Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

Will you tell me something good that happened today -- Part XXIII?

Asked by Brian1946 (32775points) May 8th, 2015

This is a continuation of an ongoing thread whose twenty-second incarnation is here. It’s approaching 300 answers, and is sometimes taking too long to load.

I think it’s a great feel-good thread, where we can tell the world (okay, at least the collective) what makes us happy.

Feel free to post positive snippets and epiphanies about things occurring in your life. Newbies more than welcome to join in!

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454 Answers

janbb's avatar

(Hmm – what a great idea! I wonder whose thread this was! Glad that others have picked it up.)

Had a great day today with several positive appointments, firming up some travel plans for the summer and my first hot fudge sundae at the best summer ice cream store. It just opened today for the season.

talljasperman's avatar

I have a box of 20 microwavable egg rolls. They taste great.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My MRI didn’t show any masses. I take what I can get.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Brian1946 started a new “something good that happened today” !

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That is good news!

Mimishu1995's avatar

I am assured that @Adirondackwannabe will be OK.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m putting my faith in @Mimishu1995 and @janbb . I’ll be fine.

Brian1946's avatar

I reached 20K thirty-two years before I thought I would! ;-D

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I know, Congrats.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I host @Brian1946‘s party.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Cool meta bitch, hovering before I could respond.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You know I’m kidding.

Blondesjon's avatar

I found out I was going to get a load of flat steel in at work a lot quicker than when I expected.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

My daughter went to Kuala Lumpur for a visit and brought me back the hotel guest pack. It’s got all sorts of good stuff in it. Useless stuff that I’ll probably never use but she knows her mother well and that she brought it back for me as a gift made me giggle. Oh and tomorrow is Mother’s Day.

Misspegasister28's avatar

I’ve been talking with my school counselor and she’s helping me to graduate early next year!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe yeeeeeeeees, here’s to better and better MRIs !

Strauss's avatar

@Blondesjon Hooray for flat steel! Takes some stress of the workday, dudnit!

Blondesjon's avatar

@Yetanotheruser . . . Yep. We can only level out coils of .136 or lighter in house. I have been in desperate need of some .164 and .178 for awhile now.

Stinley's avatar

I spent the weekend helping on camp with 25 Girl Guides (Girl Scouts). Fun but I am so tired today!

Strauss's avatar

My sister ended her 10-day visit yesterday. (Not to be confused with my other sister, who recently).We had not seen each other in almost twenty years, although we have kept in touch. It was a wonderful visit!

Dutchess_III's avatar

My son said he’ll have no problem remembering Cooper’s birthday, and neither will I. He was born May 8th. Chris just says, “Mayth!”

OpryLeigh's avatar

I had the most magnificent Standard Poodle start my class today and also a rescued Collie X who had been found on the lap of his deceased elderly owner about 3 days after the man had died. The great news for the Collie is that he is thriving in his new home and is recovering from the trauma of experiencing the passing of his previous owner.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Finally finished my final exam! Hello summer holiday!

Dutchess_III's avatar

My DIL and new grandson (5 weeks premature) are coming home today!

talljasperman's avatar

Had a grill cheese sandwich from a street car vendor. It was nice.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have decided that people (my grandkids) are more important than the mud they’re tracking in the house.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I met up with a relative who came over for a visit from
Spain today. It was so great to see her as she has always been a favourite of mine and she was still the same as I remembered her from my childhood.

Mariah's avatar

I graduated college today. I promised I’d bring pictures for y’all.

I have the great fortune to have had a best friend for almost twenty years.
Here we are around age ?five?
Here we are graduating high school.
Because of my surgeries, I ended up a year behind her in college. Here we are after her graduation last year.
And here we are today.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Mariah You rock lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations @Mariah You are such a beautiful young lady. I’m so excited for you and your new future.

marinelife's avatar

@Mariah I am so glad that you have been blessed with a friendship of that duration. Your smile in your cap and gown says it all! I am so happy for you.

talljasperman's avatar

I found the $5 bill that I dropped.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Congratulations Mariah! Well done on your achievement. Enjoy the celebrations. You’ve earned them.

fluthernutter's avatar

Congratulations, Mariah! So excited for your future ahead and so happy for you to have had such an enduring friendship.

Thanks for sharing your pictures with us—I love how in all of the shots she’s standing straight and you’re leaning into her.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I booked flights to Vegas :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Mariah What an accomplishment! Congratulations!

Cupcake's avatar

As of today, I am officially down 30 pounds since I got back to my pre-baby weight 12 months ago. I have also moved from an obese BMI (although barely) to a normal weight BMI.

BMI is not the be-all-end-all of health indicators, but is an indicator, nonetheless.

In addition, I have identified several foods that I may be sensitive to that I am cutting out for 3 months before re-introducing. My IBS is under control, my belly pain and bloat is pretty much gone, my joint pain is mostly gone, my back pain is gone, I am more awake and alert during the day and sleeping better at night.

After almost 15 years of sitting every morning in the shower, due to physical and psychological pain, I have stood every morning in the shower for the past week.

And I graduated with my Masters degree this past weekend.

Now to make a gluten-free, dairy-free, legume-free, corn-free, rice-free, peanut-free, egg-free, refined and artificial sugar-free cupcake… Umm… nevermind. I might have to change my username to NoMoreCupcakes…

Stinley's avatar

@Cupcake great news (except about the cupcakes of course). So are you 30lb in total or did you already lose the baby weight and now have lost some more? Either way 30lb is a lot!

Cupcake's avatar

@Stinley I had the baby 13 months ago… got back to my pre-pregnancy weight 12 months ago… and have lost 30 lbs since. Thanks!!

Stinley's avatar

@Cupcake I’m just got back to my pre-pregnancy weight about a year ago. My daughters are 14 and 8. So I admire your quick result!

Cupcake's avatar

Well, I knew I was overweight before getting pregnant and have big kids with lots of amniotic fluid. I ate well and tried to keep my gain to a minimum. I don’t remember now… but I think I gained around 20 lbs and the baby was 9 of that. Fluid and placenta were several pounds.

Although I was back to pre-pregnancy weight soon, I was still very puffy for a few months. My oldest graduated from high school 2 months after the baby was born and my face is pretty big in the graduation pictures.

And I breastfeed… which means both that the weight comes off a little easier (maybe) but also that I have to make sure to eat enough calories and healthy fat to keep up my supply. It has been a delicate balance. The important thing, though, is that I eat very well and feel very healthy. :)

Congrats to you! Did you have to make a big change in order to lose the weight?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cupcake Wow wow! Way to go!

Stinley's avatar

I went on a calorie counting diet. Used MyFitnessPal to log my food, did some exercise like walking and cycling. Just stuff I like to do anyway. I ate anything I fancied, just not in such huge quantities as before. I still have to watch what I eat – still got a fat person inside wanting to get out!

janbb's avatar

^^ I started this week too. Writing down everything I eat and counting calories really helps me focus. Got some winter weight to lose to get back to fighting fit.

Strauss's avatar

I am finally going to allow me to get out and do some gardening! The weather has prevented me, figuratively and literally, from getting out to do what I need. We’ve had an extremely wet, unusually cold spring, (including 5.5” of snow on Mother’s Day!). Add to that the fact that I was under the weather for a week, and then my sister came for a visit, I haven’t got all the plots tilled, let alone planted. I’m gonna be dodging raindrops for the next two weeks, and hoping I can keep my health up to the task!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, had 3 of my son’s 4 kids for two hours this morning, cuz the baby had a Dr. appointment at 10. In the two hours I had them I stuffed them (mostly Adrionna) with tortilla chips, a day old toasted bagel, olives, Ritz crackers, and chocolate chip ice cream. If they wanted it, I gave it to them! That’s a gramma’s job, pretty much. Although I did threaten Adrionna with time out if she didn’t quite being so bossy.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III Your daughter has four kids and you son has four kids? Wow – that’s a lot of grandchildren!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shit. I have 10 now, all together @janbb! And that doesn’t include Rick’s kids and grandkids. And great grand kid. But we won’t discuss that! However, both my girls are done. Chris may have a couple more under his belt, ha ha. We’ll have to wait and see.

janbb's avatar

Wow! Wow!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I KNOW!!! And they’re each so unique and special. So special. The twins…well, Savannah is just ridiculous! I don’t know what other word sums her up. She’s just ridiculous.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My classmate and I got the first prize for our research report! We only did the research for experience, we never expected to get anything, let alone first prize.

longgone's avatar

My new puppy is awesome. Sleeps eight hours every night, loves everyone, and plays fetch like a pro.

ibstubro's avatar

Tomorrow will be June 1st, and it was cool enough last night that I got to enjoy a nice hot shower this morning, AC free.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I made a bedroom for the twins, in a narrow, short hallway between the kitchen and the dining/computer room. I threw down a dream mattress (it’s what my kids used to call the foam egg crate mattresses my Mom used to have for them at her house) down on the floor. It’s also their time-out place.

Strauss's avatar

Lots of stuff happening on the home front over the past week!

1. My son finally was in a position to walk away (with his son) from the abusive-alcoholic-meth-head-who-doesn’t-seem-to-want-help-with-her-problems he was living with since before she was pregnant. Since he works nights, he needed help with child-care, so…

2. I got to experience the joys of grand-papa-hood for about three days and nights. It was a joy having the my grandson around, but it was also time-consuming, and necessitated a change in my plans for gardening. Well, the situation is out of crisis mode, and the little one is in a stable situation so…

3. My house is back to normal (or at least what passes for normal in our house)! I finally was able to mow the lawn after all the rain, and will be out finally working my garden!

ibstubro's avatar

The young man that lives next door to our business gave us 2 smoked sturgeons. Dubious origins, but delicious fish!

Strauss's avatar

@ibstubro Who’s to judge?

Dutchess_III's avatar

My husband got his old job back. Yay. We need the insurance. I think there is something really wrong with me.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III Still having those congestion problems?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. It’s something diffferent.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hope you get help soon.

Stinley's avatar

My boss and I have done something bad to the library catalogue but the good news is that our boss is quite chilled about it

ibstubro's avatar

Our weather was amazingly perfect for June.
Mid 70°f, evenly overcast and a nice breeze. Pleasant temperature without the sun’s heat and the breeze was cooling. Ideal shorts and a T weather – what you pray for when you’re day-tripping to the zoo or other outdoor venue. Humidity is very, very high and it’s still not muggy.
I swear, I could sit out front and watch the corn across the road grow.

This morning I noticed that the bees were avoiding my bee pond (aka, bird feeder). I looked and it was septic. I thought the recent rain filling it was enough, but no. Algae had taken over and there were mosquito larvae. I acclimated the bees to a new pond, scrubbed the heck out of the old one, and acclimated them back. Who knew bees are so finicky?

Lastly, the orange/mint plant that I bought a couple weeks ago (and have promised people starts from) was totally wilted this morning. I’t set it outside, and the rain wasn’t as much as I thought. I went to the Dollar Tree and bought a pot (I needed a brush for the bee pond, too) and re-potted it. By this evening it was perky and ready to give the corn a run for the growing money. Starts all around.

Finally, lastly, I allowed myself to just relax and type as I pleased into the ‘something good that happened today’ thread. I enjoyed retelling my simple fortunes, and I’m thankful that you weaseled them out of allowed me the forum.

Blondesjon's avatar

We had our first softball game today. The girls need some work in the infield but my daughter looked pretty decent on the mound and we were making a lot of contact with the ball while up to bat.


Mariah's avatar

I’ve been away from Fluther for a couple weeks (busy busy), so this stuff didn’t happen today, but Matt and I are all moved into our new apartment and we loooove it! Neither of us have started work just yet, but I did just go out for dinner with some of my future coworkers the other night and it was a good time, think I’m gonna like it there.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Mariah Good for you. Go for all the good stuff you can.

chyna's avatar

@Mariah I understand that your life gets busy, but some of us are living vicariously through you. Please come back and update us often!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

It’s Saturday. I woke early and wrote 800 words of my paper before 7am!! Plus I have a much clearer plan of where it’s going. Good feeling.

janbb's avatar

My cousin’s son – who has had a lot of troubles – has finished high school. It was touch and go there for a while. He’s not out of the woods yet but it’s a good step. We are relieved.

marinelife's avatar

Took a trip to a local farm for some fresh produce. Went for a walk in a park yesterday with the dogs. Just got back inside from a stint weeding the garden (Take that vines!). I love summer. It’s heading up to 80 degrees today.

Misspegasister28's avatar

I just got back from a medical mission trip to Madagascar! For a few days we stayed in a village with no running water, no electricity, basically nothing. We were exhausted, dirty, we had the same exact food for every meal, but it was such an amazing experience! Now I know just how truly blessed I am to live the life that I do!

Strauss's avatar

@Misspegasister That is truly awesome! Congratulations, and welcome back. To all the feelings and accomplishments connected with that experience, you can add “memories for life!”

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I agree with @Yetanotheruser. What a fabulous experience. Perhaps you can share more of your experience with us. I’d love ot know more about what you were doing, what you experienced etc. We can all live vicariously through you for a little while.

Misspegasister28's avatar

@Yetanotheruser @Earthbound_Misfit It was an amazing experience! It was a medical mission trip. This one was my fourth one, but it was the hardest. We basically set up clinics in remote villages and provided medical care to people who won’t ever get it otherwise. We can’t do complex things like surgery, but we can clear fungal infections, bacterial infections, fix wounds, pull teeth, and fix short term things. It won’t make them healthy forever unfortunately, but it’s such a wonderful feeling to see them smile when they get their medicine. They truly are so thankful for our service there. Malagasy people are very sweet! They love to sing! We worked with amazing people.

ibstubro's avatar

Yesterday we had a ‘weather event’ that I’ve never heard of.
It thundered continuously for about 20 minutes. I don’t mean there were peals of thunder and reverberations for 20 minutes, I mean the sky went “Rumblegrumblemumblerumblebumble…”continuously for at least 20 minutes. I kept hearing a noise like the gas furnace igniting, but the furnace wasn’t on, the AC was. I walked out into a lightly overcast day and coming toward us was a dark, roiling, grumpy storm front. When it got overhead, I went out and looked and there was no sign of lightening. No rain until the thunder stopped, and then it was a downpour.
Odd and unique. I wish I wouldn’t have been working, I would have just sat out the full 20 minutes. I guess it was reported on the news today.

Strauss's avatar

Yesterday I had my first physical in too many years. My bloodwork came back excellent, and except for two minor things, I am a picture of health!

Now the only thing to get out of the way is a colonoscopy!... :-0

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I bought a very sweet mare today. Her name is Cheyenne and she’s been boarding at the farm for about a year. For now, it’s easier and more fun for this beat up old man to keep up with Sam the Border Collie and cover these hills on horseback.

janbb's avatar

Hi Sam!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Congratulations @Espiritus_Corvus! We want photos now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m with @Earthbound_Misfit . Pictures or it ain’t true, @Espiritus_Corvus!

ibstubro's avatar

I’ve been missing this question!

marinelife's avatar

We are having out of town company for a long weekend. My health does not permit me to do heavy cleaning. Then on Monday night, Andy bent over to pick up the dog (didn’t use his legs) and wrecked his back. He has been hobbling and moaning ever since. So today, I had a maid service come in and heavy clean the whole house. It really lifts my spirits!

Mariah's avatar

My second week of my new job is almost over. I’m learning a lot and feeling confident. The confidence part is extremely unexpected.

OpryLeigh's avatar

A Flatcoated Retriever came into my work today for a groom (unfortunately I am not the groomer so couldn’t spend as much time with him as I would have liked). I grew up with Flatcoats and have always had a big spot in my heart for the breed but I very rarely see them at work, usually my days consist of Spaniels and Labradors so I get very excited when anything else walks through the door!!!

janbb's avatar

Off to Paris tomorrow to see my guys.

ibstubro's avatar

Crap. All I had was a tree frog on my kitchen window after dark, catching bugs.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No matter how I crop or downsize these pics, I can’t get the damn things centered properly. But this is Shy the horse. She’s very gentle and doesn’t spook easily. And she doesn’t like burros at all. I hope that changes.

chyna's avatar

^Very Pretty!

marinelife's avatar

We are having so much fun with my friend! Although her three dogs and my two dogs make for a lot of dogs. Fortunately, we have a large fenced backyard, We ate out at an excellent Cuban restaurant downtown Thursday night, and had grilled, marinated shrimp on skewers tonight. Non-stop talk and a lot of laughs. Friendship is a wonderful thing!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Wow! America sure has gone a long way in keeping gay right.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I went on a photography outing and took some nice shots. One that would have been fabulous is a tad out of focus when I look at it closely. That’s a pity, but it’s all about learning and improving so all good.

And I awoke to the news that the US has made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. That’s a sweet piece of news. Now if only my stupid government can do the same here. It’s well overdue and idiotic arguments about marriage only being valid between a man and a woman need sending into history where they belong.

janbb's avatar

I’m with my favorite two guys in the world.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have just got home after spending the weekend up in the Peak District celebrating the wedding of my best friend. It was probably the most enjoyable wedding I have ever been to, not in the least bit extravagant but perfectly fitting for my friend and her new wife. Oh and their three little dogs were bridesmaids!!!!

fluthernutter's avatar

One of my husband’s good friends just sold his company for $635 million!!


Strauss's avatar

@fluthernutter I hope said friend is generous to his/her friends!

longgone's avatar

^ ...and friends of friends.

Love you, @fluthernutter!

janbb's avatar

We were going to meet up one day, weren’t we, dear @fluthernutter ? Did I tell you I make killer brownies?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I met with my lfe coach and went through my presentation – which is coming together well. Other than that, my dog is being exceptionally cute recently. My family are all well. I’m getting through my to-do list! Off to Sydney tomorrow for a friend’s birthday. Life is good.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

How are you doing Mr A? Is your health improving? I know you haven’t been well.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I had a rough stretch but I’m gaining. I’ll be okay. I’m tough. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

janbb's avatar

Had a wonderful visit in England and especially in Paris with my son and my grandsons. The oldest was very loving with me and the youngest is a real personality. And now, it’s good to be home again!

canidmajor's avatar

I have eaten a few things from my garden today, always a treat to be able to harvest a few tender leaves.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I bought tickets to see Della Mae today, I don’t know if any of you have heard of them but they’re well worth a listen!

AshLeigh's avatar

I leave for San Diego in 8 days.

gailcalled's avatar

I rediscovered this little poem by William Carlos Williams., in addition to his famous plums.

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

janbb's avatar

^^ Yes!

Strauss's avatar

My son is finally in Texas! After a six-week ordeal involving domestic abuse (he and his son were victims), paycheck mix-ups, and recovering his personal belongings, he boarded a bus yesterday evening, and is now on his way to a new start with his son, and life as a single father.

I am very proud of him!

Misspegasister28's avatar

I worked really hard on a drawing and my friend said it looked amazing :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Misspegasister28 Excellent, keep working at it.

marinelife's avatar

Last night had friends over for dinner on the deck. It was lovely!

longgone's avatar

I had a wonderful time with friends yesterday, with the kind of giggling fits only time with really good friends can produce.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I finally stopped procrastinating and got some of the assignments for a course I’m doing sent off!!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Sam, Shy and I took a break under a tree by a road this morning. We had been moving sheep from a lower pasture to a higher one and checking some irrigation. Shy was eating grass, hogging most of the shade. I had to push her butt away to sit on a rock. Sam sat next to me as usual, never far away from my side. We share some water from the canteen. Peas and Carrots.

He was intently watching two Grackles on a wire near the road; a brown-and-tan female and a jet-black male. We’ve had stormy weather all week and she looked all beat up; feathers in a mess, maybe even a little underweight. She looked like she’d seen some miles. Maybe she was from another island, blown off course in the storm. He was shiny blue-black, pristine, and appeared in perfect health. Obviously a local boy. They were about twelve feet apart. Every once in a while, she’d make tentative little Grackle chirps and move a few inches closer to his place on the wire. He didn’t budge. Not a sound from him. Soon she was next to him and he pecked her softly at the shoulder. Then she flew off to a big pecan with him immediately behind her.

After they made it to the tree, Sam looked up at me. I said it was a hot one today and he brushed my hand with his nose and snorted. No shit, pal. Then he got up and walked over to where Shy was grazing, did three turns in place and sat down again, facing me while thumping his tail on the ground. It was time to get back to work. Friggin’ slavedriver.

I’m getting stronger and the days are getting better. Now that the storm is out to sea, the surf is coming in nice, big sets. Maybe I’ll try a little body surfing tomorrow morning—if the slavedriver doesn’t object.

janbb's avatar

I’m with my son in California.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, today I’m home, after 3 long, hard and wonderful days in the RV at the lake, for the first time since we bought the RV a year ago.
Allow me tell you one of the most wonderful things that happened during that time, as if it happened today, so I can stay within the parameters of the question:

My son and his wife brought the kids out for swimming and such and Saturday afternoon. They were there for about 4 hour we all had a sunburned blast!

My granddaughter, Anna, is about 3½. She’s been potty trained for several months, but she still has this infatuation with bathrooms. They are all so different and unique, you know? Each one is like a new adventure.

Normally we have the RV parked in the driveway, and I’ve let Anna, and her 7 year old bro, Jay, play in it. Every time Anna will come out asking to use the bathroom in there, and I have to say “No,” because no power, no water.
Well, at the lake she announced she had to go potty.
I said, “Hey! You wanna go potty in the RV?!”
Oh, she was so excited!!
So we went to the bathroom.
“Now, this is a little different than what you’re used to,” I said. I opened the toilet lid and said, “For one, there is no water, see? And that’s OK. Now, when we flush it, it’s different too. There is no handle on the side. What you do is step on this little step here (under the bowl.) It’s kind of noisy. Do you want to try flushing it? ”
Anna’s always been wary of unknown things, especially when they make noise. She shook her head and backed into the hallway (a foot away…it’s an RV) and put her hands over her ears, watching with concerned fascination.
I said, ‘Well, I’m going to flush it now, so you can hear it.”
I stepped on the step and it grumbled into life. I had to coax her into the bathroom to see what it was doing. She was reluctant, but finally peered briefly into the bowl, with her hands still over her ears.
Then we were done with the demonstration, the noise was gone, so I plunked her down on the toilet.
Then she asked for the toilet paper.
The designers had cut a slot into the little cabinet door, which was under the sink, and the toilet paper, which was attached to the inside, flowed out the slot…kinda like magic, you know?
When Anna saw the foot of toilet paper that was through the slot already, waiting to be pulled, her eyes got wide and disbelieving and she said, “That is the craziest thing I have ever seen! How cool!
I laughed and said, “Yes it is, very cool!”
She nodded enthusiastically, pulled a bit more than she needed, just to watch it flow out the slot.
Then she quickly went into the hallway while I flushed.

RV Bathroom Management 101 concluded.

The 2nd time she asked to go to the bathroom (about 15 minutes later,) I took her again. The best part was the toilet paper.
She was still wary of the flushing, though, but watched it, without her hands over her ears, and said that it was pretty cool how that flap came back over the hole when it was done. I explained that it went into a big tank that we empty when we leave.
We had to go look at the tank.

RV Bathroom Management 102 concluded.

The 3rd time, when she was done I said, “Do you know how to flush it?”
“Oh sure!” she said, with the utmost confidence.
She stepped on the lever…and nothing happened because she isn’t heavy enough.
She climbed all the way up and stood on the lever, and still nothing happened.
She jumped up and down on the lever and….still nothing happened.
So I got her down, had her put one foot on the lever, and I put a foot on the lever, and on the count of three we flushed together. She didn’t even flinch.

RV Bathroom Management 103 concluded.

The 7th time she asked to go the bathroom, Dad said, “Anna! This isn’t Walmart!”
I said I’d take her again, cuz I had to go too. When we got there I asked if I could please go first. She allowed as how I could.
And I said, “Thank you.”
And she said, “You’re quite welcome.”
Of course, she had to be in there to cheer me on. (“Did you pee? Oh! GOOD JOB, Gramma!” Clap clap.)
Then, I asked if she would hand me some toilet paper, and she did. Then she kind of looked at me out of the corner of her eye…and slowly started pulling more and more toilet paper out of the magic slot. Soon she had about a hundred yards of toilet paper pulled out and spilling all over the floor. She looked at it, biting her lip, satisfaction, awe, and concern flitting over her face.
“Well, what are we going to do now?” I asked.
She tried pushing the paper back in the slot…which didn’t work very well, of course.
I opened the cabinet door and she saw the roll on the inside and just gasped in delighted astonishment. “So that’s how that works! Who would ever even think of such a thing?!”
I said, “Brilliant minds, like yours, think of such things!”
She nodded enthusiastically, and without a word from me, began rolling the roll backward, sucking the paper back out of the slot and back on to the roll.

Awarded a BS in RV Bathroom Management, Magna Cum Loo.

It was great!

Misspegasister28's avatar

Today is my 17th birthday :D I got a lot of birthday wishes from my friends and family, and two people drew me pictures of my characters! I’m opening up presents in about an hour, and tonight two of my close friends are coming over for a sleepover!

Stinley's avatar

Happy birthday @Misspegasister28 Have a great day

Dutchess_III's avatar

.........................´*•.¸ ..ღ☃ღ...¸.•*´
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«´¨`•«´¨`•«´¨`•°* HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Misspegasister28!! °•´¨`»•´¨`»•´¨`»
¸.•*´¸.•*´:•: ♥ ♪ ♫ ♪♫¸.•*´¸.•*♥`*•.¸`*•.¸♫♪ ♫ ♪♥ :•:`*•.¸`*•.¸

marinelife's avatar

Only 11 days until we leave on our epic (in scope) trip. I can hardly wait.

marinelife's avatar

Cross country to Seattle, stay there a week, and then back across Canada.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, how cool!! Tell my family I said “Hi.”

Well, I made “popsicles” a couple of weeks ago. There were two orange juice ones, and two cran-grape ones. My DIL came over with 3 of the kids. The 18 month old and the 7 year LOVED them. The 3 month old wanted to know if I had breast milk Popsicle, and I didn’t. I told him that was just gross and he just waved his arms.

The 7 year old helped me make all new ones. In addition to orange juice and cran-grape ones, he suggested we add a lemonade one. So we did.

He keeps saying how much fun it is here! The fact that he’s in time out every 30 minutes doesn’t seem to color his opinion.

AND Brian’s Song is on tonight.

Stinley's avatar

I’m home alone for two weeks as my family is in France and I have to work. But my mission is to eat only food I have in the house and try to use up all the freezer and pantry food that’s been in there for months. I had spicy chicken with couscous last night. Tonight I will have fish fingers and potato waffles. All meals are accompanied with frozen peas as there is a lot of them. I might cheat a little and make some fruit crumbles with the frozen berries and apple and freeze those in individual dishes. We also have a lot of sausages and burgers left over from a community BBQ. I might not get through all those. But I’m giving it a go!!

janbb's avatar

I’m meeting a Jelly I never met before for brunch.

janbb's avatar

( it was delightful!)

Misspegasister28's avatar

@Stinley @Dutchess_III Thank you!!! It was really fun!!! My two friends came over for a sleepover but there wasn’t any room for two more people at my house so we tried to look for hotels but everything was packed. So we just spent the night at one of my friend’s house and watched horror movies!

Brian1946's avatar

A federal judge has ruled that Idaho’s Ag-Gag bill is unconstitutional.

An Idaho federal judge ruled that the state’s law banning undercover investigations on farms violates the First Amendment.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Excellent. Most farmers are great at taking care of their animals. Some of them suck at it. Nail em to the wall.

Here2_4's avatar
Came across this. It is so pretty. Watch his face.

Strauss's avatar

I saw a post from @augustlan!

ShanEnri's avatar

I work at a retirement community and anytime I get to see my residents is a good day! I wish (most of the time) that I worked with the residents and not the people I actually work with!

OpryLeigh's avatar

My Jack Russell is curled up asleep next to me on the sofa, gently snoring, while I enjoy a relaxing day off. The only decision I want to make today is whether to have another cup of tea or not!!!

Stinley's avatar

I went outside last night on a gorgeous warm starry night to look for the August meteor shower. My daughter came too and although we didn’t see any shooting stars, we chatted and enjoyed the night, the stars and each other’s company.

longgone's avatar

I’m spending the day at a lake with my sister, two friends, my old dog, my puppy, and his sister. Looking forward to lots of swimming and cute puppy play.

ibstubro's avatar

Sitting at my desktop, I could hear a rustling now and then. ‘Oh great, another mouse.’
I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and it was a little blue-tale lizard!

I trapped him with a foam can koozie, picked him up with my fingers, and carried him outside, unharmed. First one I’ve had to grab with my hand. Last week I had to give a small toad a hand up out of the basement.

Getting to be a regular Marlin Perkins.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I passed my Japanese test! With flying color, I never expected to get that much. Finally I can cross one graduation requirement out and focus on the others.

Strauss's avatar

Today I’m getting the last of the drywall up in my basement. It has been a long project, due to many interruptions, but now that it’s done, I have a place where I can finally set up my music studio, and get some of my ideas recorded. I may not have any commercial success, but at least it’ll be recorded.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I think, that as of today, I’m done with shitrock sheetrock work too, @Yetanotheruser. Now to start on painting and building the shelves.

chyna's avatar

I have started making jewelry and sold my first 3 pieces today.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@chyna Excellent. Three right off is an excellent start.

marinelife's avatar

My hubby is home for the weekend (until Sunday) after only two days!

janbb's avatar

Enjoying being back at work after a wonderful summer.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I drove 300 miles through Oregon today. The scenery took my breath away!

Stinley's avatar

Had a lovely lunch at my house with my family for my sister’s 50th birthday

Misspegasister28's avatar

I got 100% on my psych test! :D

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Not sure if it’s good, but it’s different. We have a new Prime Minister. I suspect it will be more of the same with a different figurehead but time will tell.

AshLeigh's avatar

First: I’m alive.
Second: work is going well. I’ve started PIC (person in charge) training, and I’ve only been here six months.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Were you almost dead? Or did I miss something @AshLeigh?

I finally found some paint I like to paint the house with.

AshLeigh's avatar

No, I just disappeared for a long time.

Strauss's avatar

@AshLeigh Welcome back!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Welcome back! Today the best thing is that @AshLeigh is back!

AshLeigh's avatar

Thanks guys!

marinelife's avatar

Today the unseasonably hot weather that had me wearing shorts in November finally broke, and we are back to fall.

janbb's avatar

Painted a picture I’m really happy with today. FB friends – you can see it there.

chyna's avatar

Saw it. Beautiful!

janbb's avatar

After 20 years, I’m starting to get somewhere with it.

ibstubro's avatar

I was in the parking lot when I changed course to check on something. I walked about 3 feet and there was a $5 bill, folded into fourths, laying on the ground.

Reminds me of the time I was in my 20’s and lost a $20. The women I worked with were all “Don’t you hate that!” “Doesn’t that make you mad!”
They were amazed when I said, “You know what? There’s nothing I can do about it, so I’ll just think of the _thrill that will give someone else when they find it.“_
Their joy was likely way out of proportion to my loss.

The last bill I found was this summer. At $100, their loss and my thrill were probably about equal. I was troubled that someone would come up short.

longgone's avatar

I successfully taught my first group of adults today!

@ibstubro I lost € 100 a couple of weeks ago, and that reasoning kept me from beating myself up.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I finally went into the city and had my first real haircut in 2 years. It was down to my shoulders and I wore it tied it back into a pony tail. It was the longest I’ve had it since I was twenty. What a pain in the ass it was to untangle after washing. I’m glad it’s all gone. Now I have a kind of crew cut. I also took off my handlebar mustaches and goatee. They were going gray on me. I didn’t plan all this, it just grew and I haven’t paid a lot of attention to mirrors for awhile.

Man, this feels good! I look more than ten years younger. I’m not looking forward to attacking the bottom part of my face with a razor every morning, but I really like the look—and so will my neighbors, I think. I’ve been the hippie on the hill for too long.

When you go through a mega-change in appearance this quickly, you notice immediately how people’s reactions change and how important appearance is to their perceptions. On the water, people almost expect a sailor to look like I did, but on land it carries all sorts of connotations. Even Sam, my dog, didn’t know me at first when I pulled up to the house. Shy, my horse, flinched when I approached her and began backing away until she got a whiff of me in the air. What a difference. And what a joy it is to do something so easy to gain a decade in appearance. People can actually see when I smile now. I’m happy that little experiment is now over.

AshLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend went down to Virginia to see a doctor (the doctors here couldn’t figure out what was wrong) and to spend Thanksgiving with his mother.
The doctors down there figured it out (a genetic disease causing these growths on any part of your body that grows hair. They’ve medicated him, and it will go away after 4 or 5 years, and the medication will help it to show up less, and help them go away faster)
He wasn’t supposed to come back until December 3rd, but after a huge shitstorm this week (his mother has been drunk since Sunday, and she is really bad when she’s drinking) he decided to come home early. He will leave tomorrow. I’m just glad he’s going to be safe.

Also, my grandmother had a heart attack yesterday. She was moved from ICU today, and she is going to be fine. Good things :)

Here2_4's avatar

Sometimes technology is the right thing.
One down. Many to go.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The pecans are finally in. A couple of weeks ago, one of the cats suddenly decided to forego the communal life in the barn and took up residence in the house. She’s a huge tuxedo short hair. Sam initially saw this as a major intrusion—cats belong in the barn, or didn’t you get the memo? But as soon as he saw me feed her, he understood. Didn’t like it much, but he understood.

It all became clear last Thursday after she sequestered herself in the hall closet and produced five kittens: four tuxedo shorthairs and, uh oh, an orange tabby. Tigger. She stayed with them for about a day and a half while I fed her a mixture of goat’s milk and bread. The kittens are all strong and healthy with big appetites. Momma now has taken to short walks around the house between naps and feedings with the brood. She’s far from the robust lioness who forced her way into Sam’s territory. She looks more like the bag a big cat might come in. Sam is very protective of that hallway now. The pup snuffeled them, backed away and let out a puppy yelp. This is probably the first time he’s seen babies since he left his own mother and they are not as he remembers. She’s back to her regular diet of fish and chicken. All seems well.

janbb's avatar

Quite a life you live on the farm, Crow!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It’s been a very busy one lately. Now renovations begin and I was just given notice this morning that they’ll be disconnecting the house from the grid tomorrow morning. Big surprise. I didn’t think they’d do that first thing. I’ll be moving down to the boat with Dave and some books for a few weeks, maybe cruise the island. Today is my last day here for awhile. Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone, penguin.

janbb's avatar

Oh – I always do.

Mariah's avatar

It’s December and I live in the city but I was still able to spot this awesome fella when I went out searching for birds today.

janbb's avatar

@Mariah I love Hooded Mergensers!

Brian1946's avatar

I saw a gold bumblebee and a black one mating with each other in my backyard today.

Apparently they were doing it while hovering, but I wasn’t near enough to tell for sure.

I wanted to move closer to get a better view, but no way did I want to disrupt the mating of one the most biologically valuable species on Earth.

Brian1946's avatar

Greg Louganis is now on the Wheaties box.

Wheaties: NOT the breakfast of gluten-sensitive homophobes! ;-D

marinelife's avatar

Home again from a 10-day vacation, and all alone in our home (our extended house guest has moved on). I am luxuriating in the privacy.

Strauss's avatar

Home from the LA trip. The opportunity to go was a short-notice, but happened to coincide with spring break at school, so my daughter and I could accompany my wife when she went out for her workshop. I got a chance to go to a couple of my brother’s gigs, where I was invited up for a song or two. He and I had not been on the same stage together in at least 30 years, and it was great. He’s an LA musician, and he gigs with other LA musicians. Not necessarily the stars whose names you hear all the time, but the musicians who play with these stars and make them sound so good.

Now we’re back home, and settling back into our routine. Time to concentrate on my garden.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I got lots of cuddles from a German Shepherd puppy!

longgone's avatar

My young dog is back to normal, after being so sick he was unable to get up without help over the weekend.

janbb's avatar

@longgone That’s great!

longgone's avatar

@janbb Yes. It was scary – he bounces around the house usually, and on Sunday, he wouldn’t even lift his head for visitors.

Stinley's avatar

I have got a job interview for a really good job

longgone's avatar

@Stinley Fingers crossed!!

janbb's avatar

My son’s engagement .

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Stinley YAY! What do you do now?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Congratulations @longgone, @janbb and @Stinley!

Two things made me happy today already:

(1) The fact that University of Michigan has discovered how to make clear structural glass that works as a high-yeild solar cell. They say that they will be able to make it available to structural architects and builders in the next three years. They claim that one city block of skyscrapers sheathed in these cells can power the energy needs of a city of 100,000 people.

(2) They have finally figured out how to make structural concrete with salt water and is salt resistant. This is being done in Russia, the Ukraine and China. There are now companies that make thick-walled, domed, modular habitats via injection molding (or constructed on-site) with basalt rebar that are stronger than ferro-cement, last longer, are warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and don’t require a fresh water source to build. As your family grows, simply add another module. Put a cluster of them in a layout of curvy little cobblestone streets on the side of a hill, add some bougainvillea on arched-gated, low-walled patios, and voila! Not only is this useful for poor communities, but pretty little durable beach houses are now a reality for a lot of people. Cheap, durable, hurricane, tsunami, and earthquake-proof, humane habitats for humans that create communities that are of a human scale—that don’t have to look like shit. Nice

Stinley's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I’m a librarian and the job is in a hospital library so I would deal with doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers. I’m not sure about the public coming in so i will ask that then!

AshLeigh's avatar

I leave for San Diego in 21 days. And I finally get a day off work. It’s 6:34 AM and my house is already clean, I’ve completed everything on my to-do list, and now I can take a nap.

janbb's avatar

@Stinley A friend of mine was the medical librarian in a hospital for 35 years. She loved it! She did not work with the public but did have nursing students who came in.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Stinley I used the hospital library for my papers in college, they had a great Psychology section.

Stinley's avatar

@janbb I’ve worked in the NHS before but not in a hospital library and I’ve worked in a little specialist library also but not the two together. I’m hoping all my experience and skills hang together for them. On an emotional level this job is exactly what I was looking for – I love working with health and medical information. Practically it is a perfect fit as well – it’s more money, nearer home, same hours and holidays. I’ve been looking for a while and this is the job I’ve been looking for.

Strauss's avatar

@Stinley, Sounds like your dream job. Good Luck!

NerdyKeith's avatar

I started doing volunteer work for Aspire. It’s an organization set up to offer support and advice to persons with Aspergers.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My Roselle plants (Jamaican Sorrel) are finally giving berries—just in time for the warmer months. They make iced tea with it here on hot summer days. It grows everywhere, is traditional, is really refreshing, and very popular. I’m going out to pick some now.

1 cup Roselle (dried or fresh)
2 Tbs. Cinnamon chips or 2 sticks
1 tsp. Whole Allspice (Jamaican pepper) berries
1 tsp. Grated orange peel

Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil. Add all ingredients and turn off
heat. Steep for 10 minutes. Strain and sweeten to taste with sugar
or honey. Serve hot or chilled.

Roselle tea on ice or hot is an excellent base for
rum punch or a toddy. You can’t get more island than that.

ibstubro's avatar

My avatar here is an Indigo Bunting. I posted it as a tribute to Gail when she passed. One of her fondest (birdwatching) wishes was to see an Indigo Bunting and one year I had the privileged of The Buntings nesting on my back patio.

They’re back. I looked out this morning and Mr. Bunting was on one side of the Shepherd’s crook, Mrs. on the other. The nest must be complete.

janbb's avatar

@ibstubro They are beautiful birds.

It’s “Take Your Buggins to Work” day and I’ll be driving Bilbo.

marinelife's avatar

I can see you now, wearing a scarf and shades.

janbb's avatar

Yes, if only I were zipping around the hills near Nice as in “To Catch a Thief.”

OpryLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend sorted out something that has been worrying me for some time now.

marinelife's avatar

My brother came to visit from Seattle.

Stinley's avatar

The interview day finally came on Friday. That afternoon I got a phone call offering me the job!! I am pleased as punch and I have accepted it. Yay!!!

longgone's avatar

^That’s great, congrats!

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Stinley congratulation! Now you have access to some top-secret medical documents :)

ibstubro's avatar

I have been using the same disposable razor (Schick) since at least the 1980’s. They new and improved it a year or 2 ago, and I can no longer buy them. I bought some razors and Big Lots and they seemed to work okay, but my face was breaking out more. I found an (new) old Schick and it shaved like a dream.
Today I went hunting and there’s nothing like the old Schicks on the market. An houror so ago I tried an eBay search and NOS abounds! I bid $100 on 400 razors. If I don’t get them, I’ll buy some others. My fav razors are back!

ibstubro's avatar

I got the bid and paid for the razors!
I’m set for life, I hope.

The internet cans still do amazing things.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@ibstubro congratulation! I never go for bidding for the obvious reason: it’s so hard to bid. You are so lucky to win.

ibstubro's avatar

Well, I made an offer that was accepted, @Mimishu1995.
BIN was $29, I offered $25×4 and got them, free shipping. Less than Walmart, if I could buy them there.
Do you know about Just Snipe? 5 free snipes a week.

AshLeigh's avatar

I leave for San Diego in 17 hours.

Stinley's avatar

@AshLeigh I have been to the US twice, both times to San Diego. I thought it was great

AshLeigh's avatar

@Stinley this will be my second time going to San Diego. I love it.

Stinley's avatar

I liked the Old Town bit and the zoo. I went to sea world too. Lots to do. I liked the tram

Brian1946's avatar

I was forced to live in San Diego from July 1, 1968 to September 10, 1968.

I found going there voluntarily in 2009 to be much more enjoyable. We found this great Thai restaurant that’s open until 3 AM.


Are you flying from Anchorage down to SD?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@AshLeigh long time no see! I’m waiting for your update.

Stinley's avatar

The weather! i forgot to mention the weather. We went in February and it was simply gorgeous. What an amazing climate

AshLeigh's avatar

@Brian1946 yeah, with a layover in Seattle.

I’m waiting for takeoff right now!

AshLeigh's avatar

I love San Diego.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My sister Ronny arrived last night on her way home from Greece. It is very good to see her and she and her family are doing well. She had been on various hops and lay-overs for twenty hours when she arrived, so I got her here from the airport and sat her in front of an enormous, chilled crab salad and iced Roselle tea, then put her to bed. She’s still there. I think we’ll have mackerel steaks for lunch on the porch.

She is on her way home to Maui and the cumulative time difference is minus eleven hours. She can sleep as long as she wants and later, if she feels up to it, I’ll take her for a restful sail, or maybe she’d like to go for a quiet ride on horseback. If she just wants to laze around the place, that’s OK too. We haven’t hung out since 2008 and it is really good to see her again.

My BIL has been a good husband and father all these years. That’s a tough job, raising daughters well—gently preventing them from falling into to all the horrible abysses so prevalent these days—and living with my busy, independent sister. The man should be commended. The marriage appears to have matured nicely.

All is well in the world.

Strauss's avatar

^^Crow medicine is strong!

AshLeigh's avatar

Yesterday was my 21st birthday, and I am not hung over. XD

Brian1946's avatar

So @AshLeigh is about 3 weeks older than @Mimishu1995.

Strauss's avatar

@Brian1946 Those “kids”, as I affectionately think of them, sometimes seem wise way beyond their years!

Strauss's avatar

Oh, yeah…Happy Birthday, @AshLeigh!

If you were here I’d buy you a drink!

janbb's avatar

happy, happy @AshLeigh !

AshLeigh's avatar

Thank you!

AshLeigh's avatar

My trip is going really well, and I’m sad to say that it’s almost over. I just said goodbye to my best friend’s husband, because he goes out to sea (for work) again in the morning, and I won’t see him again before I leave. And while I’m sad, I’m so happy that I got to see him at all, and that I still have a couple days left with my best friend.

marinelife's avatar

Made it OK through the terrible storms of last night. Fierce 60+ mph winds. Hail that lashed all the new leaves on the trees, and pouring rain, thunder and lightening.

janbb's avatar

Had a great time last night at my friend’s band’s opening gig of the summer; listening to the music and catching up with my friend on recent activities.

Strauss's avatar

This week I’m “co-teaching” an upperclassman creativity intensive. We taught the basic A-B-A form and a handful of chords, and we will see some complete songs by Friday.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Today is my birthday!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Happy Birthday @Mimishu1995. I hope you have a lovely day and an even better year.

I submitted a book proposal AND an application for a fellowship. Who knows if they’ll be accepted, but at least they’re in. Now I have to wait. It’s a good feeling to get rid of them.

Now onto the next big task!

Stinley's avatar

Aw! Happy birthday, darling @Mimishu1995

Strauss's avatar

Happy birthday, Mimi!

I know (or at least I think I know) you’re not the “Mimi” in this video, but it’s to you nevertheless.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I heard back in less than three hours, and it’s been sent to reviewers. I’m totally stunned but really happy. Not that this means it will be published, but it’s the first big hurdle. And it’s a great publisher too. Three posts up if anyone is wondering what the hell I’m talking about.

marinelife's avatar

Heading out for Memorial Day weekend at a cabin with friends. Really looking forward to it.

chyna's avatar

^Cool! I am too!

janbb's avatar

Me too ! What a coincidence!

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Yetanotheruser I’m going to think of it as you being so relaxed you don’t need to talk to anyone ~

Strauss's avatar

@Mimishu1995 That’s about right!

Mariah's avatar

Starting my weekend out on an excellent note. Just had a phone interview that went extremely well and the guy offered me an on-site interview on the spot. Also, one of my top choice companies liked my resume, asked for a sample of code I’ve written for their review, liked that too, and wants to conduct a phone interview next week. Think I’m going to be employed real soon.

Strauss's avatar

Cool beans, @Mariah! No premature congrats, but things sound good!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Congratulation @Mariah! You finally got rid of the unemployed status. Hope this job will be stable this time.

marinelife's avatar

Congrats @Earthbound_Misfit and @Mariah! Great news.

Back home again after the long weekend. Great to see the husband and dogs. Loved my time with friends. It was a great, relaxing weekend.

Strauss's avatar

Spent the morning in the strawberry patch pulling weeds. First fruits! Got about a pint of sweet, red ripe berries!

Mariah's avatar

Had another good phone interview, this one at my top choice company. They emailed me a few minutes after I hung up to offer the on-site interview. I have four on-site interviews coming up over the next week and a half. I suspect I will be employed within two weeks. I can feel my mind beginning to exit crisis-mode.

marinelife's avatar

Have recovered today from last weekend’s naughty eating. Ate nothing that wasn’t on my food plan. It’s a start.

Stinley's avatar

I painted one wall of the house.

ibstubro's avatar

I went to the church ice cream social, a couple of miles down out 2-lane blacktop highway. Old brick church, and we passed a tombstone on the way in from 1883. I had Texas Sheet Cake and church-made vanilla ice cream with strawberries on top.
It was packed, and we knew a large percent of the people there. Good food, good people, good cause.

Mariah's avatar

I got a job offer!!!!!!

I’m going to take about a week to finish up the interviews that are on my calendar, but at this point if I get nothing else I’ll still be fine. The offer I’ve gotten is great. There is just one company on my list that I think I like a little better, so we’ll see if I get an offer from them.

Thanks for listening to me vent these last three weeks, jellies.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Mariah Congratulation!

marinelife's avatar

After a week of humidity and high temps, the weather is perfect today (and supposed to be all week). Hurray! Spring at last. My day lillies are now blooming.

janbb's avatar

@Mariah That’s great. I’m sure you know you work in a volatile industry but hope you now have confidence you can weather the ups and downs. A savings fund for times of unemployment would be useful ifyou can swing it.

dxs's avatar

I got a really nice rug for my room today. Also, I met up with my dad and we ate food and went for a walk.

Misspegasister28's avatar

I went to the mall with my friend, got some cute clothes, and I’m finally motivated to start writing my novel :)

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Misspegasister28 Good luck! I hope to read your book someday.

marinelife's avatar

Yoga is back on!

Strauss's avatar

President Obama slow jammed the news! Hillarious!

Stinley's avatar

I’ve left my old job and start the new one on Monday. I’m sad to go but also looking forward to the new job. Mixed emotions!

Strauss's avatar

.........................´*•.¸ ..ღ☃ღ...¸.•*´
´*•.¸*•.¸:•:♥ ♪ ♫ ♪♫*•.¸´*•.¸♥¸.•*´¸.•*´♫♪ ♫ ♪♥ :•:¸.•*´¸.•*´
Congo-Rats on the new job, @Stinley!
¸.•*´¸.•*´:•: ♥ ♪ ♫ ♪♫¸.•*´¸.•*♥`*•.¸`*•.¸♫♪ ♫ ♪♥ :•:`*•.¸`*•.¸

nods to @Dutchess_III

Misspegasister28's avatar

@Yetanotheruser I am such an impulse shopper haha

@Mimishu1995 Thank you so much!!!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

New beginnings @Stinley. You can stay friends with your colleagues from your former workplace, but new adventures and challenges are presented by the new place. Have fun! Congrats.

Mariah's avatar

I accepted a job yesterday. I don’t start till early July so tomorrow I’m catching a plane and going to see my parents for a week. I haven’t seen them since Christmas and I miss them.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Congratulations @Mariah. That sounds like a great plan. Recharge ready for your new start.

Misspegasister28's avatar

I might go to two conventions this year, so I’m getting my cosplays ready ^^

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Stinley Congratulations! Best wishes on the new job.

I feel 100% today and 20 years younger, better than I have since my little drama at sea last August. It’s not just the Cuban coffee, it’s the prospect of going back to sea again as captain on a first-class 50’ Pearson yacht with a crack crew of 3 good mates.

I am luxuriating in a $465 a night suite in a hotel on Guadeloupe that I snagged on for $59. I’m here to pick up the boat and sail her to Castries, St. Lucia, probably in bad weather, but this is the boat to sail bad weather in. She is beautiful. I went down to the harbor this morning to meet the crew and check the vessel and all is in Portsmouth condition. Good hull, lines, good sails, tanks full of water and fuel, if needed. The guys have been with the boat for three years each and are good experience local sailors, but neither has a license for insurance purposes to command the boat. I am so looking forward to this. We sail tomorrow, rain or shine. I’ve wanted to sail a Pearson 50 since I first saw one at a boat show years ago. They don’t make them anymore. They are classic. She is my bluewater dreamboat.

I came back to this palatial room and ordered a meal to end all meals including a thick, rare, porterhouse steak—my first in years—and a hearty bottle of Chateauneuf du pape. It is my recipe for insomnia and excitement. It is so good to leave the land behind and meet the sea again. Goddamn, it is so good. I missed this life more than I realized.

janbb's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Have a great time says the lockkeeper.

Stinley's avatar

I’m enjoying my new job. Lots to get my head round but I do believe I have landed on my feet here!

Strauss's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Sweet sailing. See PM.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Have fun @Espiritus_Corvus. I hope you have a wonderful trip. Please share your journey with us.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Thank you all. I really wish you were here to experience this beautiful vessel on these waters.

I think I finally got the router properly hooked up to the comms. Lousy interface. What a PIA that was.

Our departure was delayed about 12 hours by the MG, the Maritime Gendarmerie (Guadeloupe Coasties). For insurance purposes and for my own safety, when I take a command of a boat, I have the local Coasties run a dog or two over it to make sure I’m not being played as a chump in a smuggling venture. This is SOP. They were supposed to meet us at the dock Monday morning, but couldn’t get to it until Tuesday afternoon for some reason. Nothing happens by the clock down here, or by the calendar for that matter. It’s the notorious “island way” (Island SOP) and you either go with the flow or have a nervous breakdown.

We left harbor at sunset under cloudy skies and very favorable 18 knot (21mph) winds. As we broke the breakwater into open sea and set our heading, I popped open a bottle of Dom Perignon for the four of us to celebrate being aboard such a beautiful vessel and to break the ice with the crew. She handles beautifully and the guys know their stuff. And they are jealous of her. I could be seen as an interloper as I’m aboard strictly for legal reasons and quite superfluous. With me on board, we are four.

As interim captain, I suggested 2 men on deck at all times in staggered 12 hour watches which immediately let them know that I wasn’t going to just sit on my ass the whole trip like some B’wana. By staggering each man’s watch, there is a fresh man on deck every six hours who will work the sails while the other, entering the seventh hour of his watch, takes the wheel. By the time we were done with the bottle, things were good.

One of the crew is as old as I—sinewy, lean, black as coal. His name is Alphonse, comes from St. Barts, but has been on these waters all his life. He is the senior member of this crew and the other two guys, in their mid 20’s, defer to him. He has great stories. It is a pleasure to work with him. This is the kind of guy you learn shit from.

The men are on edge. They’ve worked together seasonally on this boat for a few years and like it. The owner, a man from Alabama has kept the vessel down here so he and his wife can spend winters here sailing the Caribbean with these three men on deck. Not long ago, the man died suddenly and the executor is selling the boat. The prospective buyer will inspect the boat in Castries, St. Lucia and that is the reason for this voyage. The crew want to go with the boat, but there are never any guarantees.

Tonight and last night’s sky was beautiful with a full, strawberry moon surrounded by little silver clouds under a black dome strewn with bright, glittering stars. We leave an electric blue wake behind us, illumined by the tiny phosphorescent diatoms in these waters. It is a magical world we live in.

janbb's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Although I railed against it at times, there are parts I miss from my sailing days. Your stories make me remember the beauty of sailing….

Stinley's avatar

Nothing good happening in my world today. Totally gutted by the vote to leave the EU. The only thing is a campaign to have a second referendum because this was so close 48.1 Remain against 51.9 to Leave

I am looking forward to getting my Irish passport :-)

Strauss's avatar

@Stinley Me too. I just found out I am eligible!

janbb's avatar

I bought myself a pretty dress today and had a good time walking and shopping with an old friend. Otherwise, the news is pretty much shite.

Strauss's avatar

@janbb I’ll bet that dress is even prettier when you’re wearing it!

janbb's avatar

Aww. A penguin in a pretty dress is a sight to be seen.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Stinley I’m glad for you in your new job, sad with you on the Brexit thing. Is it just xenophobia, or is there something else I’m missing? Why would so many people want to commit financial suicide? Is there a chance for a second referendum? That vote was awfully close. PM me if you wish.

We raised the lights of Castries yesterday just before dawn after another incredible night under the stars and a late rising moon. We were secured at the dock by 10am and I met the broker for inspection. I told the auctioneer that the crew was more than willing to go with the boat and that they were very good. I hope he will use this as a selling point. Alphonse and his two nephews are one of the best crews I’ve been out with—they can read each others’ minds, I swear to god.

As I exited the jeep, I was mowed down by Sam and Dave and we wrassled in the grass for a few minutes. It is good to be back. Philomena, Kita’s daughter, held the fort well. She’s a smart kid. She’s attending classes this summer to qualify for scholarships to various American, British and French Universities. She doesn’t want to leave the island and this upsets her mother very much. I was asked to “have a talk with her.” Jesus. This is so far out of my league… This is meddling.

So, I asked her to stay around for dinner last night. I asked her a few questions about how she felt about the whole thing. We talked about the US, Europe and how these places are so amazingly different from this island life, so mind broadening to see how others’ live, how they think. I also mentioned that the last four of St. Lucia’s prime ministers were products of the very same scholarship programs. That this would be within her reach. I also mentioned that she would prove to her younger sibs that this could be done, that they need to know that they can do this too and not be locked into running her mother’s fruit stand, or fishing like her father. And if she didn’t like these colleges or life abroad, she could always come home and resume where she left off. She should give it an honest try and if it doesn’t work, then she has lost nothing and gained an experience. I don’t think there is a boy in the picture. I just think she is introverted and feels most comfortable with her family in familiar surroundings. Family is huge here. Serving one’s family is huge. Opening this door for her sibs is something she hadn’t thought of.

She’s a quiet, thoughtful girl. I hope I influenced her decision a bit. It’s an incredible opportunity open only to the best students on this island.

Shy was glad to see me. We went for a long ride with the dogs today, quite deep into the parkland forest. It is warmer on land. But it is beautiful.

Stinley's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus thanks. Still not that much better today. I’m completely reeling from this outcome and am filling myself with false hope that maybe we won’t go through with it. Ho hum. You sound like you are doing a good job with this young person. This is always rewarding and is maybe what we can achieve – making a difference to one person at a time

janbb's avatar

@Stinley When the world feels very bleak, I tryto think of those small positive helping things too. I can only imagine how my British friends feel but will be talking to some of them soon.

Stinley's avatar

@janbb thanks. I reminded myself today of two weeks ago when I left my old job. I got a lovely present and card from my very shy colleague who wrote that I was the best boss he ever had and that he wished there were more like me. I am in tears again thinking about him and the difference I made to him. I’m not being conceited as all I did was be kind and considerate to all the people I worked with but I made a difference to him and I hope he can use that in the future.

Strauss's avatar

@Stinley, just keep on keepin’ on, as the saying goes…The greatest influence most of us can ever hope to have is only with the next person with whom we interact. Give that person a kind, thoughtful and genuine smile and chances are they will pass it along.

Misspegasister28's avatar

My favorite anime is actually just two short movies, but now it’s getting a full length show!!

AshLeigh's avatar

I got a call for an interview at a job I’ve wanted for a long time.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@AshLeigh hope it’s a stable job this time.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

A few days ago I downloaded a ton of different of tutorials on how to draw everything from humans to trees, to architecture, to landscapes, lips, eyes, noses, emotions, perspective, proportions, etc., etc. Realism and cartoon. Mostly in pencil for now. I have been working on architectural perspective and human proportions and faces. I used to do anatomical drawing years ago and really liked it, but my hand needs to renew its fine motor muscles. While the latest rash of gun violence broke out in the States, I have been happily absorbed in learning the discipline of this craft. It is great. I’m ten times a better artist than I was a few days ago. Achievement, any kind of achievement, trumps the helplessness one feels when their exterior world seems to go awry. Inner peace. It’s a nice thing.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’ve just arrived in Sweden. I’ve seen lots of beautiful countryside in Finland and Norway. I’ve also seen lots of reindeer. We’re having a great trip so far. The work outcomes have been a bit less than I’d hoped for, but you get that!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

^^Have a good time up there! It is very beautiful in the Summer. July is usually quite rainy and the place damn near closes down while everyone heads to the Med. But it’s a nice place to have to yourself.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Yes @Espiritus_Corvus, it’s been quite overcast with odd flashes of sunshine, but we’ve been right up at the top of each country so it has certainly been pretty quiet in terms of people. Which is how we like it. Beautiful scenery. I definitely want to come back when we have more time.

marinelife's avatar

Two caffeinated, iced coffees day. Got a lot done!

Dutchess_III's avatar

(Time for a part XXIV?)

Well, I had reason to go the next town and that town has a Taco Tico. Yay!

I have to go back in two weeks and that town also has a Long John Silvers. Yay!

janbb's avatar

I got rid of my migraine finally!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yay!!! I’m whispering….

OpryLeigh's avatar

I gained the trust of a very nervous old Collie today. I felt honoured.

Stinley's avatar

I’ve arrived in France! Only 6 hours delay at the port… French customs were being very thorough. I get the feeling they were having a bit of a brexit protest, can’t blame them but I was very hot in my car waiting in a queue outside Dover.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Almost got into a wreck on the interstate BUT DIDN’T!

Coloma's avatar

Is this the last link in the chain of WYTMSGTHT?
All of a sudden I realized this Q. has been dormant forever and a day now.

Great COOL morning here, having a picnic in the park with a friend in a few hours. yesterday was a kick ass, very busy day and I am whooped. haha

janbb's avatar

I met a wonderful Jelly in Montreal last week, continuing my volunteer role as Fluther ambassador.

Strauss's avatar

“Jelly ambassador penguin!”

janbb's avatar

^ Indeed.

Coloma's avatar

Sooo, we’re back in the saddle again… we shall see what ponies trot back into this corral or if they have run off on the Fluther range never to return.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Good news…I’m back home after a long and exhausting but successful trip and I got fabulous news from a publisher.

Not so good news…my very old dog is off to see the vet today. Mr I Am therefore I eat (anything), is off his food and has lost a lot of weight. I’m worried about him and hope he’s okay.

Mariah's avatar

This isn’t, like, a specific thing that happened today, but:


Strauss's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, something good is GOING to happen…if hubs would ever decide to quit work for the day and come down stairs. Then we can go EAT! It’s 5:00 and I haven’t eaten and I’M STARVING!!!!!

That’s great news @Mariah!

Coloma's avatar

Yes, congrats @Mariah

Yesterday and today have been COOL, ( by summertime standards here is the western hills ) for the first time in about 10 days of a major heat wave it was actually chilly and breezy this morning. Hovering around 86 right now at 4:32 pm PDT.
I am having some wine to celebrate! Sweet relief!

chyna's avatar

I GOT A FIRM JOB OFFER TODAY! I actually signed the contract.
I will be doing my same job at the same hospital, just with a different company. I have been unsure if I would have a job since February. This is such a relief.

Mariah's avatar

Fantastic, @chyna!!!!

AshLeigh's avatar

My best friend is officially through her first trimester :)

Coloma's avatar

I just had the most fun conversation with my daughters boyfriend, I am in, totally in. haha

Stinley's avatar

I’m still on holiday in France. Lovely weather and we had a great bike ride through the forest yesterday.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My husband is vacuuming! I do most of the housework because I’m unemployed, so that’s only logical, but it’s nice when he steps in.

Coloma's avatar

I got a massage yesterday, man, did I need it! Work it baby! haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

It is a BEAUTIFUL DAY again today. Yesterday was too. What a relief from all the heat. Windows open. Nice.

Stinley's avatar

I am happily tired after spending the day gardening. Well, my version of gardening which is cutting things back and tidying up

Coloma's avatar

I found my wayward pussy cat after he disappeared for 3 hours this morning. The little shit. He could be 3 feet away in the bushes but won’t come when you call. The cats are only allowed out for about an hour in the mornings so he decided to go AWOL for an extra couple.

I supervise them and he was RIGHT at the edge of the lawn, I went inside for, literally, 60 seconds to grab my coffee and poof he was gone, vanished. Pinhead. The good news is, being a hefty pussy man , he can’t be away from his food bowl for more than a couple hours. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, they have women’s volleyball on TV. That’s one sport I can get in to! It’s nice to be able to answer Rick’s question about the game, rather than the other way around (football. Bleh.)

marinelife's avatar

Last night, we had pasta (low carb) with homemade pesto from our home-grown basil. Don’t you just love summer? Today, we are starting two weeks of vacation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

(Thanks for the nod @Yetanotheruser, but those fireworks originated with @Espiritus_Corvus! I stolz them.)

I was tossing and turning over my daughter’s car tag situation but it all worked out, and we had a really nice visit this morning.

Coloma's avatar

I’m eating the perfect watermelon right now. Drool, slurp, wipe face. haha

janbb's avatar

@Coloma I’ve been OD’ing on watermelon this summer. It’s so good in hot weather!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I filled the sink up with soap water, but the pots and pans in it, and now I’m waiting for them to wash themselves. It’ll be a super good day if that happens!

AshLeigh's avatar

My best friend will be having a beautiful baby girl in February. We were all hoping for a boy, but a healthy baby is so much to be thankful for.

Coloma's avatar

I just had the pleasure of making a young stray cat all comfy here in his new kitty house. He has been taming down nicely the last few weeks and now he is moved into one of the nice, vacant chicken coops with a nice little room with windows, a throw rug, kitty bed, litter box, food & water, and he is diggin’ his new digs. “Benny” will acclimate in there for a few more weeks then get vetted and neutered and join the barnyard here as the new kid on the block. We are going to go buy some astroturf or an outdoor area rug today so he has access to a nice, carpeted chicken run to go outside and enjoy.

From homeless in the hills and land of Coyotes to custom kitty coop with 2 cans of cat food a day and an all you can eat bowl of kitty kibble and a comfy, soft bed. :-)

marinelife's avatar

Football season is back. My team won the opener. I am happy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My grand daughter’s 13 birthday is this Friday. There has been a Blue Grass Festival on the third weekend in September, every year since 1971. It probably was a country boy’s reaction to Woodstock.
It’s a huge, huge deal.
My grand daughter’s father is a music man. When she was born, someone had to go to Bluegrass to track him down.

Everyone thinks it’s pretty cool that she’s a “Bluegrass Baby.”

I stopped in at the main office to ask some questions because I’m working the event…and the fairgrounds got flooded, and they moved it all to the lake.
Anyway, while I was there I realized…they had “vintage” T-shirts AND posters for sale! But they are were brand new. So this and this is what she is getting for her birthday. A Tshirt and poster from the year she was born.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III I love Bluegrass music. Here’s a big festival this this weekend near me that I have attended in the past. I used to do the rural mail route out of Fiddletown CA. haha

Brian1946's avatar


Who’s your team?

marinelife's avatar

@Brian1946 The Seahawks (Since they were formed. I am not a Johnette come lately). It was definitely one of the less thrilling games that happened the first week.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, yesterday I watched 3 of my grand kids. LOTS of work, and totally wonderful!

I had the 15 month old in his high chair, feeding him a McD’s hashbrown. He had a tall sippy cup of milk. I was sitting near him, at the table, when I accidentally knocked over my pop cup with my elbow. Fortunately the lid held and I only spilled a little.
Cooper is always watching everything and every one carefully. When I turned back toward him he looked at me quizzically, then carefully, and deliberately, knocked over his sippy cup! Then he grinned, like, “I did it right the first time!”

Also…he’s almost saying “Please.” He can’t say the word, but he has the cadence down…that starting low and rising, and adding the sound of a question mark on the end. He may growl it, he may hum it, but that’s good enough for me!

janbb's avatar

Shopped for little infant girl clothes. Nothing too prissy. Can’t wait to go out there!

Strauss's avatar

I started the rock band class for the year. End of week two, playing more or less,Stressed Out by Twenty-One Pilots.

Misspegasister28's avatar

We got a new kitten :D His name is Simba!

Coloma's avatar

Yay kitten! I was just playing with the laser pointer with my 2 cats, they are going insane, sliding across the floor on throw rugs. lol Cats are so much fun!

AshLeigh's avatar

Last week, I appplied for a temporary new position at work, and I got it. It’s more hours than I was getting before, and though it’s only temporary that is such a blessing. I was approached by a lot of people warning me away, saying that the woman I would be working closely with was “hard to handle” and “not easy to get along with.” I needed the hours, so I ignored their warnings.
When I started working with her she told me “A lot of people say I’m hard to get along with.”
I admitted that I’d heard that from quite a few people, and she replied “Yeah, I started telling everyone that so they would leave me alone.”............I love her. Haha.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We had lots of hot dog and hamburger buns left so I took Adrionna to the park to feed the ducks. They come arunnin’ too! She was a little frightened of the crush at first, but she got over it quickly, like she always does.
At one point I turned around to see a diminutive women video taping us. There was a tall young man with her, maybe 18 years old. I got the distinct impression they weren’t from here (like, not from America.)
At one point the young man had moved around to the right of us and was just watching and grinning.
I gave Onna a hotdog bun and told her to give it to him. She walked up to him, flashing that bright smile, and handed it to him.
He indicated, with gestures, “For me? To feed the ducks?”
I grinned and nodded.
It was nice. And as we were leaving they both said a heavily accented, and heart felt, “Thank you!”

It was my pleasure!

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Awww…great story! Were there any Marwyns in the park? haha

Misspegasister28's avatar

I was really sick today and missed a test. I checked the syllabus and it said I cannot make it up, but I emailed my professor anyway explaining the situation. She said I can make it up tomorrow!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Lots and lots and lots of Marwyns. And Canadian geese. All manner of ducks and geese.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, this was funny! You’ll love this story @Coloma. The kid’s name is Shane. He was one of my lost boys as a teenager. He’s married now, with two adorable children. He has turned into a wise and amazing young man, something I didn’t think was possible
They live in Wisconsin now, but he came back last year for a visit. Went to the park. This duck fell instantly and totally in love with Shane! She’d hiss at Michelle, Shane’s wife, if she got to close to Shane! It’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen!

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Oooh, she is precious and she is a White Embden goose. I had a female for years that looked just like her and they are a super sweet natured breed. especially the females. The ganders can be a bit pissy but hey, that’s their job to guard their girls and turf.

My great today. Fall is FINALLY here, cool, breezy ( around 71 degrees ) and just a glorious day. I just finished making up my bed with fresh sheets, my wonderful fuzzy blankie and a brand new, super warm and puffy comforter. I can’t wait ti go to bed in, oh, another 8 hours or so. haha

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ibstubro's avatar

It was an overcast day today.
When I drive to town, there’s a flag big enough to park 6 full sized pick-up trucks on.
Today? It was lit by a beam of sunlight. A single beam. Waving in the breeze.
Honestly, it could have taken my breath away.

marinelife's avatar

I am still sick with the lingering cough from my pneumonia. Now I seem to have contracted something secondary. But, at least, the weather is lovely. Mild and sunshine for days and days. Next week, it is supposed to get up into the 70s, near 80. Also, saw a female deer with twin spring fawns on the trail outside my window yesterday. The animals and birds seem to be enjoying the weather too.

longgone's avatar

@marinelife Oh no. Feel better!

Coloma's avatar

My dreaded stripping old wallpaper project is 99.9 % complete in less than 4 hours! Yay!

Dutchess_III's avatar

It hasn’t happened yet but Rick said he’d take my stitches out today. They itch like hell!

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III What stitches? What did you do to yourself?

BellaB's avatar

I made potato pancakes today. Hadn’t even tried to make them in a long time. Felt like a kid and it makes me happy to know I have a a couple left for a snack tonight (with applesauce!) .

Coloma's avatar

I’m having chocolate chip cake right now! and, it has rained all day, out first really good rain of the season, Yay!

janbb's avatar

@Coloma rained most of the day in the Bay Area too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s a really beautiful day today!

BellaB's avatar

Mid-October in Ontario and I walked the dog (Miss Bella) wearing a t-shirt and lululemons. That’s about as good as it gets. Sunshine the day after the Hunter Supermoon.

marinelife's avatar

Like summer today. Hitting 80. Thank you , fall!

BellaB's avatar

79 is the forecast for tomorrow!

Fog right now. I love fog.

Coloma's avatar

We just had 3 days of driving rain, about 4 inches, and today is just stunning. Blue skies, puffy white clouds and everything freshly cleansed. No more dust!

AshLeigh's avatar

I drove in the snow and didn’t die.
Also, I bought a car

BellaB's avatar

Beautiful swim with friends at the community pool.

BellaB's avatar

Funny/good. When I took Bella out for her w.a.l.k. after I got back from the pool, I pulled on a jacket thingie Setanta had worn earlier today. We met Heidi (husky girldog) and her human Rick while we were out. Heidi was super giddy and happy to see me .. and then… she sniffed the jacket and gave me the strangest look… like , dude, you smell like that guy, right? or are you that guy? what? what?

Coloma's avatar

I had a banner productive day getting my new place all spiffy and ready for the painters Monday with my good friend. Now I am having some Pino Gregio and about to stir fry some brown rice, snow pea pods and chicken for a little dinner moment. If it weren’t for the major allergy meltdown moment I just had, sneezing, coughing, about to seize up and drop dead on the floor it would be a near perfect day. Oh well…WTF, have some more wine. haha

Stinley's avatar

I’m making pumpkin soup

Strauss's avatar

@Stinley, I’ll be there soon! Hot or cold?

Stinley's avatar

Hot. Better hurry, it’s really good !

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got an almost new, 15 X 14 deck for almost nothing! Pics to follow.

marinelife's avatar

Went back to the doctor who listened to my lungs and said “You’re still wheezing.” Me: “I told you I was still sick” (recovering from pneumonia). Dr: “You have infectious bronchitis.” OK so now I know. He gave me meds. I am so sick of being sick!

Coloma's avatar

@marinelife Feel better soon!

marinelife's avatar

@Coloma Thank you. I am very low energy, have not been outside except to go to the doctor in days. I hate to whine, but I am so very tired of coughing!

Coloma's avatar

@marinelife Coughing is exhausting! I hate the lingering illness where you have a complete coughing meltdown in the middle of the night or when out and about. I have hurt my ribs from a bad coughing spell recovering from a bad cold or flu. No fun at all!

janbb's avatar

@marinelife So sorry to hear that. Hope the meds help!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I hope you feel better soon @marinelife.

Strauss's avatar

The school where I teach music is having a all-grade showcase in December. I got the go-ahead to put together a showcase band featuring some of the best and most talented musicians I have been working with over the past few years.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Someone who hasn’t been about posted a message today. I’m very glad to see them. I’ve missed them.

My puppy had a bit of a relapse, but he’s picking up again.

It’s a sunny day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I started a temp position last week and they seem very happy with me, especially when I told them I knew Word, Excel, etc. and then proceeded to prove it. I hope it becomes something permanent.

Strauss's avatar

The showcase band had their first meeting Friday. I asked what music they wanted to do. One student asked if they could do something original. I said sure, do you have one in mind? They then asked if they could collaborate on something. I told them it’s their thing, do what you want.

By the time the hour was up, they had form, chord progression and a good start on lyrics!

BellaB's avatar

Managed a half-mile of back stroke as part of my swimming today.

chyna's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Absolutely nothing , just one damn thing after another.Coloma slinks away with a scowl on her face. lol

janbb's avatar

I just am lurvin’ my Jelly friends so much today.

Coloma's avatar

^ Okay..that brightened my day. :-)

Coloma's avatar

I bought a lovely set of plush, royal red, velvety, fuzzy winter sheets and a beautiful red satin pillow to go on my bed. Super pretty with another red and teal pillow I have.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I finished an important paper yesterday. So today, I feel a lot less stressed. The sun is shining, summer is on the way – life is good.

janbb's avatar

I painted a landscape today from a photo I took on a walk and am fairly satisfied with it. I wasn’t sure how I would tackle it and just mucked in.

AshLeigh's avatar

I leave for California again in less than 2 weeks!

marinelife's avatar

I went back to yoga yesterday after missing a month’s worth of classes because of being sick. It felt so good, and I only coughed once!

Strauss's avatar

Just heard from my son. He’s going to be joining us for Thanksgiving!

BellaB's avatar

Left the house to go swimming. My neighbour and her little boy were waiting to walk over with me. We got there… the pool was closed as they were removing asbestos from the school roof. We decided to walk to another school with a pool. On the way, met two other pool friends who joined us.

We power-walked to the other school – my friend’s son commented on our unusual group. We ranged in age from 7 to 70 and were several different shades of pink and tan. We decided we were the perfect Canadian team.

Then we went and swam and played in the pool.

It was a wonderful afternoon.

Coloma's avatar

I bought a new laptop. love it! Lots of new apps and features to explore!

Strauss's avatar

Just set the closing date to refi the house. Due to an unfortunate series of events (having nothing to do with Lemony Snicket) we have been stuck in our original (2001) mortgage We can skip December’s payment and cut our monthly payments by about 50%!

Dutchess_III's avatar

We found the camper of our dreams yesterday!! We currently have an RV, which we do love. The only problem is when we camp, we’re stuck! We can’t run to the store, you know? Anyway, came upon this. in our Saturday travels.
Kitchen and bed, living room with me in it.

My husband is constantly on the prowl for new vehicles, campers, whatever, where as I’m like, “Jesus! I just want to get whatever paid off and be done!” I have only whole heartedly gave my blessing on two occasions. One was for a 2006 Durango, loaded. Heated seats, DVD player, the works. It was a repo, $6,000. Bluebooked for $13,000 at the time. LOVED that truck. I was so pissed when I came out of my illness, when I was hospitalized, to realize he’d given it to my son who took over payments (we only owed $1,200) to buy a shitty, ugly, red extended bed pickup truck which I HATED. He really fucked up our finances during those months that I was so out of it!
I also whole heartedly endorse this camper, and I am in my right mind now! I know a good deal when I see it. I feel it in my bones. Plus we can sell the RV and pay the camper loan off.

Coloma's avatar

That’s sharp @Dutchess_III Looks roomy!

I am prepping for my daughter to come out this afternoon for a hangout and to see my new little place. Lots to catch up on. She just got back from visiting her dad in Texas so I am sure there will be a lot of laughs as she shares the tales from the badlands of dad land. She loves her dad but doesn’t like him and knows his generosity in buying her plane ticket was more about needing his his huge, narcissistic ego stroked in showing off his new house rather than really just wanting to spend time with her.

Now that she has figured out what I figured out years ago we can laugh at his transparent motives even if it is quite sad in reality.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It is. It has the one slide out, which is awesome. With that out, it’s wider than our RV. If FEELS wider too.

Yeah, my kids finally got their dads gimmick too. I never said a word. They figured it out by themselves. Quite sad, really.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Castro is finally dead! That is about as good as it gets in my book. Long live the Cubano Alma, the spirit of the Cuban people!

BellaB's avatar

The sun was shining when I was out earlier.

Coloma's avatar

We all woke up again, alive. haha

Strauss's avatar

We got a whole weekend together as a family! Son got to come home from Texas on a business trip, just in time for Thanksgiving. All together except grandson, who was with baby-mama (not DIL). Got face time with little one.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am surviving this very unexpectedly stressful vacation.

Coloma's avatar

I had fun at the Raquet Club tonight while waiting for my little friend Sydney to finish her tennis lesson. Man, that heated indoor pool makes me want to become a member but I know myself too well, I’d fade out after a few weeks and then just be stuck with an expensive membership.
Been there, done that. haha

Stinley's avatar

@Coloma yep, I’d never take out another gym membership for that reason. Boots are cheap and walking is free! It’s a lovely cold crisp day here with blues skies and a temperature of just above freezing. I’m off to kick the leaves this lunchtime.

chyna's avatar

I’m cleaning out my night stand and found a 2 page pm to me from Whatthefluther (WTF). I had forgotten all about it. He used a unicorn as his avatar and I was making stained glass sun catchers, so I had sent him a stained glass unicorn. He was so appreciative and he sent me a hand carved bowl. I don’t smoke pot, but was very blessed to receive such a gift from him.
I am in tears, but also so happy to have met such a wonderful person. For those that may not remember, WTF was the one that proposed to his wife here on Fluther. Such great times.

Coloma's avatar


My neighbors damn juvenile delinquent cat “Benny” that I feed and put in evenings when she works late, ACTUALLY came IN the HOUSE tonight all on his own!!!
No chasing, no coaxing with food, no looking for him with a flashlight after dark. He is a very crafty and independent one year old all black cat with a feisty personalty. He just waltzed in out of the woods one day and took over the house with 3 dogs. marched right in and put everyone and in their place went to sleeps on the dog bed. haha

OpryLeigh's avatar

I had a lady come in today who had been advised by another trainer to avoid talking to her dog (Dogue de Bordeaux puppy) for two weeks to assert dominance. I think I managed to persuade her that this will definitely do more harm than good and gave her some advise to set her on the right path. Time will tell if she takes my advise but I felt really good that I’d given her the best advise I possible could and I articulated exactly what I wanted her to know. fingers crossed!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Goodness, @OpryLeigh, I cannot imagine not talking to my dogs. We have conversations! Oliver especially was a talker. He would chatter away and obviously thought we were making sense to each other.

Mariah's avatar

Today is the first day that pain related to my recent surgery has been almost unnoticeable. I was able to get a lot of errands done!

I decided I’m going to treat myself once I get back to my normal weight (some 10 pounds to go) and get lots of new clothes. I am still wearing a lot of stuff that I got in high school. So today I made a bunch of room in my closet and brought a big box to Goodwill. It wasn’t that heavy, maybe 10 pounds, but it was such an awkward shape and I’m still so weak from my recovery that the 20 minute walk damn near killed me. Afterwards met up with my friend for lunch (sushi burritos, a bizarre but delicious invention!!) and my arms were shaking so much I felt self-conscious that someone would think I was withdrawing from something.

Then I went to a post office and got my passport application submitted – first step towards fleeing this damn country if it ends up coming to that. It was easy!! I don’t know why I was expecting some kind of DMV-esque hell.

I’m already achy, tomorrow I might be out of commission! But I feel accomplished and good. Things are getting back to normal.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Very glad you’re feeling much better. I hope you’ll come and visit Australia once you start your travels. Enjoy your new wardrobe!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Mariah Good day’s work done.

Strauss's avatar

I’ve been pretty busy the last couple weeks. The showcase band performed three original numbers, one written by one of the members, and the other two written collectively by the four band members.

That weekend I spent getting the house cleaned and decorated for the holidays. My doorbell rang on Tuesday, the 20th, and it was my sister from Illinois. The one I hadn’t seen in about 7 years. We had a good visit, told a lot of stories, and most importantly, spent the holiday with our other sister who lives in this town.

BellaB's avatar

Very mildly good – but it counts. Earlier this year, my bundle buggy was stolen from the porch. I was mostly sad because it was such an awesome acid green.

The loss of it made taking donations down to the local thrift shop annoying. I’m in the midst of a book/clothing purge project. 1 bag at a time, such a pain. The other night, my neighbours, who are also purging, put out a car seat, a stroller and a really nice bundle buggy. Buncle buggy – you are mine! Best of all, it’s one of those with wheels that go up stairs easily.

Small win but I’ll take it – and I’ll take it to take a whole load o stuff down to the thrifts.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

What is a bundle buggy?

BellaB's avatar

We call these bundle buggies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Things are finally back to normal. Rick and I are going to eat breakfast, which is what we usually do on Saturdays, but haven’t done for the last 3 Saturdays.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve not heard of a bundle buggy before!

marinelife's avatar

We are having a great New Year’s weekend. Bowl game featuring our team today. Last regular NFL game of the season tomorrow. Dinner with out-of-town friends this evening. And Monday is my birthday!

Coloma's avatar

Partied it up last night, made dinner for 6 and a good friend spent the night.
Have a pretty good wine hangover goin’ on here this morning. haha
But…the good news, I have nothing to do today but stay in and be cozy and have delicious leftovers that will help cure my hangover. haha

janbb's avatar

One of my favorite people in the world just called and we had a long, newsy conversation.

(Will post a continuation of this thread very soon, I promise.)

BellaB's avatar

Walked a couple of miles to a community pool, swam for an hour, visited with some pool friends, walked back, picking up vegetables and some New Years snacks along the way.

Ran into a former co-worker, her family and her very very very new baby girl Lucy on my wander back. It was wonderful to see Jen and Lucy. Jen’s wanted to be a mom as long as I’ve known her and some relationship crap had to be overcome on the way to having that very beautiful child.

Now I’m sitting down, feeling some good muscle-work relaxing and getting ready to go out with Set and the dog on a public transit, Mickey D’s adventure. It’s become a tiny bit of a tradition. Public transit is free from 7 p.m tonight til 7 a.m. in the morning – paid for by some responsible booze company. We’ll take advantage of it and ride somewhere we don’t normally go. I don’t usually go for the junky junky food but NYE is an exception :) so we’ll use some McD’s coupons.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We got to go see a friend who we haven’t been able to visit for MONTHS. He’s been battling cancer. At one point the treatment compromised his immune system so no one could come over. We went today though! So, so so happy to see him! And he’s looking better.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

2300hrs AST, 11 January, 2017
Position: 12.999932 -60.994538 (Lat. 13° 1’ 3” N, Long. 61° 5’ 4’’ W.)

About 25 miles Southeast of Kingstown, St. Vincent and 40 miles by course Northeast of Basil’s Bar, Isle Mustique, the Grenadines, W.I.

I was at the tiller most of yesterday and all last night taking four people on a cruise from St. Lucia south to St. Vincent.

Now I have the wheel again after a few hours sleep and we’re headed south out of Kingstown, St. Vincent, toward a small island, Mustique, to pick up a young couple from London and deliver them to the island of Grenada. My mate Eddy needs sleep more than I do for the voyage tomorrow, South from Mustique through the length of Grenadines. I should get a good seven hours rest starting at 0800 tomorrow. We’re one night from a full moon and it is gorgeous and clear out here.

The wind is holding steady at about 15 mph from the NE, I’m riding it on a very slight jibe and list, cutting through the water silently at 17 kts and there is not a cloud in the sky. This mild wind has blown off the humidity and it’s a pleasant 74F on the water.

This is what night sailing is all about. This is what a mariner lives for. The moon is a white, round hole almost directly above me in the night sky. Not much need for the compass when your wake is a trail of ice-blue fluorescence on a deep black carpet, the result of my bow wave disturbing small bioluminescent organisms often found in tropical waters. Keep your wake straight and you’re holding your heading.

The lights of Kingstown, St. Vincent are behind us far beyond the black horizon and the sky is now a vast blanket of black velvet strewn with bright, glistening diamonds. If you hold onto the wheel and stare directly up into the blackness, the stars become larger, closer, and there is a sensation that you’re levitating off the deck and into deep space.

There is not much use for a clock tonight, either. Venus set just after 9pm and Mars about 10. Jupiter will rise at Midnight and Saturn at at 0430, followed by Mercury will rise at 0500. A little more than a half-hour after that the glow of the sun will show along the eastern horizon.

About that time a pod dolphins, the Mustique contingent, will come to greet us, take a position forward off our bow, and guide us in along the rocky coast. About the time I’ve checked my course for drift and current, and entered it into the log, the mate will arrive with hot food and coffee for the report. And I’ll be relieved to sleep away the daylight hours in order to greet the night again during the Dog Watch.

I wish the rest of the world could be here to see this. What a beautiful planet this is. It’s so quiet out here. There is no wind noise because we’re riding ahead of it on a flat sea. The only sound comes from the bow; a gentle rippling as the SV Compass Rose slips through the water.

It is truly magical out here tonight.

Coloma's avatar

Sigh..I want to see the night sky on the sea. You lucky dog you!

Strauss's avatar

Beautiful, Crow…just beautiful!

Well, I’m definitely expanding my teaching duties at the school. In addition to the freshman class in the afternoons, I’m co-teaching a class for students who are actually interested in being musicians.

The afternoon class is the one I’ve been doing for the past three years. The school has a number of “Extended Learning Opportunities” (or ELO’s), including Science Club, Math, Digital Art, Circus, Taekwando, Crossfit, Cooking and Band, which is the one I am teaching. I have anywhere from 7–10 freshmen four days a week; the goal is to explore their interest in music and keep them engaged enough to be able to play a few tunes together in a rock/pop format. Since this is a required class, and some are more interested than others, the challenge is to keep everyone engaged, even when there are times that students receive individual instructions.

Tuesday, the first day of a new rotation, I sat down with the class, to get an idea of what songs they wanted to do. With no prompting from me, they came up with the idea to do something original. So, I assigned instruments, according to each one’s experience or request: two drummers (we have two kits), one guitarist (he has never played), two pianists (each has “played around” on piano, but no training) and four singers.

After the first day, I had the drummers doing a basic simple rock beat. The second day, I taught the keyboardists two simple chords, and had them practice transitioning from one to the other. I also taught the guitarist how to play the same chords on guitar, then we decided to move him to bass, because he only needed to play one note at at time. So by the end of the second day, we were playing a simple two-chord progression, with drums, keyboards, bass, and I played guitar, just to fill it out. The singers were working on original lyrics and melody.

The morning class is a little more structured. It is an actual elective class for credit, and we have motivated students who have had at least minimal training and experience with their instruments. We’re starting with Wagon Wheel. We started by discussing and learning some basic theory, along with things like song structure. This is definitely a more structured class than the ELO’s.

I have about three hours between the morning class and the afternoon class. It takes me a half-hour to get home, and another half hour to get back to the school, so I just hang out in the band room. I can get some personal practicing done (always good to keep up and improve my chops), as well as write. I’ve got access to some writing software could serve me well.

janbb's avatar

@Strauss That’s great.

dxs's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus You must enjoy the solitude. I’m suprised you can Fluther from out there!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@dxs Satellite comms. The boat is equipt with EPIRB and for a little more cash, I get a narrow band of internet. I do enjoy the solitude, but I also enjoy being able to communicate with people alll over the world and with other sailors at sea. Comparing notes with them in realtime when entering unfamiliar waters and harbors is invaluable. That is an advantage Joshua Slocum never had and he probably would have lived a lot longer if he had. It is a fascinating world we live in.

We were going to hole up at St. Georges, Grenada and rest for a day or two, but I am very uncomfortable hanging so near Venezuelan waters. This is about as far south as I will ever sail in the Caribbean. I’ve had a run in with their law enforcement before and I never, ever want to be their guest again.

So, we’re pulling out right now northbound for St. Vincent. I’ll let the mate do some night sailing. She needs to get some documented time in for her captain’s qualifications next year. I’ll ride the bow for awhile. It’s eighty degrees and dry, a mild wind coming from the northwest with a nice moon and a few clouds. It’s a good night for beating a tack northward.

Hasta la bista, lights of Grenada.

Strauss's avatar

Nice, Crow! I raise a pint to Joshua Slocum!

I actually had some time to read the book!

Misspegasister28's avatar

I took two quizzes today, one is stats and one in bio, and I got 100% on both!

Strauss's avatar

No wonder you seem to be away for awhile! Congrats and good luck!

I never took stats in college, but I learned it so I could coach the wife when she was studying for her BA in accounting.

Brian1946's avatar

Malaysian elephant-poaching syndicate busted.

I’d love to see an African one annihilated or stomped to death by their intended victims.

Coloma's avatar

@Brian1946 Yes! Lets go gunning for poachers. haha

My good today was a lovely email from a friend that said ” I love your cottage, you are so talented in decorating. Your place is truly amazing!” Always nice to get positive feedback and ego strokes right? haha

marinelife's avatar

A total gift of a President’s Day weekend: sunny and in the 70s in February! On Sunday, we took a scenic drive along the western Chesapeake Bay and discovered a wonderful little town: North Beach.

Strauss's avatar

3 day weekend, first time this year working in my garden!

Coloma's avatar

A friend who is taking advanced massage and body work classes to enhance her CMT license is going to use me as her practice person for accupressure and other body work Friday. Free massage, yay!

BellaB's avatar

Went for lunch with a neighbour and her three year-old. We went to a very hole-in-the-wall Chinese-Canadian joint and had so much fun. Little E entertained everyone. The owner gaver her an extra handful of fortune cookies to keep her busy. Lots of smiling and laughing and silly three year-old conversation.

Brian1946's avatar

Republicans in Florida Want to Ban Fracking.

If the Fossil Fuel Fan Club itself wants to ban fracking, then a statewide ban seems inevitable.

Stinley's avatar

How about a new thread? I think we all need some springtime cheer and some new blood on the thread.

@Brian1946? @janbb? Would you do the honours?

janbb's avatar

I’ll put one up later today or tomorrow.

Stinley's avatar

@janbb lovely jubly. That’s a good thing that’s happened to me today then

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m enjoying my trip in Thailand so far…

BellaB's avatar

Just confirmed that a few of my friends are going to come out to a Latin Jazz show with me tonight. Really looking forward to seeing them.

janbb's avatar

New thread is started. It’s Part XXIV. Look for it in Meta!

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