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Kardamom's avatar

What is your grooming routine?

Asked by Kardamom (33606points) May 6th, 2015

Do you have a different routine for going to work, or going on a date, or having a casual get together with friends? What about when you are home with just your spouse? What about when you are just home by yourself?

What gets washed, scrubbed, cleaned up, tied up, trimmed, smoothed, shaved, lotioned-up, dug-out, made-up or generally made tidy?

Does it depend up who’s going to see you? Do you change things up if you know you are going to have your picture taken (like at a party or something like that)? Do you have a different or more stringent routine if you are going to a job interview or a wedding. Is it different if you are going to be around people that you don’t see very often, as opposed to your spouse, or regular friends, or family members?

Does your grooming routine involve only basic hygiene and health, or do you care about your appearance beyond that? If so, in what ways.

Of course, there are always some people who don’t care about hygiene or appearance at all. Are you one of those folks? If so, is it just too much trouble, or because you simply don’t care what anyone else thinks, or that you think hygiene and neatness should never be imposed upon anyone, because it’s oppressive. Or is there some other reason, such as poverty or depression?

Do you have a different routine for weekdays, as opposed to weekends? Do you have a different routine for holidays, as opposed to regular days?

What’s your routine?

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18 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I was working, got up at 6:30, started coffee, went out to the deck to smoke, came in, poured a cup of coffee, went out and smoked another cigarette. Then bathroom stuff. Then I wet my hair and put it up in a towel. Then I did my make up. Took my hair down and put Mousse in it. Blow dried till it was almost dry. Threw in a few curls into my already naturally curly hair, get dressed and I’m good to go. Out the door at 7:30,
The actual grooming only took 15 minutes. The other 45 was spent just waking up and hanging around. One of my favorite parts of the day.

josie's avatar

I shower every morning. I also shave everyday. As a point of order, I shave on the weekends only because GF is pretty sensitive about stubble, and I don’t want to spoil the party, if if you will. Plus, she shaves herself frequently too, so I guess it is a proper give and take.
Now, if I go fishing or on a golf trip or something, I still shower, but I may not shave.

Coloma's avatar

My grooming routine is the same no matter what I am doing. Shower, blow dry bangs, let hair dry naturally, straighten it on rare occasions for something different. Sometimes just sweep bangs to side and wear a headband if I am too lazy to blow dry them or it is really hot and I am just going to have sweaty bangs soon anyway. haha
Of course, brush teeth, lotion, deodorant, etc. and lite makeup routine.

Sponge on foundation, lite powder, blush, a little lip color. I don’t wear mascara and eye shadow unless I am going out in the evenings and even then not often, I’m a natural type and look best in less.
At night I have been trying to keep my feetsies buffed and after a bath put on heavy duty lotion and socks. I’ve always had a pretty simple beauty routine, unless I am doing my hair I can be ready to go anywhere in 20 minutes or less.

ucme's avatar

We have staff for that

ibstubro's avatar

Once a day I shave around the goatee and stache.
2 kinds of deodorant and cologne.
(If it’s going to be too warm for a cap, hair paste, if it’s a ‘clean-up’ day.)
Gargle with vinegar (new).
Brush with electric toothbrush.

I find it’s just easier to maintain a routine. The two guys I work around complain about shaving, so do it as little as possible. To me, that makes it worse…making it a choice and then having to scalp the hair off your face when you do shave.

jca's avatar

Shower, brush hair, put in contacts, brush teeth. Dry hair a bit, put in a little mousse with a little argan oil mushed into hair, dry hair fully. Moisturizer (with SPF), eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, maybe blush. A little hair spray. Deodorant, perfume, clothes, jewelry. Out the door. Half hour, give or take.

jca's avatar

I should add that my routine is pretty much the same on work days as on weekends, and on special occasions as well as not. Once in a while on weekends I may wear no make up and maybe put the hair into a ponytail, but that’s about the only difference.

AshLeigh's avatar

When I’m working I usually put my hair in a fishtail braid after showering/shaving, so my hair isn’t in the way of my name tag. When I’m not working, I straighten my hair or leave it natural. I shave every time I shower, which is usually every other day. That’s about it.

wildpotato's avatar

Brush teeth, deodorize, put on earrings if I’m going to work or meeting up with friends. That’s it. No makeup, ever. Shower every other day or every third day; wash hair every other shower. More than that is unnecessary (for almost everyone) and wastes way too much water. I shave the pits in the summer or when the hair gets too annoying; never shave legs or nethers. Legs – just don’t care. Plus having leg hair works as an early tick warning system, since they usually crawl up the legs. Though I will shave the legs if I go to a fancy function and wear hose – once a year, maybe. Nethers – uncomfortable to shave and super, super creepily young-looking. People who like that look/feel are brainwashed by porn (or the influence of porn) and have borderline pedophiliac tendencies, imo.

jca's avatar

@wildpotato: If you shower every other day or third day and you wash your hair every other shower, you then sometimes only wash your hair once every six days?

wildpotato's avatar

@jca Hm, I don’t suppose I’ve gone that long on the hair-washing, no. Good point. It’s more a matter of evaluating the hair before the shower, deciding if it’s feeling greasy at all, and going from there. Usually ends up as every other shower, but if the shower’s been spaced by two days I generally wash the hair…I think. I don’t keep strict track of it; just go by when it seems to need a wash. I also shower whenever I’m doing physical labor or hiking or otherwise getting sweaty/dirty, and if that’s the day after, or even later in the day than, a “regular” shower, no matter; I shower anyway. Though I’ll put my hair up and keep it dry if I washed it recently. I’m very much into conservation, but I’m not a nut about it – I like to be clean, too. And I admit, part of the reason for not washing my hair sometimes, other than that it doesn’t need it, is that I have very long, thick hair that takes 2–3 hours to air dry – and I never use a blow dryer; can’t stand em.

I love the personal details coming out of this question – Coloma has bangs! And Stu has a goatee!

Kardamom's avatar

@wildpotato I’m with you on the not shaving the nethers. That totally creeps me out.

I wonder if someone could help @ibstubro add a stache and goatee to his avatar. That would be so cute.

My routine is almost the same as @Coloma,‘s but I wear even less makeup, and wear it less often. I just finished showering and lotioning up my tootsies. Luckily I hardly ever have to shave my legs or pits anymore. Yay perimenopause!

Coloma's avatar

@Kardamom today was a no makeup day for me, and, I have to be at the lab at the crack of dawn Friday for some blood work, no makeup at 7 a.m. with zero coffee. :-(
I am wearing sunglasses and a hoodie. Don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, take my blood and let me go get a coffee. lol

Kardamom's avatar

@Coloma I had to do that last month. It was heck not drinking coffee. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to drive over there. Thank goodness there was a Starbucks in the shopping center across from the lab.

Coloma's avatar

@Kardamom I’m taking a hot mug with me, waiting, waiting, oh sweet coffee of mine. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

On days I don’t work: Pee and brush teeth.

ibstubro's avatar

I wonder if someone could help @ibstubro add a stache and goatee to his avatar. That would be so cute. Awesome, @Kardamom. I’d be, like “Calvin G. Krebs.

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