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Kardamom's avatar

If you were to invent a snack food, what would it be like?

Asked by Kardamom (33583points) May 12th, 2015

There are lots of snacks on the market. Is there something that you’ve been craving and hoping would be marketed? Is there a snack food niche that has gone un-filled?

This is a two tiered question. You are now a food and product designer.

Part 1: What snack food would you like to see in stores/restaurants in general? Maybe it’s something healthy that also tastes good. Maybe you don’t care if it’s healthy or not, as long as it fills you up and leaves a smile on your face.

Part 2: What snack food would you like to see in stores/restaurants if you didn’t have to worry about calorie content, fresh ingredients, price constraints, or any other barriers to your enjoyment of said snack? You can go crazy here if you want.

Chocolate covered pork rinds? Nacho cheese flavored cupcakes? You tell me.

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20 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh god, I went to NSFW so fast on this one. I’m almost embarrassed but not quite.
Edit: Well one of your tags is fantasy snacks.

chyna's avatar

I want to be able to buy the stuff only that is in the center of an Oreo cookie.

talljasperman's avatar

Hot and gooy. Like warm rice crispy Squares.

marinelife's avatar

I wish that frosting in a can tasted better and that it came with spoon.

gorillapaws's avatar

Cheetos that don’t turn your fingers orange.

talljasperman's avatar

Empty Dortioes bags for licking

zenvelo's avatar

Crisp salty sweet, like a cross between a barbecue potato chip and cracker jacks, with the nutrition of a handful of unsalted pistachios.

ucme's avatar

Gypsy tears frozen on a stick

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Crunchy, salty things. If they can be made low-cal and reasonably healthy – fabulous. I doubt it though.

Other than that, perhaps some salted caramel ice cream flavoured biscuits.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The creative juices just aren’t flowing when it comes to responding to this question. If anything, I would prefer that healthier options were available in vending machines at the same prices as junk food.

johnpowell's avatar

This is so very easy. Take the form of a Totinos Pizza Roll. But instead of crust and filling waffle cone wrapper and mint chocolate chip ice cream on the inside. Like a wafflecone bon-bon.

anniereborn's avatar

@talljasperman I think they already make those. You just have to get rid of the Doritoes first.

ibstubro's avatar

Part 1:
I wish Kettle Brand Baked came in flavors, or that someone would pirate the recipe and discover a way to make them that is cheaper than frying. I find KBBaked moew satisfying than traditional potato chips. (They could stand to wad them up a little but, though. lol)

Part 2:
These at a drive-in (not _thru) at no more than $2 for 5.
Lemme have a small order of cheese chips with that.
Hold the calories on this section, of course.
Something to soak up the excess butter, and I’m good.

I don’t have to invent when I can dream and browse!

Kardamom's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Is This (NSFW) what you had in mind?

@chyna I never did like the middle part of Oreos. Too sweet for my taste, and the chocolate cookie part is too bitter. I’m more of a Chips Ahoy kinda gal : )

@talljasperman That would be good, to have them warm.

@marinelife It’s too bad they can’t make a canned cake frosting that tastes more like homemade. The stuff in the cans is like butter cream frosting, which I don’t really like. I prefer the kind that’s made with whipped cream, or the cream cheese stuff they put on carrot cake. They should make those frostings in tubes so you could just squeeze it right onto your partner tongue.

@gorillapaws I always thought that the orange sticky dust on your fingers was just the second part of that snack. You know, like sloppy seconds.
God, I didn’t just go there.

@zenvelo Don’t we all wish. Yummy without adding to the tummy.

@ucme Would those gypsy tears come in different flavors?

@Earthbound_Misfit Now you’re talking! Flavored biscuits. I love your flavor idea, but this actually sounds like a real idea that might work.

@Pied_Pfeffer Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I have heard of a new-ish company that is marketing vending machines to offices that are more like catering companies. They provide fresh salads and sandwiches and soups, and they get delivered to the machines on a daily basis. The people that work in the offices get to choose which items will be stocked in the machines. I think that is a great idea, especially for those offices which are not close to restaurants or don’t give a full hour for lunch. Here is one of those Vending Machines

@johnpowell That actually sounds like a dessert that might be served at a high end restaurant. Yum.

@anniereborn Maybe they could market a new product called Doritos Dust which would just be a bag of the seasoning. They could package it like they do with Pixie Stix

@ibstubro Not only do I like your ideas, I like the price point too.

So while I was reading all of your guys’ yummy ideas, several popped into my head.

Vegetarian Monte Cristo bite sized snacks served with a strawberry horseradish dipping sauce.

Bags of crispy dried Tsukemono

Bags of Indian Papadum chips served with packets of Tamarind and Coriander Chutney in packets
like they have for ketchup and Taco Bell hot sauce.

Packets of freeze dried pickled jalapeño slices.

Savory cookies such as sun dried tomato, basil pesto and pinenuts, and olive and feta.

And last, but not least, frozen sour cream balls on a stick.

ucme's avatar

@Kardamom Of course, Bitter/Salty/Sweet…take your pick.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Kardamom Now that’s a buffet I could spend a long long time on.

Pachy's avatar

Mini-corned beef sandwiches.

marinelife's avatar

@Kardamom I do like buttercream frosting, but still don’t like the stuff in cans. I so wish it tasted like homemade! Tubes, good idea. Obviates the need for a spoon.

Kardamom's avatar

@marinelife It seems as though someone has beat us to the Punch

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