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SQUEEKY2's avatar

We all still have a lot to learn about things in this life, so why can't the average person admit that about their driving skills?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23513points) May 9th, 2015

The average person is more closed minded about their driving skills, than even their beliefs in politics and religion .
Why can’t the average person admit they still have a lot to learn about driving?
I drive for a living and I still have lots to learn.

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19 Answers

ucme's avatar

I drive a golfball better than some people drive their vee-hick-erls.
That’s okay though, so long as they stay the fuck away from me.

canidmajor's avatar

Have you taken a poll? I am curious as to why you think “The average person is more closed minded about their driving skills, than even their beliefs in politics and religion.”

Blackberry's avatar

There are just way too many people with incredibly different driving skills. Some people have no confidence and no ability to stay calm in any escalating situation. They’re afraid of everything. Some people are way too confident and overestimate their driving skills and the capabilities of their car. But some people perform great under pressure and are aware of their capabilities and do just fine, even though they’re seen going 90 in the left lane and anyone can just assume they’re crazy and don’t know what they’re doing.

Edit: And to actually answer the question: I made my mistakes and changed accordingly. I guess some people can’t do that, just like with the other topics. Some people are afraid to admit they are wrong.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Blackberry super great answer, the good ones learn from their mistakes and adjust,the bad ones simply do not.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ah but @ucme you have to share the road with those idiots and they will cross your path sooner or later.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Most of us are rarely challenged on the great majority of our driving deficiencies. Driving is usually about momentary interactions with people and minus an accident or traffic ticket, we aren’t compelled to face up to our faults.

ucme's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Trust me, i’ll be fine. Reflexes of a cat & temperament of a…of a…cool thingy.

ragingloli's avatar

Driving is like swimming. There are some olympia level swimmers, but the rest are dogs, paddling to stay afloat and getting from A to B.
There are only a few professional racing drivers. And the barely competent rest.

janbb's avatar

^^ Doess that mean that Black people can’t drive? ~~~

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Pride and arrogance.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I take great pride in my driving skills but will admit to anyone there is always room for improvement.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Not pride unto confidence and satisfaction, but pride unto arrogance as if one is the best ir top 5% of drivers, therefore, you can’t give them any advice.

ibstubro's avatar

‘There are just way too many people with incredibly different life skills’, to take off from where @Blackberry left off:

The jerk that butts into the grocery line because he “Only has one thing”?
The old lady that fumbles and fumbles for exact change on $7.27, getting it just right after 5 minutes, the wants to add some gum?
The guy that parks his cart in the aisle, then stands in front of it, oblivious, looking at the shelf?
When you’re standing back, looking at a product on the shelf, and step forward only to have the lady park her cart right behind you?

Guess what, @SQUEEKY2? All those people drove themselves to the store!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ibstubro I know one day at the store when people were being extra dumb, I looked at the wife and said you know what the scariest thing is?? These morons drive!

Mimishu1995's avatar

OK! I confess to going too fast occassionally and even ignoring the red light.

canidmajor's avatar

While I appreciate that many people have poor driving skills, @SQUEEKY2, I am still curious about your assertion as stated in the details: “The average person is more closed minded about their driving skills, than even their beliefs in politics and religion.”
I don’t see all these stories as evidence of that, simply as evidence that they may not be exemplary drivers.

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor I agree. I try to work very hard at my driving because I know my skills are not great.

canidmajor's avatar

I feel that my skills are pretty good for the kind of driving that I do, but I’m certainly not “closed minded” about them.
I just have to wonder what discussions about driving skills that “average” people out there are having that I’m missing.

JLeslie's avatar

I think a lot of people don’t even know if their skills are bad. Just yesterday I was making a left turn and watched the car next to me, which was also turning left, do the typical poorly done left turn.

It’s a six lane road turning onto a six lane road (not that it matters that much how big it was, because I see this mistake on smaller roads too). There are two left turning lanes. I’m in the US, so we drive on the right. We have a turning arrow, so we can drive right through the intersection without slowing for opposing traffic. The guy next to me does the typical turning too early while going through the intersection. Why do so many people do that? It explains why municipalities sometimes draw the lane markings through the intersection. Left turns are, or should be, close to 90 degree angles. If you turn too soon it’s easy to wind up swinging out into the next lane. You have to do a correction as you get onto the new road when you already are gaining speed.

So many people seem unable to stay in their lanes when turning. Not only on left turns, right turns too, but I think with the left turn many people can’t do the turn correctly, they don’t know how. The right turn they are just being sloppy. It’s ok in places not very congested, but in very busy cities you need to stay in your lane so traffic can keep moving as much as possible. Where I grew up if two lanes were turning left, let’s say I was traveling east, turning north, onto three lanes, the outer lane had someone traveling west turning north into that third lane. You had to stay in your lanes through turns. Do you stay in your lane? Most cities you can’t count on drivers doing it.

I have a girlfriend who openly says she is a bad driver and that’s why she likes to drive really big SUV’s. I told her the bigger vehicle probably contributed to her “frequent” accidents. Too many blind spots on that thing.

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