Why are you here reading this question when you should be calling your mother or taking her out for Mother’s Day?
It is Mother’s Day, why are you wasting time here when you should be on the way to her house, or already there, preparing to take her out to brunch or lunch? Put down the mouse, step away from the laptop, go take mom out for Mother’s Day, you won’t have her forever so make every possible moment count. Are you still here, you have not left yet? Get your redacted up out of that chair and go?
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19 Answers
I’m here because I’ve done helping her. Beside, I’m still at her house.
Why are you here typing this question? ~
Thanks for the awakening. Wish I could deliver my wishes face-to-face but unfortunately she is on another continent! My love and wishes are from deep down inside anyway. You are so right and thanks again for bringing it to our attention! Good health and peace to all mums everywhere!
Because Mother’s Day over here was back in March.
Because I am in the middle of a super bad chest cold,and don’t want to give her this but I did call her and wished her well and she did thank me for not bringing this cold to her.
Well, my mother lives nearly 1000 miles away. And I am taking care of the baby while my wife sleeps in.
I will be making breakfast when my wife wakes up, though, and I’ll probably call my mother when she gets back from church.
Because she is dead and I would not be messing around with the damn internet if she wasn’t.
My Mom died 17 months ago. I have a little time to waste before my Dad comes over to watch the Cubs game with me, so I thought I’d look at Fluther for a moment.
Because it is seven p.m., and I spent most of the day with her.
Haven’t seen my mom since I was 15, but that’s ok, cuz I keep in touch with my grandma regularly, she was, and is still there for me more than my mom was. Even if we live in separate countries.
Because she passed away last year. :(
Because cancer claimed my mother’s life in August, 1987.
My mother chose to stop talking to me six years ago. I’ve got the time.
Geez, @Hypocrisy_Central. I bet you didn’t expect this question to turn into this much of a downer, did you?
Well, life isn’t some horrid feel good American movie where everything is perfect and pretty. XD
@SavoirFaire Geez, @Hypocrisy_Central. I bet you didn’t expect this question to turn into this much of a downer, did you?
Actually, if it were not greatly ignored (which I figured more than not), I would not suspect it would go great. I am not surprised, pretty much par for the course on questions here, less those challenging popular ethic, or less than favorable of the LGTB lifestyle, anyhow, another 5 closer to the magical 30k and the egress button.
To those who have lost mothers to cancer (or old age), you have my condolences, been there and done that, I know it is never any fun.
Even though for some of us (me included) spending time with our mum is not possible, it was a good reminder. Mother’s Day is gone here too but I did spend time with my children and had a nice day out.
Because I’ve never had success with seances or Ouija boards. My mom died in 1994 and Mother’s Day isn’t easy even now.
I am lucky to have a terrific mother-in-law. I made brunch for her, Mr. tedibear, my FIL and BIL. We will repeat this scenario for father’s day. :)
Mom died last May 18th of last year. Does it count if I thought of her?
Of course it counts. I’m sorry for your loss. You must be feeling it greatly right now. I hope you can find time to sit in the sun or under a tree or wherever feels right for you, and spend as much time as you need to think about her.
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