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fundevogel's avatar

What is Romance?

Asked by fundevogel (15511points) May 12th, 2015

I know it’s signified with things like roses and candles and goofy music, but that’s all performative.  I get the feeling that there must be more to it, something internal or emotive, but the nearest emotions I can relate to (fondness, affection, love) all seem complete and satisfying on their own.

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7 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Romance is the chemical haze that follows meeting someone you are first attracted to. That phase passes and, if you’re lucky, it settles into a deep and abiding love.

But romance can still happen. My husband spontaneously bringing me flowers or picking out a very endearing card.

johnpowell's avatar

I think it is as simple as showing you care when you don’t really have to.

Valentines day is in no way romantic. A back-rub when you have a shit day is romantic.

anniereborn's avatar

When your husband nicely puts up with hearing the same Broadway Cast recording day after day because you have an audition coming up :)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s when your partner is happy with the shit you are doing for her.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Romance is more of a process than anything else. Romance is like the byproduct of love and lust. It is the process of getting the person you are fond of to see things in lime manner towards you. One can go through all the ”acts of love” but not be romantic because their motivation is not the heart of the other person.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It is an affliction common to the love struck. The primary symptoms involve the loss of good judgement and suspension of common sense. Victims are readily identified by their lowered resistance to marketing pathogens and predilections toward trance-like mushy stupors.

fundevogel's avatar

Seems like romance might be the je ne c’est quoi of love. Little love buzz, little schmoopiness, little kindness, little courtship. Depending on who’s defining.

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