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ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Who are your heros?

Asked by ARE_you_kidding_me (20021points) May 8th, 2015

When I was a kid most would say astronaut or fire fighter. I can’t help but feel like the public simply does not have them to look up to anymore. If you had to choose a new breed of hero what characteristics would they have? What would they do that would make kids want to be them? What hole in society would they fill? How would choosing this person/profession make the country a better place if suddenly they were something to aspire to be?

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15 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

My mom. I’m still learning from her.

ragingloli's avatar

Emperor Palpatine.

Blondesjon's avatar

The early Neolithic farmers who discovered that the saccharification of starch, and fermentation of the resulting sugar, would create a sublime, unparalleled beverage.


filmfann's avatar

@ragingloli. First time I’ve heard you say anything positive about that trilogy.

ragingloli's avatar

Also, I just noticed… It is spelt ‘heroes’.

jonsblond's avatar

My Dad
Jane Goodall

sorry I didn’t answer your details.

ucme's avatar

My sperm, swim ya little bastards, swim!

Mimishu1995's avatar

My latest hero is Dirty Harry. He has such an unusual way of seeing justice. To him justice is when bad guys get what they deserve, no suspect’s rights, no lengthy police proceduce. He may seem crude and violent, but I can see he has a heart, deep down. He gives me a new way of seeing justice.

kritiper's avatar

My older brother, Neil Armstrong, John Wayne, and Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

All those who are getting through life even though they are battling against all odds.

Blackberry's avatar

The Justice League.

wsxwh111's avatar

My mom, too.
She just taught me so much

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