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What are some movies without antagonists?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) May 23rd, 2015

Most movies always have an enemy in some way or another. Or maybe I think that because I watch a lot of horror and fantasy, but lately I’ve been expanding my horizons for movies, and there is often an enemy. Seems weird that most movies are about conflict.

But I know this is not always the case. Have any examples of movies without villains, bad guys or antagonists? I’m not interested in how the bad guy is presented. Black and white version of good and evil, product of his times or whatever, this doesn’t matter. We all recognize antagonism in a movie when we see it. What are some movies without bad guys? I guess maybe some romance movies don’t always have bad guys, but even then there is often some opposition, like a character getting in the middle of the romance.

Also, I’m not interested in television shows.

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