Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Why hasn't Bill Gates tried to take over the world yet?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) May 16th, 2015

Is he really that good of a philanthropist or is it a cover for when Windows 10 takes over the world?

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7 Answers

kritiper's avatar

If world domination is what he’s after, hasn’t he already done it? He’s one heck of a better philanthropist than J.R. Simplot was!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

How do you know he hasn’t??
And I still prefer a Mac.

ibstubro's avatar

He’s the perfect lord and master of a world that he and Melissa created.

Why the hell would he want to insert himself in the wider religious/social/economic disaster that the rest of the world represents.? Rulers sometimes have to be ruthless, and I think Bill has remade himself into a good stinking rich, pampered, self-satisfied man.

Good for him. If I could have any job in the world, his would be it. I want to find the most cost effective ways to piss away~ billions doing the most good for my fellow humankind as possible.

To be blasphemous about it, isn’t that sort of like asking why God hasn’t left Heaven to take the reins on the Earth?

Berserker's avatar

Doesn’t that bitch own a piece of the moon? Because he just don’t get it, man. He may have paid for a piece of the moon that now belongs to him, but he hasn’t been on it. And even if he does travel up there, the fuck’s he gonna get done? Meanwhile, I can look up at the moon and see it, for free. Doesn’t cost me a single dime.

He is too weak! Only Skeletor can rule the world and give it meaning.

Berserker's avatar


1TubeGuru's avatar

He is sitting back and watching the Koch brothers try to take over the United States.

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