Social Question
Will you Brits answer some questions?
This question was partially based on @ucme’s Question, but mostly because I was thinking about food, when I was reading the responses. I was googling British food pictures.
So I’ve got a few questions for our resident Brits. I probably have a lot of romantic misconceptions about you folks, what you like, what you do on a regular basis, what you think about certain things. So feel free to clear up any confusion for me.
1. Do you specifically, or most people you that you know, generally, eat a full English breakfast on a regular basis? If so, do you or your spouse fix and eat this scrumptious meal at home, or do you eat it at a restaurant? If you don’t often eat a full English breakfast, what do you usually have for breakfast on a work day, and do you eat something different on your days off?
2. Do you specifically, like The Beatles? Do most Brits, that you know, like the Beatles? The reason I ask this question is because I recently ran into some lovely British ladies in Palm Springs who were waiting to take a tour of the home that Elvis Presley honeymooned in. They asked us if we liked Elvis, we said not so much, that we were only at the house because of it’s architectural history. We asked them if they like The Beatles and they said not so much. They could take them or leave them. When I visited England in 1986, I looked hard to find evidence of The Beatles in London. I was rather disappointed in the dis-interest. A friend of mine is currently visiting Japan and she says the Japanese are much more excited by The Beatles than even the Americans. She just saw Paul McCartney there.
3. Do you ever find that some Americans have a hard time understanding your accent? I love British accents, but my mom and I found it was a lot easier to understand them on “our” British TV shows when we turned on the closed captioning for the deaf (they don’t have English subtitles, because the shows are already in English! Ha ha ha).
4. How many regular meals do you specifically, or British folks in general, eat throughout the day and what do you call those meals. I’m still a little stuck on whether tea is similar (or the same) as what we call dinner/supper, or whether it’s a late afternoon meal, around 4:00 p.m.-ish with small sandwiches and cakes and cookies etc. and then another meal is had (supper?) around 8 or 9 p.m. I’m reading a book by Rosamunde Pilcher right now, so this is where this question is originating from. We Americans generally eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner/supper, and clearly, by the looks of us, we also eat a lot of junk food in between and during these meals.
5. Here are some popular (not necessarily by people on Fluther) things in the United States, what do you Brits think of the following things: Disneyland, Fox News, McDonald’s, President Obama, guns, The Kardashians, Hillary Clinton, Affordable Health Care?
6. If you were to visit the United States, what cities would you like to visit and what activities would you like to pursue?
7. Do you think Americans sound like idiots when when we talk? Either our accents, or our opinions, or both?
8. What do you think is the coolest or most interesting thing about the United States?
9. What do you think is the coolest or most interesting thing about Britain?
10. When referring to your country, are you more likely to say England, Britain, The United Kingdom, U.K. or does it depend upon the context?
Thank you to all you Brits, and others that currently live in England, for answering my questions. Feel free to answer any one, or all of them, or just a few of them. I know this list is long.