If distracted drivers are the main cause of most auto accidents...(rest in details)
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May 16th, 2015
And no one is really a bad driver, just distracted.
What is the answer to get people to pay attention while driving?
Fines don’t seem to work, bigger fines don’t work any better, so what’s the answer?
I know, the DEATH PENALTY! maybe that will get people to start paying attention?
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12 Answers
No, some drivers just suck. They will never be good drivers. Other idiots try to do things other than focus on driving. They’re piloting a 3500 lb missile while doing their makeup. Huh?
@Adirondackwannabe totally agree but I have been told I am to hard on peoples driving and they are simply distracted not bad type thing.
The average person becomes a total clueless airhead behind the wheel, and add cell phones and texting to that and we have weapons of mass destruction on our highways.
@SQUEEKY2 Be hard on people for lousy driving. The road is hard enough. I was looking at my cell phone one time to see if I had service, so I could stop to call, and it totally fucked up my ability to drive. Last time I tried that. I can’t imagine texting while driving.
My cell is simply turned OFF while driving anyone that has to get a hold of me, can leave a voice mail.
Self driving cars and/or a much, much better public trans system.
So @wildpotato your saying there is no real way to get these brain dead drivers to start paying attention?
They will have to rely on self driving vehicles, or public transport, because the average person is to stupid to do it for themselves.
I don’t envy folks who drive for a living. A long time ago I made the mistake of thinking It would be cool to drive a city bus. Pay and benefits were terrific, and never a dull moment. Right? The first week of driving an actual route with my trainer on board, I saw enough to realize that it would be impossible to anticipate a career driving a bus in this town without being involved one way or another in someone’s death. I left after 5 days, and have not said a bad word about ANY bus driver since. They more than earn every dime they get.
Steering wheels that give electric shocks to keep you on your toes (as it were). Apart from mandatory breaks, I don’t think there’s anyway to make sure people are in their prime concentration zone. I don’t know that ‘distraction’ is the main cause of accidents. I see stupid people doing ridiculous things just because they’re impatient and foolhardy. Distraction would be one of the prime causes but I wonder if over-confidence is another?
There are no accidents it’s always someone’s fault.
Tests for driving licenses should be a lot harder, and administered a lot more often.
Every driving citation should trigger some form of evaluation. Unlike guns, the right to bear methods of private transportation is not in the US constitution. ~
As always, it’s an inside job. If one has zero interest in self awareness work and the focus of a mosquito well…. I catch and remind myself to pay attention if I am getting slack behind the wheel because I can be easily distracted, part of being a left handed, right brained blonde. lol
“Oooh, look at that beautiful treeeeeee….”
( Coloma goes sailing over cliff )
It takes focus and self awareness and not everyone has or is interested in monitoring themsleves and consciously noticing when they are slipping away. lol
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