What is the correlation between income and intelligence?
Picked income and not wealth to eliminate those who are born rich.
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15 Answers
This is the perfect Q for Wandaywatta. He would know the real stats most likely.
I would guess there is a correlation, that the more intelligent the more likely to make a lot of money, but there are all sorts of people who would be outside of the line on the graph. Some very intelligent people don’t have the ambition, persistence, opportunity, or desire to pursue large incomes. Some people who have very average intelligence find a niche, work hard, and make lots of money.
Anything can happen. Hard work is the most important thing in my mind.
There is none. Many very intelligent people do not care about making money.
Are all self made millionaires extremely intelligent or just ruthless? I just don’t see a dumb person making a million dollars.
@Dutchess_lll Boxers can make lots of money to use their head as a punching bag.
There is that. I guess that would apply to all pro-athletes. They can be dumb as a box of rocks but still rake in millions.
Not all millionaires are ruthless.
On the other end of the spectrum you have people like Gregori Perelman, who turned down a million dollars after solving the Poincare Conjecture, a 100-year-old open problem in topology.
“I’m not interested in money or fame; I don’t want to be on display like an animal in a zoo.”
I gots me a few smarts. I find some coins from time to time.
Some dumb people have “dumb luck” or marry into to it.
I have met and worked with people that had one good idea and were paid for it. They could not do their taxes or balance a checkbook.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
- Calvin Coolidge
There is none, same as with the mods here, some questions are pulled for minor grammatical errors, while others…you misspelled correlation, remain untouched.
Footballers are multi millionaires & are thick as shite, nuff sed.
I agree with @marinelife There are plenty of intelligent people that don’t care to play the success game.
Lots of gifted underachievers but this doesn’t make them any less intelligent.
There probably is a correlation, but it must be next to impossible to demonstrate It. There are just too many variables. The peculiar thing about intelligence is that is so often accompanied by other quirks and limitations. All of us know people of great intellect who can’t balance a checkbook. And we are certainly in an age when dull witted people can inherit great fortunes. I tend to think that the relationship between people and money should be viewed the same as that of people and music. There are those born with a genius for it, and others who are tone deaf. Most can learn and improve with practice and discipline. The advantage financially to intelligent people is that so often the things about which they are passionate turn out to be worth a pile of money. But then again, there are those whose gifts curse them financially. Ask anyone in the arts.
Here’s an interesting study that concluded that math and reading skills trumped many other factors determining socioeconomic status.
I also think that intelligence has to be measured according to Daniel Goleman’s Theory of Emotional Intelligence
There is so much that goes into success in the professional world other than IQ. As others have said, the motivation to have money,to strive for financial success. Is the person comfortable with little and therefore unmotivated to sacrifice time and effort to making more money? Do they already have enough to feel “comfortable”?
Also, social skills and personality factor largely, in some fields more than others. The opportunities of education and home environment are sometimes a major factor too.
I think it’s important to find the right fit between aptitudes, predispositions and weaknesses. Some people are lucky and find the right profession and the right position, that is, the “right fit”. Others seek it all their lives and their talents go to waste. A real shame. With a little guidance some people would do so much better. For others, a personality transplant might work, lol.
There are so many socioeconomic factors in play that there’s no correlation between income and intelligence.
There has to be a 3rd factor for success. Cunning, drive, ego…
Compare Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Bill Clinton.
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