Meta Question

janbb's avatar

May I wish all the Fluther-Mothers a Happy Mother's Day?

Asked by janbb (63361points) May 10th, 2015

And who would like to join me?

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8 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Happy Mother’s Day to you, @janbb! I wish for you warmth and yummies and lovely conversations with your offspring!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Happy Mother’s Day to you and all mothers. Headed off to my mother’s place for her day, with cheesecake in hand.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’ll send your wish to my mother.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Happy Happy Mother’s Day.

jca's avatar

I’m going to my parents’ house later, probably bringing some flowering hanging baskets from the local farm. Happy Mother’s Day too all the mothers out there! All mothers are inspiring in some way or another, to me.

Brian1946's avatar

I know we’re not supposed to name names, but since most rational people won’t be hurt by not being recognized as mothers because they know I have a limited memory, I wish a Happy Fluthermothers’ Day to @jca, @canidmajor, @janbb, Dutchess_III, Coloma, linguaphile, YARNLADY, AmWiser, jonsblond, augustlan, Seaofclouds, and any other Fluthermother who had to bond with some Fluthermotherfucker.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Happy Mother’s Day to all Fluther mothers. An especially big hug to those of us who would love to spend time with our mum but can’t for various reasons and to those whose mums may still be around but were less than perfect at mothering.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh man, that cheesecake was awesome. We had an excellent day.

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