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longgone's avatar

What would be on your list of things to buy for a new puppy?

Asked by longgone (19875points) May 20th, 2015

Shopping for my new puppy tomorrow. He’s moving in on Saturday.

I’ve had dogs before, but I’d still like your help: What do I need?

It’s been a slightly stressful month so far, and I’m having trouble thinking clearly. Don’t want to forget anything vital.

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34 Answers

janbb's avatar

Food and water dishes
6 foot leash
training treats
kibble or other food
healthy age appropriate chews
soft toys
crate if you don’t have one
baby gates if you are not giving him the run of the place

chyna's avatar

Are you getting a puppy? Pics please!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

In addition to @janbb‘s list, a book on properly caring for its breed and appropriate supplies for dealing with accidents that occur within your abode. Please sign up for training classes. It’s also time to find a vet that you are comfortable with if you don’t already have one.

janbb's avatar

@longgone trains dogs.

Coloma's avatar

Wee wee pads. The rest has already been covered.
A folding cage/crate is nicer I think than a kennel especially for larger breeds.
I know it’s popular to crate but I think the animal should be able to move around and go to the bathroom at will.

longgone's avatar

So far, everything mentioned was already on my list – yay!

@janbb Thanks for reminding me of the crate! I have one, but I need to fetch it from the training centre, where it currently resides.

@Pied_Pfeffer Thank you, that kind of thing can’t be said often enough. I am signed up, for classes at the training centre I work with, and yep, I have a lovely vet!

@chyna Sure! I’ll post some when he’s home, follow this thread!

@Coloma Don’t worry. He’ll be sleeping in the crate, but free to move around in a gated part of the house when he’s awake.

Coloma's avatar

@longgone What kind of puppy? :-) puppy breath

longgone's avatar

A black Lab. Yep :]

Pachy's avatar

A GPS tracker !

longgone's avatar

@Pachy Oh, I hope I won’t ever need that!

@ZEPHYRA Explain, please – I’m not sure what you mean.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Oh, sorry I meant wee wee pads but that has been covered.

longgone's avatar

^ Ah! Thanks! I just ordered a very cool ID tag.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

When is doggie coming home? Cute tag. What you gonna name him?

Coloma's avatar

Are you getting him/her microchipped?
Awww…labs are nice dogs. Have fun!
Names picked out yet?

kritiper's avatar

Leash, water and food bowl, a quality puppy food like Purina Puppy Chow, a comfy bed, a crate, dog shampoo, a collar with name and address, squeaky toy, dog license, and maybe a piddle pad.

Jewel10's avatar

Don’t forget the Puppy Pads! lol And chew toys.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Another puppy. After I had two I would never have a single puppy. But they were inseparable, although my vet understood.

josie's avatar

A cage (kennel), a collar and a leash.
That is about all you need for the first two or three weeks.

stevenb's avatar

A clicker and treats. I started training my new pup pup at 6.5 weeks. Also as many chew toys in different textures as you can get. Check out Zak George on YouTube. He is on it for puppy training. Good luck!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m a bit late to this question so don’t want to repeat anything but Kongs are a god send in my house!!

I would also look into getting an activity feeder to provide mental stimulation (and always keep plastic bottles so you can make your own!)

When puppy is a bit bigger and you have a general idea of how big he will be as an adult I strongly recommend front connection harnesses like the EasyWalks.

I’ll pop back if I can think of anything else that hasn’t been mentioned already.

longgone's avatar

Thanks, all. I have everything I could need, and more. Except for the second puppy. Sorry, Wilson.

^ That’s his name.

chyna's avatar

Perfect name!

janbb's avatar

I second the Kongs but I imagine you know about them.

(Don’t you have one dog already or is Amy your sister’s?)

longgone's avatar

Thanks, @chyna.

@janbb I officially have one dog – Nerina. She’s ten. Amy, the Maltese, is my sister’s. She doesn’t live with me, but I babysit her every morning. I also often take care of dogs whose owners are out of town…Wilson will definitely have playmates around :]

wildpotato's avatar

Since the major stuff was covered above, I’ll just mention some things that are great to have but you never think of them till after you need them:

I loved our 50 ft. lead; it was fantastic for training “Come” and “Away” and helped her with obeying commands like “Sit” and “Down” from a distance.

Inflatable E-collar for his neuter surgery recuperation period. They’re much more comfy in them than in the “cone of shame.”

A set of dog booties, because your dog will cut his paw at some point. Also useful for walking on salted winter sidewalks. But not the kind that look like cut-open balloons; they can cut off circulation.

If ticks live in your neck of the woods, a set of pointed tweezers are a must. I have a black Lab/Chow mix and check her thoroughly every day – but then, I live in a forest.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

What about nail clippers? Will you drive with the dog in the car? A dog seat belt/harness might be a consideration.

stevenb's avatar

Longgone, that’s my 21 week old dogs name!he is a Burmese mountain dog/border collie mix. Huge and sweet.

longgone's avatar

@wildpotato and @Pied_Pfeffer

Thanks. I have all the things you mentioned. It’s extremely reassuring for me to go through everything I could need and realize it’s already lying around somewhere. Thanks! :)

@stevenb A _Burm_ese Mountain Dog must be quite a special breed! So cool, him having the same name!

janbb's avatar

Aww – he’s beautiful!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hard to tell if that’s throw rug or a puppy. Kidding, awesome.

longgone's avatar

^ Thank you, will pass on the compliments!

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