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Cosmos's avatar

Does the use of cosmetic makeup make a woman a liar?

Asked by Cosmos (648points) May 14th, 2015

If a woman uses cosmetic makeup to change the way she looks is that a way that she is lying to the world?
A woman might use a cosmetic to hide an unsightly blemish on her face. She may use something to make her cheeks a (pinker?) healthier colour. She may use mascara to accentuate her eyelashes, making herself look more attractive. etc .

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21 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

You forgot the push-up bra… That is the real crime. ~

ZEPHYRA's avatar

No, if used in the normal way, it just adds color and lifts the mood a bit. Nothing wrong with that. What IS wrong is the illusion of beauty those top models create. When you see them on a regular day out, besides the skeletal body, they are less than average looking.

Examples – except for the last pic, the rest are a disappointment.

Mimishu1995's avatar

When you decorate your house is that a way you are lying to the world?

ragingloli's avatar

Why limit it to makeup and females?
Any sort of sensory enhancement is a form of deception, both done by males and females.
A fancy haircut, expensive clothes, jewellery, shaving off or trimming your beard, shaving your legs, pits and nether regions, and even masking your natural odor via perfume, antiperspirant, aftershave, body spray or taking regular baths and showers, they all serve to construct an artificial image of yourself to match the expectations that society and culture has of you, which your natural self could never hope to meet by itself.

canidmajor's avatar

Do you wear clothes, @Cosmos? Not just perhaps a blanket to cover your nudity as required by law, but actual, situationally appropriate, manufactured garments?

I’m sorry you don’t much like women, most of us are lovely people. The operative word here is “people”.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s more about the men being testosterone filled dogs.

jca's avatar

When a man wears a tailored suit that gives the impression he has wider shoulders than he really has, and a pot belly hidden by the suit jacket, is he a liar, too?

LostInParadise's avatar

Here is another way of looking at it. Suppose someone (male or female) has a blemish on their face. When that person interacts with others, that blemish becomes a distraction that interferes with any communication. Why not just cover up the blemish and avoid any awkwardness?

Pachy's avatar

No more than anything else one uses, does or wears to make herself OR himself feel more confident and hence attractive. That would include clothing and hair styles.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do mens’ hairpieces make them liars?

David_Achilles's avatar

If a person has a tattoo do you assume they were born with it? No, of course not. It’s something they decided to do to their body for whatever reason. It’s an artifice, it’s not “natural” but is it a lie? No, of course not. That example is so obvious, but it illustrates a point.

We all do things to our bodies to maintain health, improve our looks and express ourselves.

If you ask a woman “Do you dye your hair?” and she does but she says no, then she is lying.

If you ask a woman “Did you have a breast augmentation?” and she did but she says no, then she is lying.

If you ask a woman “Do you have makeup on?” and she does, but she says no, then she is lying.

Et cetera, et cetera.
If you feel that only “natural” beauty is “real” beauty that’s your business and like everyone you have a right to your opinion. But personally I wouldn’t blame anyone who is asked those sorts of questions for saying “None of your damn business”.

After all, why is it so important to you and why do you have to know? What a person does with their body is their right and why should they care if you feel deceived?

People don’t have to pass your reality meter. You have to accept them as they present themselves. You are allowed to like it or dislike it. You are allowed to think there is such a thing as “real” beauty and “fake” beauty. I find it rather silly and superficial of you to call it a lie and a deception.

Why don’t you try getting to know the “real” person. Look into their eyes and see beyond physical appearance. Enjoy the fact that it takes all kinds of people to make up this world. Some women like wearing makeup and some don’t. To each his/her own.

josie's avatar

No more than bathing makes people liars

cazzie's avatar

What, in your mind, is she lying about and why is it important to you?

RocketGuy's avatar

What if this had been true?:

Ugly woman gets extensive cosmetic surgery, gets married to a wealthy guy, then has ugly kids.

cazzie's avatar

Make up does not equal cosmetic surgery. Also….. link broke.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pink cheeks mimic the sexual arousal blush.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Reminds me of Michael Jackson, @RocketGuy. He tried and tried to be more white, but if he’d had kids of his own they’d be just as black as he was originally. So, he adopted some white kids.

thorninmud's avatar

Only if she says, “I’m not using cosmetic makeup.”

Adagio's avatar

A white-liar perhaps? ~

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Women and makeup, if it is to accentuate or augment what she already has, there is no deception, if she is trying to create something that isn’t there or doesn’t exist in the manner she is displaying it, then there is deception. Trying to equate it to decorating a house of shaving is a chuckle to me, It is one thing top decorate a house to dress up what is there, and another thing all together to try and putty and paint over dry rot. It is one thing to paint a tribal band or flames on your vehicle and another thing to bondo and paint the vehicle to give it the appearance that is has never been bruised or wrecked, especially of the person in possession of the vehicle alludes to the fact that it is not a cover-up. It would be like a guy wearing a fake muscle t-short and trying to pass himself as a gym rat. Wearing a rug or a fake beard or mustache would be deception. If you are wearing fake eyelashes that one can tell are fake, no deception, if you are wearing fake eyelashes that are supposed to look real and you are trying to pass them as your own, that you grew, deception. fake boobs, definitely a deception.

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