@cazzie I’m just grateful not all men are like you nor have had your compulsions. Not even my horrible ex husband had those types of compulsions.
I could be grateful you do not know what compulsions I may have, but in the end, I don’t care, knock yourself out, think what you please. I am sure if there were a way to do an honest poll, more than 75% of this male collective have seen porn of some sort after the age of 13. That would include sex acts they would never be involved in.
Your complete lack of understanding of human sexuality is astounding.
Only equaled to your complete cloudiness to emotional mesmerizing effects of sex.
I have never LOOKED to see if there were prostitutes on streets I traveled.
One doesn’t really have to look, if there are hookers outside your workplace, or a street you traveled, if one is observant it sticks out like sore thumb.
It’s like…. I know there is cat and dog shit in the garden, but I’m not going to go eat it. But, you know, if that’s where your tastes run… bon appetite.
Nope, irrelevant illustration, anyhow, that is not where my taste run, but apparently if it is still here decades later (as with porn in general) enough people enjoy it.
@Adirondackwannabe Dude, know when to quit digging. The hole is getting deeper.
What might appear as a hole to one is in actuality a tunnel.
@Pied_Pfeffer I don’t know what videos you have been watching, but the one I saw (and closed before its end) had a man involved in the filming and dog’s placement process. Who is to say who owns the dog?
That would somewhat back up the claim @Coloma that the animal is being abused. If the dog has to be coaxed because he is disinterested would indicate a less than willing participant. If neither owns the dog being utilized, where would they get it from, dupe someone that they are dog walkers to get hands on someone’s precious pooch?