those old timer Fluther jokes? I tried to find a reference via Search, but it’s not working that well right now so I couldn’t tell.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey when my toenails curl under my toes and start messing with my walking I start to think about trimming them. I don’t worry so much about the narly growths and callouses. They keep the tourists away.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If you judged me by my feet, you would not be my friend. It’s none of your damned business.

Seems like when all else fails, busybodies turn to toes.

Mimishu1995's avatar

There’s nothing wrong with my feet, but I am someone who is too lazy to wash my shoes. I keep using the same shoes again and again. And with time the shoes and my feet start to smell. I still don’t mind until someone in my family screams: “Mimi! Your feet smell like #@$&! You are killing our noses!” Only at this point will I wash my feet and my shoes. That’s something I just can’t change.

Kardamom's avatar

@elbanditoroso I would never judge you by your feet. I would judge your feet by your feet. I see the grooming of oneself to involve taking care of your feet, as much as you would keep your hair neat and clean.

It doesn’t take money, and hardly any time to trim your nails, dig the dirt out from under your toenails, or put a little bit of lotion them. Even if you work all day, on your feet, as I do. No one suggested that my cousin’s husband should ever put polish on his toenails. If you were talking about her, she would save herself a lot of money if she would stop putting stickers on her fingernails.

@josie You can’t compare a person who’s face has burned off, to a person who doesn’t trim their toenails. That ludicrous. The first person can’t help that he’s been in a horrible accident and deserves our sympathy. The second person hasn’t been in a horrible accident, they just aren’t taking care of their feet and would benefit from a tube of Jergen’s lotion.

@marinelife My cousin’s husband is nice enough, but he has some really ugly politics. In addition to being a right wing gun nut, or that he shouldn’t have to pay taxes, and that no one should be entitled to health care, especially if they’re poor, he posted something about vegetarian males as being like pussies. He knows that I am a vegetarian, and he basically just insulted my S/O without even thinking about it. I think he thought it was funny. He probably didn’t think my S/O was a vegetarian, may not even have remembered that I am. Because I care about my cousin, and by relation, her husband, I didn’t comment on this, nor did I comment on his feet.

@Mimishu1995 Lol. That’s gross.

jonsblond's avatar

My big toe nails have had cracks since I was a child. I trim my nails but no amount of lotion has completely healed my callouses and cracked heals. Proper lotions and tools for my problems costs money.

Kardamom's avatar

@jonsblond This should help. I got my “sander” and plastic wrap and lotion all at the dollar store. If your feet are really bad, you might need to do this every other day until you get them under control.

The other thing I do, is to soak my feet in a bucket of very warm water, with some baking soda, purchased for 59 cents, at the dollar store. You can also use oatmeal, also purchased at the dollar store, if you like that better. I do that about once a week. I wash my feet every evening after I get home from work, this keeps them soft and keeps the funk from forming in the first place. Before I go to work, I put stick deoderant (I keep a container just for my feet) on my clean tootsies before I put them into socks and shoes. This keeps them smelling good and actually keeps them soft too. The key is treating your feet as if they are an important part of your body, just like you would take care of your teeth.

It’s even nicer, if you can get your spouse to do your home pedicure with and/or for you. It can be very sensual. : )

jonsblond's avatar

And I should do all of this to make you happy? All feet are different and they all walk in different shoes. Your techniques work for you, but not for the factory worker wearing steel toed boots all day.

Kardamom's avatar

@jonsblond Where did I ever say that you should do anything to make me happy? All I was saying is that I find disgusting looking feet to be very off-putting in the same way that I find un-brushed teeth and greasy hair to be off-putting.

Factory workers in steel toed boots can follow the same foot care regimen as anyone else if they want to. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.

fluthernutter's avatar

My foot care regimen: clip toenails when I can feel them against my socks.

It’s just not a high priority.

Stinley's avatar

If my feet are in closed shoes and socks, I don’t really bother about them. If I am going to wear sandals I would scrub them up a bit and put on some nail varnish. But that’s about it.

canidmajor's avatar

So this isn’t a joke question? This is another “other people should do something with their bodies that I want them to do” question.
I get it.
And really, reread your Q as worded. You are, indeed, judging, and doing so very harshly.

fluthernutter's avatar

Also, self-neglect is often a sign of mental illness or depression. Your cousin’s husband could very well be dealing with larger issues in his life that we don’t know about. People don’t always share that kind of stuff on Facebook.

Kardamom's avatar

@canidmajor Maybe you think I’m judging. We all judge. You are judging me by not liking the fact that I’m disgusted by gross feet. We all judge. You, me, everyone.

Yes, I do think that people should take care of their feet if they plan to wear shoes that display them. I also think that people should wash and comb their hair, that they should brush their teeth and that they should bathe and wear deodorant.

I took an informal poll of my female friends (they don’t know about Fluther) and all of them said that they are turned off by gross looking feet on both males and females. My friends range from their early forties to early sixties, if that makes a difference. I haven’t yet polled any of my male friends, but having seen most of their feet, I’m going to guess that they too, like well taken care of feet. Only one of them had kind of gross feet, but mostly it was his big toe which he had broken several months back and it had a black nail that was growing out. He wasn’t wearing sandals, he showed me a picture on his phone when I asked him how it was healing.

canidmajor's avatar

@Kardamom: I don’t actually care how you or your friends feel about feet, and yes, you’re damned straight I was judging you for your judgement. Are you so naive that you don’t see the difference between all of us forming opinions, good or bad, about things, and making public statements about how you think others’ body parts are “disgusting” and that you think they should do things differently?
The question is rhetorical, don’t bother answering for my sake, I’m unfollowing now.

Kardamom's avatar

@canidmajor Like I said, we all judge. Even you. And some people get super pissy about things that should be trivial, like trimming one’s toenails.

If you read the question again, you will see that I simply asked what would it take to realize that someone needs to do a little simple hygienic trimming and caring of one’s feet, I never said anyone had to do anything.

And yes, Some Feet Look Disgusting, and yes, that’s a judgement call.

fluthernutter's avatar

I simply asked what would it take to realize that someone needs to do a little simple hygienic trimming and caring of one’s feet.

- optimal mental health
– money
– time
– motivation

Maybe knowing that there are people who judge you and your feet enough to discuss it with strangers on a Q&A site would be enough motivation for some. :/

And some people get super pissy about things that should be trivial, like trimming one’s toenails.

You guys seem to be in agreement on this one.

Kardamom's avatar

@fluthernutter It takes all of those things for people to brush their teeth too, but most people do it anyway.

fluthernutter's avatar

@Kardamom Not really. The big difference is that not brushing your teeth leads to a lot of dental health issues. Trimming your toenails, lotion, polish, pedicure, whatever is mostly just aesthetics.

I don’t brush my teeth because I worry that people are judging me. I brush so I don’t get cavities.

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