General Question

janbb's avatar

What breed of dog is this?

Asked by janbb (63361points) May 8th, 2015

I love this little doggie face. Anyone know what breed of dog it is?

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16 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s at least got some poodle in it.

marinelife's avatar

@David_Achilles is right. Bichon Frises are known for their sweet temperaments and friendly dispositions.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, a Bichon most likely. Warning, they are cute but stubborn and hard to house break. A friend had one, he lifted his leg on the furniture all the time, he never was fully housebroken.

wildpotato's avatar

@Coloma It’s a myth that toy breeds are innately more difficult to housetrain. Here’s a good little article about it.

syz's avatar

That does not look like a specific breed, but a mix.

Pandora's avatar

I agree with @David_Achilles My first thought was a Bichon Frise

CugelTheClueless's avatar

Maybe a West Highland terrier or westie mix.

Zaku's avatar

If it’s a Westie, it’s been blow-dried, or bred with a Bichon Frise…

janbb's avatar

I think it’s probably a mix too. The face and the ears are not quite bichon.

marinelife's avatar

It’s not a Westie. No square muzzle.

cazzie's avatar

Perhaps a bishon mixed with a maltese

janbb's avatar

@marinelife Agree, definitely not a Westie. And the ear placement is a little different from the Bichon.

Whatever it is, I want him. Makes me smile just to look at that doggish grin.

Coloma's avatar

@wildpotato Of course, however, almost every small dog I have known has had housebreaking issues including the Bichon, several chihuahuas, several Shitzus, and a wiener dog named “Pesto.” lol
I have always had good luck house training my dogs over the years but many are an extreme challenge.

Strauss's avatar

But what are those animals in the background?

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