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janbb's avatar

Am I coming into some money or just have allergies?

Asked by janbb (63372points) May 24th, 2015

I’ve had itchy palms off and on for a few weeks. Not big welts or anything like poison ivy – although I thought at first it might be – just itchy, mottled palms off and on. I assume it’s an allergic reaction but don’t think I’m doing anything new. I’m eating more blueberries but that’s about it. Anyone have ideas? Of course, if it persists, I’ll go to a dermatologist, but it’s so non-specific and not terrible yet, just an annoyance, that I’d rather wait a bit.

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33 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

If you are not expecting money from anywhere must be the spring air bringing on allergies. Unless you are going gambling…......

chyna's avatar

Play the lottery!

JLeslie's avatar

I hope it’s big money for you!

The obvious allergy would be new hand soap, new hand lotion, or that your hands are unusually dry for some reason.

I’m still hoping for the money! When you win it will be nice that your ex won’t be entitled to a penny.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Of course it means you’ll soon be rolling around in money. It’s gratifying to know that you will remember your faithful and true friends here and share your “blessings” accordingly.

Pachy's avatar

Sorry, m’ dear, much as you’re itchin’ to get rich (wishful itchin’?), I wouldn’t go make any large financial commitments till you see the derma man. ;-)

Of course I do like @stanleybmanly‘s comment.

auntydeb's avatar

Hey @janbb – though not very serious, the itching might point to something that could be. An ordinary doctor might be a best first port-of-call, get your Blood Pressure checked and a simple urine test for sugars… B vitamins can produce itching and tingling in extremeties, Diabetes and Hypertension have skin/peripheral nerve effects… Please look after yourself.
I was under the impression that only one palm should itch if finance is the issue. Never can remember if it’s right for winning and left for paying out or vice versa… Hope you are ok – and due some riches…!

janbb's avatar

I really am more concerned about it as a possible allergic reaction to something than the possibility of winning the lottery.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Now now penguin, let’s not drift from the matter at hand, your forthcoming benevolence.

janbb's avatar

Oh jeez – look what I started! Having to share all my ill-gotten gains with my sycophantic friends. My kingdom for a dermatologist.

chyna's avatar

I really hope it’s the lottery because here in my state it takes at least 4 to 6 months to get in to see a dermatologist. Will you be needing my address if the lottery thing works for you?

janbb's avatar

@chyna Just send me your address, SS# bank account info and passwords and I’ll transfer the money directly into your account. There’s a fellow in Nigeria who’s gonna help.

janbb's avatar

This might as well be transferred to Social. (Sigh)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Still in General. What have you touched that’s different lately?

janbb's avatar

The only thing I can think of is the watering can for the hanging plants. I’m going to not use that one for a few days and see if it makes a difference.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Do you use any pesticides? Or stuff like that? Or were you weeding?

janbb's avatar

I was pruning boxwoods a few weeks ago but no pesticides or weeding per se.

JLeslie's avatar

Do you have dieffenbachia plants? They usually aren’t hanging so I’m going to assume no, but thought I would go ahead and mention it on the off chance. I know as a child I was warned to stay away because ingesting it causes the tongue and other tissues to swell and my mom worried we could stop breathing from it. I think it’s from the actual contact with the broken leaves, so if you possibly were removing old leaves it might cause a reaction on your hands I would think, but not blatant like poison ivy.

janbb's avatar

No – fuschias.

JLeslie's avatar

I just googled and that is on the child friendly list, so it isn’t poisonous or likely to cause swelling if the list is accurate. Although, anyone can be allergic to anything of course.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Boxwoods and fuschias aren’t high on the reactive list. And you’re in NJ, so maybe some type of pollen coming out now?

janbb's avatar

I think that’s a good possibility. Lots of pollen around. The oaks are a gift that keeps on giving.

JLeslie's avatar

It seems like itchy palms would be more likely to be contact dermatitis than an airborne pollen allergy. I know very little about allergy though. I would think a pollen allergy would cause itchy eyes and throat and that sort of thing before palms reacting.

ibstubro's avatar

I started out reading all the answers, then dropped down to add this bit of information.

For the past several years my hands have been sensitive to abrasion. If something rubs in a spot for a while, that raises red bumps that itch. If I scratch the bumps, they form tiny pustules at the top like pimples. If I pop the pustules, the itch is nearly chronic.

I’ve (almost) learned not to scratch my hands and what I thought was a chronic problem is now annoying at worst.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie Yeah, that’s what’s so perplexing.

JLeslie's avatar

Let us know if you figure it out. I hope it just disappears and you hit the big numbers.

longgone's avatar

[Mod says]: Moved to Social with OP’s permission.

janbb's avatar

Update: Hasn’t bothered me for weeks but I was doing some weeding yesterday and now they itch again. Something in the yard must irritate them. Note to self: Wear gloves when gardening.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And the money, dear penguin?

janbb's avatar

Didn’t happen!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Holdin out on us?

janbb's avatar

The check is in the mail.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Im going immediately to the mail box to pant and drool accordingly.

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