General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

What, if anything, does the pro-same-sex marriage vote in a Catholic country like Ireland mean for the votes of the five Catholic Supreme Court justices in the US?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33649points) May 23rd, 2015

Theoretically, the Supreme Court makes judgments based on the law, and not on their personal religious views. Theoretically.

But we all know that isn’t strictly true, especially on a contentious issue which has religious overtones, like same-sex marriage and abortion and stem sell research.

Now Ireland – a largely Catholic republic – has apparently given a strong thumbs up to legalizing same-sex marriage.

Will this have any effect on Catholic members of the Supreme Court?

(My guess is NO, but you can never tell)

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8 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Nothing. They made up their minds years ago.

JLeslie's avatar

All my Catholic American friends are in favor of gay marriage. Somehow, there are still some Catholics who aren’t. I don’t know any of those Catholics personally and it’s hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact that they exist.

I don’t know where the Catholic Supreme Court justices stand on gay marriage, but I would hope they listen to arguments with as fair of an open mind as possible and follow the constitution. I think most educated Catholics, especially those who have been here over 40 years, know what it is like to be a minority in our country, and I think that keeps them relatively careful about protecting civil rights.

I don’t think what happens in Ireland effects their decision at all.

zenvelo's avatar

Ireland doesn’t represent the Catholic Church anymore than Benjamin Netanyahu does. And neither does the US Supreme Court.

If the five Catholic Justices voted along the lines of the Vatican, they would have abolished the death penalty and voted against Citizens United years ago.

marinelife's avatar

I would say no.

osoraro's avatar

SCOTUS is less concerned with religious implications of their faith and more worried about the autonomy of the States.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think your guess is a good one.

cazzie's avatar

Firstly, Ireland used a public referendum to decide something that is based on human rights. That, in itself, is questionable. Having said that, there is nothing to parallel what happens in European (Old World) politics that equivocate changes in the US. The US still has the death penalty.

rojo's avatar

Not a goddam thing. In fact their are those out there who will insist that we should adopt just the opposite position because we should not allow thoughts, actions or ideas that originate outside the US borders to influence us in any way, shape, form or fashion.

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