@Darth_Algar Simply put, your questions (and most of your answers) are tedious, nonsensical bullshit at best. At worst (and most likely) they are a reflection of your character.
And I guess how you deal with questions you do not like or have no answer to is a testament of your character.
@Coloma Lets go for some direct questions shall we?
Only if they apply to *ALL**, and pertain to the question. I could answer your questions but you will have to pay for them, if you want details to my personal life, certain questions (most) have a price, information ain’t free. You set up a vehicle for me to get paid, and I will tell you the price, and when the funds clear, fire away.
How many guys you swallowed, or let bugger you, if and how many times you may have been raped, if you liked it against your will if you were etc. are none on my business, so I would not bother to answer.
What it would “prove” is that these questions, regardless of how they originate, have a basis in reality, not just an active fantasy life or unsavory curiosity.
The questions I pose have some plausibility in reality of they are not in fact and activity actually going on. Unless you are now going to try and say no one does them and I am just making them up? Maybe it pains you that people do those things but I surely had no hand in them doing such, neither have you, but it is fair game to question.
It is our business if someone is engaging in illegal activity, of which both bestiality and pedophilia are, not that I’m expecting any true confessions, just putting the ball that @Hypocrisy_Central tossed @syz back into his court.
I don’t engage in illegal activities, be they secular or Spiritual (maybe some people spurs me to slip in the Spiritual but I take it to the altar). Another, if it is between me and another, then you are not even in the game. Lastly, if I am in a game made special for me and not for everyone, then I get to dictate the salary and there is no cap. My bat doesn’t swing without an MBA (Massive Bank Account). Think what you will, you want answers you can get them, if you have enough green.
@Pied_Pfeffer I don’t see the point of asking @Hypocrisy_Central either of those questions. What will it prove? Besides, it isn’t any of our business whether he has or hasn’t.
It isn’t ,just as you guy’s personal life is no one’s business, when someone mentions they have an STD or taking a colonoscopy, I just say to myself TMI, I really don’t care to know those details of another Jelly and surely would not ask. It is a diversion tactic to avoid the question.
It is a question of curiosity regarding why it might be acceptable in this particular case.
I wonder how many people actually watched the video all the way. At one point Mr. Duffy alluded to a fact that it is a highly catholic environment and the girls don’t put out like here in the US which leaves the young men there with a long standing case of ”blue balls”, so it is not a far stretch to think chaste girls = not sex for the guys, the remedy, substitute with a donkey. More girls putting out, = less need for a substitute (aka the donkey). Coupled with the fact here, no one boinks animals (or admits it) because there are enough humans who would let you dip your wick in their honey pot.