Everyone has at least one good story. What is yours?
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One day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d just run across Greenbow County. And I figured, since I run this far, maybe I’d just run across the great state of Alabama. And that’s what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean. And when I got there, I figured, since I’d gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going. When I got to another ocean, I figured, since I’d gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going.
I was at a dance club with two girlfriends. One, Kim, was wondering around somewhere and the other, Theresa, was with me at the bar. I saw this cute guy dancing on a speaker with another girl and turned to Theresa and said, “he’s cute.” He was dancing with some other girl though, so I didn’t think too much about it. A half an hour later Kim, Theresa, and I were dancing together and up walks that cute guy and says to Kim, “hi Kim!” I turned to Theresa and mouthed, “she knows him.” A second later Kim introduced us to him, and he immediately asked to dance with me. I have him my number that night 24 years ago and we have been together ever since.
If you ask him the story he will say he was dancing and scoped me out at the bar, and then didn’t know where I had disappeared to, and then was happy to find me dancing with Kim.
@Blondesjon I always had a hunch you were Forrest.
I have orally given several classmates several ideas for cartoons for free , my name isn’t even on them. Invader Zim, and Sailor Moon,( before the outer planets where added), since I never physical written any of them I guess it doesn’t count. Also I am on disability for telling my doctor that I am Astral traveling into my past like the movies Groundhog Day and Quantum Leap. I skipped 88 days of classes in grade 7 because I was too tired from playing NES all night. I passed the tests and got a 89% final test scores and passed my junior high years. In grade 9 I stopped running from bullies and fought back. At 6’5 I handled fighting so well that I needed to stop and rethink my life. I grew up in Springfield Plaza in Edmonton.
I was hitchhiking and he was driving and we rode in the car together for nearly forty years.
@Pied_Pfeffer I caught you, redditor!! This is the second time I’ve noticed you bringing reddit questions here. :D Thanks for doing it. They’re fun discussions to have.
On my first weekend of college, I met a couple of guys in the dining hall and invited them to come with me exploring different campus events I had heard about via my RA. One of the events was fairly vaguely described but it sounded like it was going to be an open mic night or something. When we arrived, there were only a few people there and they informed us that they are a group of friends who get together and sing sea shanties. We found this very odd but didn’t want to be rude so we stayed and sung sea shanties with them for an hour. I felt sooo bad for leading these guys I barely knew to this strange event, but it turned out we all had fun and the turn of events was just so wacky that we were instantly bonded after that.
A dog and a rhino lingered in bed together as the sun rose, each wondering what the day would bring them. The dog imagined a face to lick, all salt and possibility. She loved faces best because that’s where the person lived. From the face, you could tell everything about them. The rhino hoped to be taken seriously. He was stuffed after all, not living and breathing like the dog. “More like panting,” thought the rhino. He too had a lot to offer. It wasn’t just about the horn. Most people couldn’t get past the horn. “Today, I’ll use my full name,” thought the Rhino, certain that the added “ceros” would help them see past the horn and into his brain. Into who he really was. And with that, the dog licked his face, settling for plush over flesh. Less salty, but just as sweet.
I maintain a blog of such stories about interesting people I’ve met or worked with in my life. I’ve never made it public.
One of my close friends was in London for business and at the last minute, bought a theater ticket, which included a specific seat. When he went to sit down, there was a beautiful blond woman already in what he thought was his seat. The box office sold the same ticket twice. My friend let the blond stay; they had a drink at intermission and were married a year later. They have two adult children.
Years ago, I was involved in a spat with a co-worker. At one point, the co-worker revealed to others there that some woman had called his wife and warned her about his possible cheating. Since I was having the trouble with him and because I had a grandmother, all evidence pointed to me as the culprit. There was nothing I could say, so I didn’t even try. And no other person there ever bothered to ask me my side of the story. I sure as heck didn’t know who made the call or anything about the call. I was as surprised as anyone else probably was! Eventually, I had to quit working there do to the crap I was receiving from management and fellow workers.
I spent many sleepless nights trying to figure out who the real caller was. Five years later, I figured it out: It was the branch manager’s wife, the guy who told me of the call in the first place! But what good would the info be at this late date?
Sixteen years after the fact, I decided that I had carried that ball-and-chain long enough. I went to the location, walked into the service manager’s office, and there was a guy I had worked with that had been there and knew what had happened. I sat down and told him my story, explaining that I had never mentioned the spat with my grandmother so she couldn’t have made the call, and ending with my thoughts about who the actual caller had been.
The look on his face was priceless! I imagine anyone else who had been there would have had that same expression when they heard the news.
When I left, I felt like I was walking on air!
Michael Caine: An Autobiography…I bought it at Dixons.
One day, my family and I got into a big quarrel. It was about how I behaved at school. To me there was nothing wrong with it since my classmates all did similar things one way or another, but to them it was offensive. After a while they were winning. I said: “I’ve got an appointment with my friends. See you later.” then slammed the front door. It was true that my friends and I had planned for a party that day, but my main aim of leaving was just to stay away from my parents for a while. I was so pissed off that I decided not to return home until the next day, the first time I ever did that. We partied all day and night and at one point I told them about my quarrel. They were sympathetic. They said my parents were being overreactive and narrow-minded, but they also explained that they did that out of their love for me. Nevertheless, they agreed to bear with me until the heat cooled down.
I didn’t do what I planned. I returned home very late in the evening. My head had cooled down a bit and I was feeling guilty. When I entered the house, everyone was sleeping. I saw my favorite corn soup on the table. My bed had already been made, ready for me to lie asleep. I was at a loss for word for a while. The next day my family went for breakfast at a cafe and talked as if nothing had happened.
This is a story I heard from my father, some fifty plus years ago. He was in his fifties, and had probably heard it when he was younger.
Mr. Link came to the U.S. to pursue the promise of prosperity. He opened a laundry, and placed a sign in the front of the shop that read;
So, one day a certain Mr. McCarthy came in with a bundle of laundry. Mr. Link gave him a claim ticket, and said the laundry would be ready Friday.
So on Friday, Mr. McCarthy came in with his ticket to pick up his laundry. Mr. Link said, “That’ll be $5.00 please.”
Mr. McCarthy pointed to the sign and read aloud, “What you think! Mr. Link, he’ll wash your clothes for nothing!”
Mr. Link said, “No, no, no. It says. ‘What you think, Mr. Link, he’llwash your clothes for nothing?’”
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