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Kardamom's avatar

Do you like pickles?

Asked by Kardamom (33430points) May 11th, 2015

I’ve been “quick pickling” a lot of different veggies lately and a couple of my friends have been making fermented kimchi. I love pickles, not just cucumbers, but all sorts of veggies.

My basic quick pickle recipe is to cut up carrots, radishes, and cauliflower, put them into a lidded mason jar with rice vinegar and some chopped garlic. They’re good to go the next day. No salt necessary. I’ve also added sweet peppers, jalapeƱo peppers and golden beets. So far everything has been super yummy.

What is your favorite brand of pickles? I’m partial to Bubbies.

Do you have any good recipes for pickled veggies?

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13 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I like dill pickles.
I also like sweet pickles chopped in tuna fish salad and thousand island dressing.
I really like what my grandmothers called bread and butter pickles.

I love kim chee. I used to work with a guy who was married to a Korean woman who made wonderful, really hot kim chee, and he used to bring me some when she made it.

I like pickled okra, pickled green beans, pickled asparagus, and pickled onions.

I’m sure I would love your homemade vegetable pickles.

cazzie's avatar

I really want to make kimchi this summer. It is meant to be quite healthy. I love pickles of all sorts. Condiments are my favorite food.

janbb's avatar

I’m partial to Bubbies too since I am one.

talljasperman's avatar

Gerkins and califlower.

Pachy's avatar

I’m passionate about kosher dills, as well as half dills and tomatoes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

NO! Except in potato salad. I take the pickles off my McD’s hamburger to this day.

ucme's avatar

Fun factoid: Pickles the dog found the abandoned Jules Rimet (World Cup) after it had been stolen in 1966. That pickles I like.

rojo's avatar

No, never have.

JLeslie's avatar

Yup. Kosher dill and half sour. Just to fit the stereotype. LOL. I make what my mom calls half pickles by using the juice if store bought pickles to make new pickles that aren’t as salty. I like Claussen in the refrigerator section. Best is what they put out in the Jewish delis.

kritiper's avatar

Yes, big dill pickles. Eat a dill before you go to bed and you’ll remember your dreams in the morning!

Only138's avatar

I like dill pickles…only. I HATE sweet pickles. BAH.

reijinni's avatar

yuck! Never liked them.

Kardamom's avatar

I recently discovered Tsukemono (pickled Japanese vegetables). Now I’m totally addicted.

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